Men Kill 28 Women in March

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According to the reports bianet has collected from national and local newspaper, news websites and agencies, men have killed 28 women, raped 12 women and girls, 21 women and girls have been forced to sex work, 63 women and girls have been sexually harassed, 39 women have been exposed to violence.
In the first three months of 2016, men have killed at least 81 women, raped 35 women and girls, 115 women have been forced to sex work, 95 others have been exposed to violence, 87 women and girls have been sexually harassed.
Men have killed 28 women and the five men as well as one baby beside them. Two of the women murdered were trans women.
18% of the women killed in March sought divorce or had rejected their ex-boyfriends’ offer to reconcile.
14% of the murders have been committed on the street.
Two of the murderers were police officers, two others were retired police officers and one was a retired colonel.
54% of the murderers were partners of the women: Two older brothers, one father, one son-in-law, one ex-husband, two ex-boyfriends, two husbands of the sibling, one ex-boyfriend of daughter, one ex-boyfriend of grandchild, 10 husbands and five boyfriends. The relation of the two trans women to their murderers have not been specified in the news.
61% of the murders have been committed with firearms. Six women have been killed with knives, three have been strangled and another one has been poisoned to death by smoke in a house set on fire.
Four of the murderers have committed and one has attempted suicide following the murder.
The ages of the murderers of women range from 20 to 62, the age of the women murdered are between 17 and 76.
The districts where women were murdered are: Ankara (2), Antep (2), Aydın (1), Erzurum (1), Hakkari (2), İstanbul (5), İzmir (3), Kocaeli (3), Konya (1), Manisa (1), Tekirdağ (1), Trabzon (2), Urfa (1), Uşak (1) and Zonguldak (2).
Men have raped one trans woman, one girl and 12 other women in March.
In the 12 rape cases reflected on the media, five rapists have been released pending trial, 11 rapists have been arrested. The judicial process regarding the rapists in four other rape cases have not been reported in the news.
The youngest rapist was 14 years old in March, who has raped his 8-year-old neighbour with mental disability in the basement of the building.
The relationship of the rapists were: In one case male friends, in another the director of a foundation to which the victim woman had applied, a real estate agent whom the victim woman had rented out, the sanitation staff working at the victim’s school, the boyfriend and a man who the victim did not know. The relation of the three women to the rapists have not been specified in the news.
The rape cases have occurred in two cases where the women were withheld, in one case in the basement of the house where the victim was living and in a vehicle, in two cases in the houses of the victims, in another case in a daily-rented apartment and on the street.
The age of rapists ranged between 14 and 50, the women exposed to rape ranged between 8 and 86.
The provinces of the rape cases were: Aydın, Balıkesir, Muğla, Edirne, İstanbul (2), İzmir (2), Kocaeli, Konya, Tekirdağ and Uşak.
Forced to sex work
In Konya, Antalya, Ankara, Adana and Balıkesir, 21 women and girls have been forced to sex work. 33% of these were not citizens of Turkey.
62% of the women and girls were blackmailed by men using pictures whom they had love affairs with.
Violence - injury
Men have inflicted violence on at least 39 women in March, 15% of whom were exposed to violence for seeking divorce. Two women have been severely injured despite the restraining order.
Every one of 10 violence cases took place on the street.
41% of the violence cases included deadly methods. Nine women have been injured with knife, two with an object, 18 others ponded up, one with a rifle and six with guns. The ex-boyfriend of one woman has kidnapped her child and another man has taken his wife and mother hostage.
51% of the women were exposed to violence by their partners: 16 women by their husbands, three others by their boyfriends, one by her fiancee, two by ex-husband, two by ex-boyfriend, one by a man whose friendship offer the victim has rejected, two by their fathers, eight by bar-staff and two by their sons. In one case the relation of the women to the man inflicting violence has not been reported on the media.
The ages of the man inflicting violence vary between 20 and 65 and of the victim women and girl between 27 and 44.
The provinces of the violence cases were Adana (2), Aksaray (2), Antalya (1), Antep (2), Aydın (2), Çorum (2), Denizli (1), Giresun (1), İstanbul (13), Kayseri (2), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Ordu (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (3), Trabzon (2), Urfa (1) and Zonguldak (1).
Sexual Harassment
Men have sexually harassed 63 women and girls in March.
73% of the women and girls have been sexually harassed by men they knew: Three by their superiors at work, one girl by the sect leader at the Quran course she had visited, one by her neighbour, two by their high school principals, one by her vice principal, six by the school staff, 27 by their teachers, three by their shuttle drivers, one by the kindergarten staff and 17 by men they did not know. In one case the relation of the victim to the harasser has not been announced.
82,5% of the harassment cases are physical harassment, 11% digital, 6% by means of exhibitionism.
17 women and girls have been harassed on the street, 29 in the school, seven on the phone, one in the elevator, two in the study center, one at the workplace, and another one at the work center. In four cases, the location has not been reported in the news.
The provinces where the women were victims of harassment were Adana (14), Antalya (3), Aydın (7), Bursa (5), Çanakkale (2), Denizli, Eskişehir (2), İstanbul (7), İzmir (8), Karaman (1), Kırklareli (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Manisa (1), Osmaniye (6), Sivas (1) and Van (2).
According to the documents
In March, 163 male violence, murder, murder attempt, harassment, sexual violence, rape and injury cases have been reported on the media.
29% of the cases were in Marmara Region, 19% in Central Anatolia Region, 19% in Aegean Region, 18% in Mediterranean Region, 8,5% in Black Sea, 3,5% in Southeastern Anatolia Region and 3% in Eastern Anatolia Region. (ÇT/DG)