Men Kill 15 Women, 3 Girls in November

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According to news reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites and agencies, men killed at least 15 women and three girls; raped nine women; harassed 16; sexually harassed 58 girls; inflicted violence on 35 women.
Men also killed four men whom they thought to be the boyfriends of the women that broke up with them, and killed fathers of two women who left the house. One man killed his own father for trying to stop him while stabbing his wife.
2017'nin ilk 11 ayında erkekler 255 kadın ve kız çocuğunu öldürdü, 86 kadına tecavüz etti, 223 kadını taciz etti, 344 kız çocuğuna cinsel istismarda bulundu, 373 kadına şiddet uyguladı.
Men killed 15 women and 3 girls in November.
In addition to these murders;
Two women were found suspiciously dead.
Perpetrator of a murder of woman who is not citizen of Turkey couldn't be identified.
One woman reportedly committed suicide.
A woman who was forced to get married committed suicide a day before the wedding.
Men threatened to death three women who broke up with them.
Two men killed fathers of the women who left the house. One man killed his own father for trying to stop him while stabbing his wife.
Four men killed four men whom they thought to be the boyfriends of the women that broke up with them.
Two women were killed despite the protection order. One woman had demanded a protection order one day before she was murdered.
20% of the women were killed for attempting to divorce or break up, or rejecting the proposal to recommence the relationship.
One of the woman murderers escaped from prison and committed murder.
Three woman murderers committed suicide following the murder.
66% of the women were killed by their present or ex partners.
Two women were killed by their fathers; one by her husband of religious marriage; one by her ex-husband; one by her ex-boyfriend; five by their husbands; one by her son; two by their boyfriends; one by her step-son.
53% of the murders were committed with firearms.
Five women were killed with knife, one by being choked; four with pistol; four with rifle.
The cities where the femicides occurred are Adana (1), Aksaray (1), Denizli (1), Diyarbakır (1), Düzce (1), İstanbul (3), Konya (1), Mersin (1), Sakarya (2), Urfa (1), Yozgat (1) and Zonguldak (1).
ExplanationThe bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not take include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. In time, when we come to the conclusion that a crime is gender-base, we include it in the end-of-year tally. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/systematical violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. For example, following case from June 11, 2017 was not included in our male violence report: * A.K. (27), a rancher in Konya province killed his relatives Bekir Kıran (80/male), Mustafa Tokat (80/male), Meryem Tokat (79/female), Hamit Tokat (51/male) and Mehmet Tokat (64/male) with a barreled-gun. He was caught on the way home after committing the murders. It was reported, that A.K. had schizophrenia and considered the villagers responsible for the death of his father, who had lost his life after a heart attack. The occupational groups mentioned in the report, only cover cases in which the occupations have relevance for the act of violence. * Example: "The expression "x% of the rapists were drivers",imply that the woman was raped by the driver of the (public) transportation vehicle she used. |
In the first 11 months of 2017, men killed at least 255 women girls; raped 86 women; harassed 223 others; sexually abused 344 girls; inflicted violence on 373 women.
Nine incident of rape against women were covered by the media in November.
One of the women was with disability. Two men blackmailed the women who they raped with photos.
62% of the rapists were men whom the women knew.
One woman was raped by her relative; one by husband; one by a man whom she knew from the neighborhood; one by a police officer; one by her boyfriend; one by a man she met on the social media; one by male friend; one by a male stranger; one by a man she recently met.
Seven of the 10 rapists were arrested; a man who raped his girlfriend was released; a man who raped his wife's friend was released on probation. Legal process about a rapist wasn't reported in the media.
The cities where the rape incidents occurred are Adana (1), Antep (1), Bursa (1), Denizli (1), Erzurum (1), Kocaeli (2), Samsun (1), Zonguldak (1).
16 harassment incidents were reported in the media in November.
19% of the women were subjected to digital harassment; 12.5% to persistent stalking; 19% to exhibitionism.
Only one of the 14 harassers was arrested. Four harassers were released pending trial without arrest. No legal action was taken against one harasser despite violation of a protection order. One woman exposed the harasser on the social media. Legal process about eight harassers wasn't reported in the media.
The cities where the harassment incidents occurred are Aydın (3), İstanbul (8), Kocaeli (1), Manisa (1), Samsun (2), Sinop (1), Trabzon (1).
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 58 girls in November.
83% of the sexual abuse incidents occurred at schools.
47 girls were sexually abused by canteen staff at the school; one by her teacher; one by her schoolmate; one by her elder brother; three by their fathers; one by a grocer; one by an imam; one by her neighbor; two by male strangers.
Two of the abuse incidents came to light by children telling what happened to their teachers; one by telling a friend.
Six of the 10 abusers were arrested, two were released after being deposed. No legal process was covered by the media about two abusers.
The cities where child abuse incidents occurred are Afyon (1), Ağrı (3), Antalya (1), Eskişehir (1), Kocaeli (1), Manisa (47), Samsun (1), Sinop (2), Zonguldak (1).
Men inflicted violence on at least 35 women two of whom were trans.
31% of the violence-injury incidents occurred at public places such as shopping mall, cafe or street.
Three of the 35 male violence incidents were attempted murder, three women were severely injured.
8.5% of the male violence incidents occurred despite protection orders.
11% of the women were subjected to violence for attempting to divorce or break up, or rejecting the proposal to recommence a relationship.
66% of the women were subjected to violence by their present or ex-boyfriends.
One woman was subjected to violence by an apartment building manager; two by their husbands; two by thieves breaking into their homes; 18 by their husbands; one by her client; one by her boyfriend; one by her superior at the workplace; one by her step-brother; four by male strangers. Men who assaulted two women in the middle of the street couldn't be identified.
17 women were battered, seven were injured with pistols; seven with knife; one with a doner knife. Nitric acid was splashed in one woman's face. One woman was taken hostage and one woman was battered with an object.
The cities where the violence incidents occurred are Adana (5), Aksaray (1), Ankara (5), Antalya (4), Bursa (1), Denizli (2), Eskişehir (2), İstanbul (5), Kayseri (1), Kırklareli (1), Konya (2), Manisa (2), Sakarya (1), Samsun (2). (ÇT/TK)