Men Kill 23 Women in February

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According to the data bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers as well as news websites and agencies, men have killed 23 women in February, have raped 16 women and girls, have forced 73 women to sex work, exposed violence on 26 women and have sexually harassed 11 women and girls.
In the first two months of 2016 men have killed at least 53 women, raped 23 women and girls, have forced 94 women to sex work, have exposed 56 women to violence and sexually harassed 24 women and girls.
Men have killed 23 women and eight men near them. The perpetrators of two murders have not been identified yet.
26% of the women have been killed for wanting to divorce/break up, 8% for turning down a relationship request.
One woman has been killed despite a restraining order and another one despite her application for one. Another woman, who had been killed despite a protection order, had made a complaint against her husband and consulted the police as she was being threatened with pounding and murder three days after the incident.
Two women of age 81 and 52 have been killed for resisting rape. Another one has been killed in an armed fight occurred between her relatives and men who have verbally abused her.
One out of every four murders have been committed on the street.
One of the murderers had been 16 years in prison for raping a child and another one had been 4 years in prison for first raping than injuring a woman.
35% of the women have been killed by their husbands, 17% by their lovers: One women has been killed by her brother, four by their relatives, four by their lovers, eight by their husbands, one for leaving her lover and two others for rejecting relationship offer.
74% of the murders have been committed with weapons: Two women have been killed by knife, one with a hatchet, one by choking, another one by being pounded with an object, eight with rifles and nine with guns.
Four of the murders have committed suicide, two others have attempted suicide.
The provinces where the women have been murdered are Adana (3), Aksaray (1), Amasya (1), Ankara (1), Antep (5), Bartın (1), Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Karaman (1), Kastamonu (1), Tekirdağ (1) and Tokat (1).
16 cases of women and girls raped have been exposed in the media in February.
19% of the women raped were women and girls with mental disabilities.
In 19% of the cases, women have been exposed to rape by being blackmailed with photographs.
A sports trainer who has raped two girls had forced the girls by implying that they had to be together if the girls wanted to be thinner or better volleyball players. Another women had to jump from the third floor to escape from being raped by a man who had kidnapped her over his marriage proposal being rejected. One girl who has been raped by her teacher has committed suicide.
69% of the rapists were acquaintances of the women/girls: A friend, two sports trainers, an ex-lover, an imam, a high school teacher, a man who introduced himself as a psychiatrist, a man who had been rejected, one shuttle driver of a rehabilitation center, two men contacted through social media and and four men whom they had not known earlier.
Four of the rape cases took place in locations where the women had been detained, five others in houses, one in a desolate construction site where she had been taken to by force, two in the woods where they had been taken to by force and the two others in a hotel.
Two women have been pounded after the rape.
The age of the women/girls who got raped varied between 12-57 and the age of the rapists between 17-62.
The rapists lived in the provinces of Adana (3), Aydın (1), Düzce (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (2), Kayseri (1), Kırıkkale (1) and Tekirdağ (1).
Forced to sex work
73 women have been forced to sex work in Edirne (1), Kocaeli (9), Osmaniye (3) ve Van’da (60) provinces. 72 of these women were not citizens of Turkey.
Violence - injuring
Men have injured/exposed 26 women to violence.
38% of the women have been injured with methods which could cause death.
11,5% of the violence/injury cases occurred despite protection orders.
A women who had been detained by her ex-lover saying “I will kill you here, you will end up like Münevver Karabulut, I will tear apart your body and bury it, they had found her body but will not find yours” had made seven complaints about him before who had received a restraining order and been brought to trial charged with injury. Following the last violence incident, the men had been released.
50% of the women have been exposed to violence by their husbands and lovers: One by a relative, one by her dad, one by her groom, one by her ex-fiancee, on by ex-lover, nine by their husbands, two by their neighbours, four by their lovers and three by men they had not known before.
Men have thrown one women down the balcony and pounded 14 others: in one case with a sharp object, in three cases with knives, in three others with pump rifles and two with guns. Two women have been detained by force.
The provinces where the violence and injuries have been experienced are Adana (1), Aksaray (7), Amasya (1), Antalya (2), Aydın (2), Balıkesir (1), Edirne (1), Hatay (2), İstanbul (3), Konya (1), Muğla (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1) and Yalova (1) in February.
Sexual harassment
11 cases of women and girls sexually harassed have been exposed in the media.
27% of the harassers were educators of the victims: Three girls have been sexually harassed by their educators, one by a hotel employee, one by brother-in-love, one by a man who introduced himself as a doctor and five by men who they had not known before.
One case of the harassments have taken place on an elevator, one on the metrobus stop, one at home, one on a course, on in the park, one on the street, one in public transportation.
The Provinces where the harassment cases took place were Adıyaman, Bursa, Eskişehir, İstanbul (5), Niğde and Samsun (2).
With regard to regions
In February, 149 cases of male violence, murder, murder attempt, sexual harassment, and injury were reflected in the media.
23,5% of the violence cases have occurred in Marmara, 10% in Central Anatolian, 5% in Aegea, 6% in Black Sea, 40% in Eastern Anatolian and 4,6% in South-Eastern Anatolian.
All of the 60 violence cases reported from Eastern Anatolian were releted to being forced to sex-work. (ÇT/DG)