Men Kill 20 Women in July

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According to news reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites and agencies, men killed 20 women, one girl, one baby and five men who were by these women or attempted to prevent the murders; raped at least five women; harassed 25; sexually harassed 23 girls; injured 53 women.
In the first half of 2017, men killed 170 women and girls, raped 50 women, harassed 126 others, sexually abused 215 girls and inflicted violence on 237 women.
At least three women were exposed to harassment/violence in July on the pretext of the way they dressed. There was an increase in harassment and violence cases on the beaches.
With the start of school holiday, child abuse cases were seen more frequently in quran courses than schools. 43% of the girls were abused by imams in quran courses.
In the four harassment cases in which the victims were not citizens of Turkey, the harassers were tried to be lynched by bystanders. Only two of the 18 harassers were arrested.
The was an increase in self-defence cases in July, four women killed the men who inflicted violence on them, another man was killed by the brother of the woman he inflicted violence on.
Men killed 20 women, one girl, one baby and five men who were by the woman at that moment or tried to stop the murder.
Three of the murdered women were migrants (One Syrian, one Moroccan, one Ukrainian).
55% of the women were killed with knives, and other sorts of sharp objects.
Men killed one woman by hitting her on the head with a rock, nine others by stabbing, one by slitting her throat, one with a cutting object, five others with a gun and two with a riffle. In one murder case, the method of murder was not reported in the media.
65% of the women were murdered by their partners or ex-partners.
Two women were murdered by their male relatives, one by the elder brother of a friend, one by her father, two others by their ex-husbands, eight by their husbands, one by men her husband knew through work, two by their boy-friends, one by a male relative of her friend, and one by a man she knew/was friends with.
30% of the murders took place in public places such as the district bazaar, middle of the street or workplace.
One in every five women were murdered for attempting to divorce/ break up or rejecting the proposal to recommence the relationship.
One woman was killed as her mother wanted to divorce, she was murdered together with her mother.
One of the murdered women had already had a restraining order issued.
One of the murderers left the prison on permission and murdered his wife. Another murderer was convicted of raping a woman with disabilities but was released shortly after.
Two of the murderers committed suicide afterwards.
The cities in which the murders took place were: Ağrı (1), Antep (1), Çorum (1), Hatay (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (1), Kayseri (1), Konya (1), Kütahya (1), Manisa (2), Mersin (1), Sakarya (1), Tokat (1), Urfa (2).
Five rape cases were reported in the media on July.
Two of the rapists were boy-friends of the women and one other was her boss. One woman was raped by a stranger. The identity of the rapist in one case was not reported in the media.
Two of the rape cases occurred in a car, another one in a beauty saloon.
Four of the rapists were arrested, the legal procedures regarding another rapist was not covered by the media.
The provinces in which the rape cases took place are: Denizli (1), Kocaeli (1), Manisa (1), Muğla (1) and Samsun (1).
Forced sex work
At least 15 women were forced to sex work in July.
14 of these 15 women were not citizens of Turkey. Seven men who forced the women to sex work were arrested, 17 others were taken into custody.
25 harassment cases were covered by the media.
12% of the women were harassed on the pretext of the way they get dressed.
68% of the harassment incidents took place in public places such as hotel, around student dormitory, park, beach and in the middle of street.
Only two of the 18 harassers were arrested. Four harassers, who were not citizens of Turkey, faced lynch attempt.
One woman was harassed by her relative; one by security officer; one by neighbor; one by a man she knew from neighborhood; four by hotel staff; one by hotel owner; one by repairperson; two by exorcist; 14 by male strangers walking down the street.
The cities in which the harassment incidents took place are Antalya (3), Balıkesir (1), Düzce (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Manisa (1), Mersin (4), Muğla (1), Samsun (5), Trabzon (1).
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 23 girls in July.
With the end of school term, the incidents started to occur at quran courses. 43% of the girls were abused by imams at the quran courses. It was also reported that the imam opened the course beyond his authority.
13% of the abused girls were with disabilities.
One girl got pregnant due to abuse.
Four of the abuse cases were revealed after the girls spoke to their parents, another one was revealed when it was understood that she got pregnant.
10 of the 13 perpetrators were arrested, one was released on probation and the legal proceedings about the other two weren't reported in the media.
One girl was abused by her father; one by her father's friend; 10 by imams at quran courses; one by a former security officer at her school; one by a man she met on social media; six by male strangers. Identities of the perpetrators in two cases weren't covered by the media.
The cities in which the harassment incidents took place are Adana (1), Antalya (2), Aydın (4), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (5), Edirne (2), Konya (3), Kütahya (1), Manisa (1), Samsun (1), Tekirdağ (1).
Men inflicted violence on 53 women in July. 20% of the women were severely injured.
34% of the violence-injury incidents occurred in public places such as street, beach, bus, market, hospital.
Four women killed the men who inflicted violence on them. One man was killed by the brother of the woman who was subjected to violence by the man.
10% of the women were subjected to violence for attempting to divorce or break up or rejecting the proposal to recommence the relationship. One woman was injured by the husband of her daughter who attempted to divorce.
Two of the women were trans, one of them was forced to get married at early age. One man was released on probation and he seriously injured his wife.
Only six of the 45 perpetrators were arrested in the incidents in which 53 women were injured. As no legal action was taken against the two of them, police blamed the women.
45% of the women were subjected to violence by their partners or ex-partners.
One woman was subjected to violence by her relative; one by her father; one by her husband of religious marriage; two by their brothers; four by their ex-husbands; one by her ex-boyfriend; one by her daughter's husband; 16 by their husbands; seven by their neighbors; two by their clients; three by their sons; one by a bus driver; one by a man who she refused his proposal to commence a romantic relationship; two by their boyfriends; one by a man she knew; five by male strangers.
One woman was injured with axe; 15 with knife; 22 by being battered; one by being dragged with a car; one with a broken bottle; two by gun; three by rifle. One man set a fake bomb on his wife's vehicle; two women were kidnapped; three were taken hostage; two women were threatened.
The cities in which the injury-violence incidents occurred are Adana (4), Ankara (3), Antalya (3), Antep (1), Aydın (4), Bursa (2), Çanakkale (1), Çorum (3), Diyarbakır (2), Eskişehir (1), Hatay (2), İstanbul (6), İzmir (3), Kayseri (1), Kocaeli (2), Konya (1), Maraş (1), Muğla (2), Samsun (3), Siirt (3), Tekirdağ (1), Urfa (1), Uşak (1), Zonguldak (1). (ÇT/DG/TK)