Men Kill 13 Women in August

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Men killed 13 women and five men men who were by these women; raped seven; forced 61 women to sex work; harassed 35 others, sexually abused 21 girls and injured 41 women and girls in August.
In the first eight months of 2017, 183 women and girls were killed, 57 women were raped, 161 women were harassed, 236 girls were sexually abused and 278 women were exposed to violence.
In August, four trans women were attacked. Two of the trans women who were exposed to an assault, were threatened to be "burned to death like Hande Kader (a trans sex worker and activist who was burned to death in August 2016)".
In three femicide cases, the men tried to make the murder look like a suicide. It was later revealed that these three women did not commit suicide but were murdered.
In 57% of the rape cases which were covered in the media, the victims were mentally disabled.
Men killed 13 women in August.
In addition to these 13 femicides, there were four other cases in which women were murdered but the murderer could not be identified. Also, one trans woman was found dead in her apartment.
A woman exposed to systematic violence by her ex-husband whom she divorced, was treathened by her ex-husband with death.
Gülsüm Ç, thought to have gone missing in Eskişehir ten years ago, turned out in August 2017 to have been killed by boyfriend İ.B and own son İ.Ç.
69% of the women were killed by their husbands.
Seven women were murdered by their husbands through civil marriage, two others by their husbands through religious marriage, one woman was murdered by her mother's boyfriend, one by her son, another by her boyfriend, one by a man she knew/was friends with.
23% of the women were murdered for seeking divorce / break up.
In one case, the man killed his wife although she had a restraining order issued against him. In another case, the man killed his wife through religious marriage 15 days after the restraining order expired.
In three femicide cases, the men tried to make the murder look like a suicide. It was later revealed that these three women did not commit suicide but were murdered.
In 46% of the femicide cases, firearms were used. Men killed one woman by stabbing her with a melon knife, pushed one woman down from a ferry. Four men used knives, three men used a gun, three others a riffle. One woman was battered to death.
The cities in which the murders took place were: Antalya (1), Antep (1), Balıkesir (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (2), Kocaeli (2), Konya (2), Manisa (1), Sinop (1), Trabzon (1).
Seven rape cases were reported in the media in August.
57% of the women who were raped, were mentally disabled. One rape victim was not a citizen of Turkey.
Six of the rapists were arrested, one rapist was released on probation. The legal procedures regarding three rapists were not covered by the media.
Three women were raped by their relatives, one by a friend of hers and two others by stranger men.
The provinces in which the rape cases took place are: Aydın (1), Iğdır (1), İstanbul (2), Kayseri (1), Konya (2).
Forced sex work
61 women were forced to sex work in Antalya, Bursa and Kocaeli in July. 50% of the women were not citizens of Turkey. They were promised a job in Turkey, brought here and had their passports seized.
35 harassment cases were covered by the media in August.
Two of the harassed women were not citizens of Turkey. One woman was harassed on the pretext of her outfit.
60% of the harassment incidents took place in a shopping mall in Antalya. One woman was harassed on a bus.
6% of the women were harassed digitally, other 6% were exposed to exhibitionism and 57% were spied on.
80% of the harassers were strangers were to the women.
One woman was harassed by her child's school teacher, one other bu a man she got to know on the internet, one by a bus driver, one woman by her teacher, one by her boss and other two women by men they knew/were friends with.
Only three of the 16 harassers were arrested. A harasser who had been convicted of a sexual crime earlier, was released on probation. Media covered cases of five harassers who were taken into custody but the legal procedures were not covered by the media.
Only an administrative investigation was launched regarding a teacher who harassed the parent of his pupil.
One harasser was injured by the woman whom she harassed; no action was taken against him but an investigation was launched into the woman.
In another case, no action was taken against the harasser and the police refused to take the women's testimony on the pretext of current work overload.
One harasser was killed by a relative of the woman he harassed.
Two of the harassers already had a criminal record for exhibitionism and harassment. Two harassers had already harassed other women earlier but no action was taken against them.
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 21 girls in August.
Two of the abused girls were refugees from Syria. Another girl who was sexually abused, was disabled.
Nine of the 17 child abusers were arrested. An abuser who was a teacher, was suspended but no legal action was taken against him.Three abusers were released on probation. Two harassers were tried to be lynched by by-standers before one of them was taken into custody by police. The other was arrested after he attempted suicide in his apartment. The legal procedures regarding the other harassers were not covered in the media.
16 children were harassed by strangers. One was harassed by her father's boss, another one by her neighbour, one by a man she knew from her neighbourhood, one by the director of a teacher's lodge and another one by owner of the place she was working at.
33% of the child abuse cases occurred on the street and 10% in a park.
The cities in which the harassment incidents took place are: Adana (5), Adıyaman (1), Ankara (1), Aydın (1), İstanbul (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (4), Muğla (1), Samsun (4), Tekirdağ (2).
Men inflicted violence on 41 women in August.
Four of them were trans women. Two of the three trans women who were exposed to an assault by men in Ankara, were threatened to be "burned to death like Hande Kader (a trans sex worker and activist who was burned to death in August 2016)".
The assaulter men have also killed five men who were beside these women while they were being assaulted and tried to stop the attack.
24% of the women who were exposed to violence by men in August were suffered severe injuries.
10% of the women were objected to violence for seeking divorce/break up, 10% on the ground that their mother/daughter or a friend sought for divorce/break up.
Two women were exposed to violence although they had a restraining order issued for protection. One woman was injured severely three days after she filed a complaint against her husband to the police. The attacker also killed a man who was beside the woman at that moment.
A woman from Iraq, who was being exposed to systematic violence by her husband, attempted suicide. Two men who injured their wives severely, also committed suicide.
51% of the women were injured by their husbands and boyfriends.
One woman was injured by her elder brother, another one by the ex-boyfriend of a close friend, five others by their fathers, one by her son-in-law, three others by their husbands through a religious marriage, two by their ex-boyfriends, 13 others by their husbands through a civil marriage, and one other by a acquaintance of a patient of hers. The identity of a man who battered a woman in the middle of a street was not covered in the media.
18 of the women who were exposed to violence were battered by men, two of them were raped and battered, nine were injured by knife, another by a sharp object, three others by a rifle and three of them gun. One of the women was tortured and another one was hit by a truck. One woman was forced by her husband to take some drugs and commit suicide, the woman stabbed her husband after taking the drugs and they were both taken to the hospital afterwards.
Only four of the men who inflicted violence on the women were arrested. Two men were released on probation (both in Samsun). And the man who hit his wife with a truck injuring her severely was sentenced to prison. (ÇT/DG)