Men Kill 18 Women, 1 Girl in June

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In the first six months of 2017, men killed 149 women and girls; raped 45 women; harassed 101; sexually harassed 192 girls; inflicted violence on 184 women.
With the rising temperatures, sexual harassment and violence coverages marked an increase. Two men in different times assaulted women for wearing shorts. One other man inflicted violence on his wife over her dress. Two women were harassed by male strangers on the beach.
Men killed 18 women and one girl and two men who wanted to prevent the murders in June.
74% of the women were killed by their partners or ex-partners.
One woman was killed by her father; one by her husband of religious marriage; nine by their husbands of official marriage; one by her ex-husband; two by their sisters' husbands; one by her son; three by their boyfriends. A 5-year-old girl was raped and murdered by a male stranger.
63% of the women were killed with firearms.
Men killed five women with knife, two by strangling; eight with pistol; four with rifle.
One woman was killed despite restraining order. Two women were killed in front of the courthouse. One of the murderers had gotten out of the prison a week before that. Another murderer was convicted of both "domestic violence" and "willful injury" in the past.
Three of the murderers committed suicide following the murders, one attempted to commit suicide, and three of them surrendered to law enforcers.
The cities in which the murders took place are Adana (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Bursa (3), Denizli (2), Elazığ (1), Hatay (1), Isparta (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (2), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Yalova (1).
Seven rape incidents were covered by the media in June.
One of the women raped was a refugee; one was a tourist and another one was with disability.
Three women were raped by male strangers; one by her boyfriend; one by a man whom she flirted with; one by her male relative; one by a stalker who insistently harassed her for a long time.
Three women were raped in their own homes; one in a construction she was taken to by force; one in a house she was seized; one in a vehicle.
Three rapists were arrested; two of them were only reportedly detained, six rapists are at large. No legal action was taken against a man who raped a tourist woman despite the woman's complaint. Muğla police department accused the woman who was raped.
The cities in which the rape incidents occurred are Ankara (1), Aydın (2), Bursa (1), İstanbul (1), Konya (1), Muğla (1).
Men harassed 51 women in June.
One of the harassed women was tourist.
70% of the harassers were male strangers.
11 women were harassed by their managers in the office; one by an air-conditioner master; one by an employee of the hotel she was residing in; one by her university lecturer; 36 by male strangers. Identity of the perpetrator in one of the incidents wasn't mentioned in the media.
One of the harassers already had a criminal record for sexual harassment.
Only two of the 20 harassers were arrested, four others were released on probation and five others were only taken into custody according to the reports in the media. No action has been taken against a man who has harassed 11 women.
In a harassment case, the university administration has taken no action against a harasser lecturer, police have carried out an operation catching the lecturer in the act.
No action has been taken as well against a man who first harassed a woman and dragged her on the ground. The man got arrested on the very same day as he held a girl by force.
The cities in which the harassments covered by the media took place are Adana (4), Adıyaman (1), Antalya (11), Aydın (4), Balıkesir (1), İstanbul (4), Kocaeli (15), Konya (5), Manisa (1), Mersin (3), Muğla (1) and Tekirdağ (1).
Child abuse
At least 20 girls were sexually abused in June.
45% of the abuse cases took place in public places like streets, parks, schools, markets, bus stops and shops. 10% of the girls were abused in houses where they wanted to take religion lessons and 10% were abused in their own houses.
One of the girls subjected to abuse was mentally challenged.
15% of the girls got pregnant due to sexual abuse.
Only 13 of the 20 abusers were arrested. Two others were released on probation. Police are still searching two others and three abusers were only taken into custody after the incident took place as covered by the media (Procedures following the detention were not reported in the media).
Six children were abused by stranger men, three others by school bus drivers, two by private religion teachers, two others by men they knew from the neighbourhood, one by her elder brother, one other by her father, one by a bicycle repairer, one by a shop owner, one by a shopkeeper in the neighbourhood, one by a worker in the girl's school, one by special security guard.
Two of the harassment incidents came to light as the girls told their teachers about the abuse. Three other cases were realized after girls told their mothers about the incident.
The cities in which sexual abuse incidents took place are Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Aydın (3), Balıkesir (1), Denizli (2), İzmir (1), Kastamonu (3), Kütahya (1), Muğla (1), Samsun (1), Tekirdağ (2), Tokat (1) and Yalova (1).
Men inflicted violence on 44 women in June.
16% of the women suffered severe injuries, and in 41% of the cases the women were subjected to violence with sharp objects and firearms.
Eight women were injured with knives, three others with a gun, four others with rifle. A woman had her throat with a knife, in two cases men walked on the women with a knife, 22 women were battered, two others were tortured and one other was verbally abused and one other received a death-threat.
18% of the cases occurred on public places such on the traffic, on the street, in a market, in a cafe, on public transportation or on the workplace.
14% of the women were subjected to violence for attempting to divorce, 7% by their ex-husbands/boyfriends.
In one case, a woman was subjected to violence despite a restraining order.
Only five men were arrested in 44 cases of violence, injury and murder attempt against women. One man has turned himself in to the police.
Four men were released on probation. No action has been taken against a special security guard who battered a woman he did not know on the street. A man who attacked a woman for wearing shorts has been released. Court has decided to release a man on trial who tortured his wife from Syria. A man who battered his girlfriend on the street was released without any action being taken as the women stated not to file any complaint.
In 43% of the cases, their husbands inflicted violence on the women.
One woman was subjected to violence by a relative, one other by her husband of religious marriage, 18 others by their legal husbands, two others by their ex-husbands, one by her ex-boyfriend, one by a private security guard, one by her brother, one by a customer in the market, one by her son, five others by their boy-friends, six by stranger men, one by her grandchild, two by the cafeteria employer of the dorm the girls were staying in. Two sex-workers were injured by their customers. In one case, the identity of the assailant was not covered by the media. (ÇT/TK/DG).