bianet to Sustain Journalism Training at biaOkul

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biaOkul (biaSchool), the new address of journalism seminars and workshops organized by IPS Communication Foundation since 2000, has opened with a cocktail.
In the opening of biaOkul which is situated in bianet news center building, Infographic of Male Violence Monitoring Report 2017 was introduced as well.
From OHO to biaOkul
Speaking at the opening, bianet Co-Editor-in-Chief Haluk Kalafat said that biaOkul grounds on the program “From Classroom to Newsroom (OHO)”, and journalism trainings will be provided here and journalists will be trained.
Alankuş: We thought the time has come for becoming a school
Training advisor Sevda Alankuş told that biaOkul intends to put a brick in practicing good journalism.
“We have been providing training since 2000, we’ve been trained a lot too. We began with local press members. From 2002 to 2007, we conceptualized rights based journalism with as many as 1,500 local media workers. People started to write dissertations about rights based journalism, now everybody talks about doing rights based journalism.
“It doesn’t mean that rights based journalism wasn’t being practiced before but these studies and trainings have popularized and institutionalized rights based journalism. Rights based journalism has always been a political and an ethical choice.
“We wanted to reach communication faculties as well. There was a gap between communication faculties and journalism practice, we wanted to fill this gap. We’ve learned many things and books were published as a result of this.
“We had this feeling to become a school. I think we thought that the time has come. Turning into a school is the project of Nadire Mater, Evren Gönül and bia.
“What is going to be different in biaOkul? We were providing OHO trainings just for students of communication faculties during summer. We tried to pack everything to 10 days. Training at biaOkul will last for the whole year”.
Nadire Mater and Eren Keskin
Tahaoğlu: “With the hope that we won’t prepare the tallies”
Banners of male violence monitoring report whose media browsing was carried out by Begüm Baki and which was prepared by Çiçek Tahaoğlu, were designed by Cem Dinlenmiş.
Çiçek Tahaoğlu, Burçin Belge and Nadire Mater
Tahaoğlu told that bianet started to gather data in 2008 to disclose the tip of the iceberg since there is no official data about this subject. Tahaoğlu has been preparing the male violence monitoring report, which was initiated by Emine Özcan and Burçin Belge, since 2011.
Explaining that they have been turning the stats into infographic, Tahaoğlu stated that each pixel represents an incident in this year’s infographic.
“I wish the days when we won’t need to prepare these tallies will come”, Tahaoğlu concluded her speech. (BK/TK)