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male violence monitoring report
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Men Kill 14 Women in March
Trans women constituted 7 percent and refugees/immigrants constituted 11 percent of 83 women who were subjected to violence by men. At least 39 girls were sexually harassed.
6 April 2018
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill at Least 25 Women in February
11 percent of the 98 violence/murder cases against women and girls covered by the media targeted immigrant/refugee women.
15 March 2018
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
bianet to Sustain Journalism Training at biaOkul
The new address of IPS Communication Foundation’s journalism seminars and workshops biaOkul, and Infographic of Male Violence Monitoring Report 2017 has been introduced with a cocktail.
6 March 2018
Male Violence Infographic 2017
Banners of male violence monitoring report whose media browsing was carried out by Begüm Baki and which was prepared by Çiçek Tahaoğlu, were designed by Cem Dinlenmiş.
1 March 2018
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill At Least 290 Women and 22 Children in 2017
Men killed at least 290 women; 22 girls and 34 men who were near the women at the time of the incident; raped 101 women; harassed 247; sexually abused 376 girls; injured 417 women in 2017.
1 March 2018
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 13 Women, 2 Children in January
Men killed at least 13 women, two children and two men who were next to the women at the moment of the murder in the first month of 2018.
8 February 2018
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 31 Women in December
Men have killed 31 women, five girls and two men who tried to prevent murders in December. Two women heavily wounded “survived by feigning death”.
12 January 2018
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 15 Women, 3 Girls in November
Men killed at least 15 women, three girls and seven men in November. 20% of the women were killed for attempting to break up or divorce, or rejecting the proposal to recommence the relationship.
9 December 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill At Least 240 Women in First 10 Months of 2017
According to bianet’s Male Violence Monitoring Report, men killed 240 women (23% for seeking divorce/break up) and sexually abused 286 girls (4% with mental disabilities) in the first 10 months of 2017.
23 November 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 31 Women in October
32% of women have been killed by men whom they attempted to divorce or break up; 6% by men whom their daughters attempted to divorce. Two of the murdered women were refugee.
9 November 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 28 Women in September
Men killed at least 28 women, raped seven others, sexually harassed 29 women, sexually abused 22 girls and injured 28 women. 21% of the women who were killed by men, were migrants and refugees.
6 October 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 13 Women in August
Men killed 13 women in August. 23% of the women were killed for seeking divorce/break up. In three femicide cases, the men tried to make the murder look like a suicide. 21 girls were exposed to sexual abuse. Two of them were refugees from Syria.
12 September 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 20 Women in July
In July, at least three women were exposed to harassment/violence in July on the pretext of the way they dressed. With the start of school holiday, child abuse cases moved from schools to quran courses.
3 August 2017
Men Kill 18 Women, 1 Girl in June
According to news reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites and agencies, men have killed 18 women and one girl and two men who attempted to prevent the murders; raped at least seven women; harassed 51; sexually harassed 20 girls; injured 44 women.
11 July 2017
Men Kill 29 Women, 3 Girls in May
Men killed 29 women; three girls and five men; injured four men and one child in May. 17% of the women were killed for attempting to break up or divorce, or for rejecting the proposal of marriage.
9 June 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 19 Women in April
According to bianet male violence monitoring report, 16% of the murders occurred in public places in the glare of publicity including shopping mall, hotel lobby, in the middle of the street.
11 May 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 29 Women in March
According to bianet’s male violence monitoring report, 38% of the women who were murdered attempted to divorce or break up. 27.5% of the femicides took place in public places including workplace, in front of the house, park or on the street.
11 April 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 24 Women in February
Men have killed 24 women in February 2017. 29% of these women had attempted to divorce. 12.5% of the murders were committed openly in the middle of the street.
6 March 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 29 Women in January
Men have killed 29 women in January. Two of the murdered women were Syrian refugees. Four trans women have been attacked; 27 girls have been abused in January.
14 February 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Male Violence 2016 Infographic
bianet is publishing its male violence tally in the form of infographic.
3 February 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
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Men Kill At Least 261 Women, Girls in 2016
Men killed 261 women and girls; raped 75 women; harassed 119 women; sexually abused 417 girls; injured 348 women in 2016.
3 February 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu,Begüm Baki
Men Kill 19 Women in December
Men have killed 19 women and two men next to them in December. 47% of the women were killed for seeking divorce/break up or rejecting the proposal to reconcile. 26% of the murders took place in public areas.
11 January 2017
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 21 Women in November
14% of the women have been killed for seeking divorce. 25 girls have been subjected to sexual abuse in November and 60% of these incidents have taken place at schools.
5 December 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill at Least 236 Women, Abuse 368 Girls in First 11 Months of 2016
Men have killed 236 women, raped 71 women, sexually abused 368 girls between January 1, 2016-November 20, 2016.
23 November 2016
Men Kill 23 Women, 2 Girls in October
Men have killed 23 women and two girls. 28% of women have been killed for seeking divorce/break up or turning down offer for reconciliation.
8 November 2016
Men Kill 20 Women in September
35% of the murders took place because women sought divorce, refused the offer of reconciliation or proposal to live together. 15% of the murders occurred in public places.
13 October 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
bianet'i sosyal medyada takip edin,
önce siz öğrenin.
bianet bültene abone olun
Men Kill 22 Women in August
According to data collected by bianet, 23% of women who were killed and 17% of women who were severely injured in August wanted a divorce. Attacks against trans women increased. With the closure of schools, cases of sexual assault against female children decreased.
8 September 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 18 Women in July
11 of the murders have been committed despite a protection order. 11% of the women have been killed for seeking divorce and 16% murdered by their ex-husbands.
3 August 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 22 Women in June
Men have raped 10 women and sexually abused 47 girls. There are teachers and vice principal among the abusers.
14 July 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 17 Women in April
According to 51 harassment cases from 29 cities appearing in media in April, at least 155 women and girls have been subjected to harassment. 67% of the harassment reports are from education institutes.
6 May 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Men Kill 28 Women in March
Men have killed 28 women and the five men beside them. 14% of the murders have been committed on the street. The murderers of three women could not be identified. Three women have (or claimed to have) committed suicide.
6 April 2016
Men Kill 23 Women in February
According to the bianet’s Male Violence Monitoring Report, 26% of the women have been murdered for wanting to divorce/break up, 8% for rejecting relationship offer. One out of every four murders have been committed on the street.
3 March 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu