Men Kill 20 Women in September

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According to bianet’s review of reports from local and international newspapers, news websites and agencies, in September men killed 20 women, raped six, harassed three, sexually harassed nine girls, /injured/inflicted violence on 22.
Following a man’s attacking a woman for wearing shorts in İstanbul, a woman was threatened by a man shouting at her “You know what happened to the woman who wore shorts” in Bursa. Three trans women were attacked in İstanbul and Ankara.
Men killed at least 195 women in the first nine months of 2016, raped 61, harassed 91, sexually harassed 320 girls, inflicted violence on 255.
Men killed 20 women and two men near them, critically wounded one woman’s husband and one woman’s parents.
In addition to these 20 murders, perpetrators of these two femicides haven’t been identified yet. Four women were found suspiciously dead. Three women committed/reportedly committed suicide.
35% of the women were killed because they sought divorce, refused the offers of reconciliation or coupling.
45% of the women were killed by their partners, 20% by ex-partners. One woman was killed by her elder brother, one by a male relative, one by her son-in-law, two by her ex-husband, two by her ex-lover, eight by their husbands, one by her neighbor, one by her client, two by the men turned down and two by their lovers.
60% of the murders were committed by firearms: Eight men killed by pistol, five by rifle, seven by knife and one by cutting her throat.
One murder was committed despite protection order. The women had called the police right before the incident asking for unit for protection.
15% of the incidents took place in a public place. One woman was killed on the street, one in front of her house and one in front of a prison.
The murderers were between 20 and 72 and the murdered women between 22 and 74.
The femicides took place in the following cities: Ankara (3), Antalya (2), Antep (1), Bolu (1), Bursa (1), Çorum (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (2), Kayseri (1), Kütahya (1), Malatya (1), Maraş (1), Mersin (2) and Urfa (1).
Six rape/rape attempts were reported in the media in September. Only for of the 12 perpetrators in six incidents were arrested.
Two of the rape incidents occurred in front of the houses where women were seized, one at her own house, one in a hotel, one on a bus and one on the street.
One of the perpetrators was a waiter, one hotel worker, one bus driver and three were strangers to women.
One of the raped women was a tourist.
The cities in which the rape incidents reported in the media were Antalya (1), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (2), Muğla (1) and Nevşehir (1).
Forcing to sex work
Men forced 11 non-Turkish citizens to sex work in Adana and Kocaeli provinces.
Three harassment cases were reported in the media in September.
One of the perpetrators of the incidents that took place in İstanbul and Konya were her boss, the other two were strangers to women.
One of the harassment incidents happened at an apartment entrance, one at a workplace and one on the street.
One of the harassers was released by the court pending a trial, a suspension order was issued on one, and the post-detention period of another harasser didn’t appear in the media.
Child abuse
Nine girl abuse incidents were reported in the media in September. In at least 33% of the abuse cases girls were raped, two girls became pregnant.
Eight men harassing the girls were arrested, one man was released by the court pending for a trial. One man was pounded by the male relatives of the girl he abused.
Two of the child abuse incidents took place at children’s homes, one at a home where the child was brought by being tricked by a gift, and one at a refugee camp.
89% of the perpetrators were known to the children: four girls were abused by their relatives, one by an imam, one by her neighbor, one by her teacher, one by her shuttle driver, one by a man stranger to her.
The child abusers were between 19 and 70.
The cities in which child abuse incidents took place were Ankara (1), Balıkesir (!), Edirne (1), Konya (1), Kütahya (1), Sakarya (1), Sivas (1), Urfa (1) and Van (1).
Violence and injury
Men injured and inflicted violence on 23 women in September. 59% of the incidents took place in a way that could lead to death.
18% of the women were injured for seeking divorce. Three trans women were exposed to hate attack.
Among the excuses to inflict violence; woman busting her husband while having a relationship with another woman, refusing the offer of coupling, ending conversations with men, wearing shorts, financial conflict.
41% of the incidents of violence took place in public places: Seven women were attacked on the street, one in a night club, one in a metrobus.
One woman was injured by a rifle despite protection order.
54% of the perpetrators were women’s partners: one woman was exposed to violence by her father, one by her coworkers, two by their ex-husbands, 11 by their husbands, one by her client, one by her lover, four by men stranger to them, one by a refused man, one by her grandchild.
Firearms were used in 32% of the violence-injury incidents: Four women were injured by pistol, three by rifle, four by knife, two by objects. 10 women were pounded up.
A man heavily wounding his husband committed suicide.
The cities in which violence-injury incidents took place were: Adana (1), Adıyaman (1), Ağrı (1), Aksaray (2), Ankara (3), Antalya (1), Aydın (1), Diyarbakır (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (4), Maraş (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1) and Trabzon (1).
Distribution by regions
In total 72 male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and injury incidents were reported in the media in September.
Of these, 32% occurred in the Marmara region, 10% in the Central Anatolia, 17% in the Aegean, 15% in the Mediterranean, 7% in the Southeastern Anatolia, 5% in the Black Sea and 4% in the Eastern Anatolia. (ÇT/TK)