Men Kill 19 Women in December

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Men have killed 19, raped three, sexually harassed nine women in December. They sexually abused 30 girls and wounded 25 women.
In 2016 men killed at least 260, raped 75 women in 2016; harassed 129 women, sexually abused 417 girls, inflicted violence on 329 women.
Men killed 19 women and two men next to them in December.
57% of the women were killed for seeking divorce/break up or rejecting the proposal to reconcile.
26% of the murders took place in public areas such as street, hospital, hotel, workplace. One of the murdered woman was forced to get married at an early age.
16% of the women were killed despite protection orders; 26% of them were being subjected to systematic violence.
68% of the women were killed by their partners or ex-partners: two women were killed by their husbands, two by their ex-lovers, 10 by their husbands, one by her husband and his family, one by her son, one by a man whom she rejected his offer to be together, one by thieves breaking into her apartment, one by a man she didn’t know.
58% of the murders were committed by firearms: Three women were killed by knife, one by being choked dead, two by torture, five by rifle, six by pistol.
The age of murderers ranged between 18 and 48 and the age of the murdered women ranged between 20 and 86.
Two men committed suicide, two others attempted to commit suicide following the murders.
The cities in which the murders took place in December are Adana (2), Antalya (1), Bolu (1), Bursa (1), Diyarbakır (1), Elazığ (1), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (2), Kayseri (1), Kırklareli (1), Kütahya (1), Mersin (2), Van (1), Yalova (2).
Three rape incidents were covered by media in December.
One woman was raped by her lover and his friends, one by a man she knew and one by a man unknown to her.
A university student woman was raped on her way to dormitory. A woman raped by her lover and his friends was left in front of a hospital by the rapists but she lost her life.
Two of the rapists were arrested.
The age of the perpetrators ranged between 23 and 35 while the age of the victims ranged between 18 and 22.
The cities in which the rape incidents took place are Adıyaman (1) and İstanbul (2).
Sex work by force
17 women were forced to sex work in December. 16 of them were not citizens of Turkey. It was stated that women’s belongings were seized and they were held through threat, and one was injured by falling down the window as she tried to escape.
The cities in which these incidents took place were Kırklareli (2), Mersin (12), Muğla (3).
Nine sexual harassment cases against women were covered by media in December.
A woman who lightly injured the harasser was detained instead of the harasser in one incident. Lawsuit was filed against a woman who was subjected to harassment on a metrobus.
A woman went to a police station after persistent verbal harassment of a man she didn’t know. At the station, the woman was harassed by some police officers saying “What were you doing in the street at 6:30 a.m.? Furthermore, you smiled at him”.
One woman was harassed by her imprisoned husband via phone, three handicapped women were subjected to verbal harassment by their teachers, three women by men they didn’t know, one by a man she just met. Identity of the perpetrator didn’t take place in media in one incident.
Two harassers were arrested, two harassers were released, legal procedure about four harassers didn’t take place in the media.
Three of the harassment cases took place at school, three on the street, one on metrobus, one at workplace, one at a law office, one by phone.
The age of the perpetrators ranged between 25 and 61 and the age of the victims ranged between 18 and 39.
The cities in which the harassment incidents took place were Adana (1), Antalya (1), Denizli (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (4), Isparta (1).
Child abuse
Men sexually abused 30 girls in December. One of the children was handicapped. 37% of the abusers were teachers, 20% were their relatives: One girl was abused by her elder brother, two by their male relatives, two by their mothers’ lovers, two by their grandfathers, one by her ex-lover, three by craftsmen in their neighborhood, one by her neighbor, two by a male market employee, two by their teachers, nine by school principals, three by men they didn’t know, one by her step-father. Identity of the perpetrator in one incident wasn’t covered by media.
37% of the sexual abuse cases took place at schools: One girl was subjected to sexual abuse in an apartment building, four in their houses, one on a vehicle she was gotten on by force, two at the market, 11 at school, one on the street, one in a deserted building she brought to by force.
24 men were arrested, two men were released on probation, one man was ruled to be tried without arrest, legal proceedings about one perpetrator didn’t take place in media.
Following the incident that an 8-year-old girl was abused by her relative for a year, the girl’s father saying that he didn’t believe in the abuse didn’t file a lawsuit against the relative.
The age of the abusers ranged between 16 and 60 and the age of the abused girls ranged between 5 and 17.
Men injured/inflicted violence on 25 women in December.
28% of the violence-injury cases took place in public areas such as street, coffeeshop, bus.
52% of the violence/injury cases were carried out by methods that could lead to death.
Five women were injured by knife, one by being thrown out of the window, 12 by being beaten, one by torture, three by gun; one woman was threatened with a gun.
61.5% of the women were subjected to violence by their partners or ex-partners: One woman was subjected to violence by her friend’s lover, two by their husbands of religious marriage, two by their ex-husbands, two by thieves breaking into their houses, seven by their husbands, one by her fiancée, one by her student, two by their sons, four by their lovers, two by men they didn’t know. Identity of the perpetrators in two incidents weren’t covered by media.
12% of the women were subjected to violence for seeking divorce/break up or rejecting the proposal to reconcile.
Among the men’s excuses for violence, there are reasons such as doing sport in the park and jealousy in addition to women seeking break up.
A 16-year-old girl was subjected to violence by her husband with whom she was forced to get married at the age of 14.
Two women murdered their husband/ex-husband who inflicted violence on the women; one man killed his father who inflicted violence on his mother.
The age of men who inflicted violence ranged between 19 and 66 and the age of the victims ranged between 16 and 65 in December.
The cities in which violence incidents took place were Adana (1), Antalya (2), Bartın (1), Çorum (2), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (3), Kastamonu (1), Kayseri (1), Kilis (1), Kocaeli (1), Manisa (2), Muğla (1), Niğde (1) and Zonguldak (1).
Distribution by regions
In total 103 incidents of violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape, forcing to sex work and injury were covered by media in December.
Of all violence cases, 23% took place in the Marmara Region, 7% in the Central Anatolia Region, 21% in the Aegean Region, 24% in the Mediterranean Region, 21% in the Black Sea Region, 3% in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, 2% in the Eastern Anatolia Region. (ÇT/TK)