Men Kill 22 Women in June

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According to the reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites, and agencies, men have killed 22 women in June; raped 10 women, forced 24 women to sex work, raped and sexually harassed 47 girls and inflicted violence on 32 women.
In the first five months of 2016, men killed at least 135 women; raped 41 women, harassed 71 women; sexually abused 290 girls and inflicted violence on 183 women.
Men have killed 22 women and 2 men as well as 2 children beside them.
Beside these femicides, the bodies of two women also murdered have been found but the murderers have not been identified yet. It has also been claimed that a woman has committed suicide.
23% of these women have been murdered for wanting to get divorced. A woman has been killed after filing a criminal complaint against her husband while the divorce suit still continued.
82% of the women have been killed by their ex- or current partners: 3 women have been killed by their ex-husbands, 1 woman by her husband through religious marriage, 13 others by their husbands, 1 woman by her lover, 1 other by a man she has has met on social media, 1 woman by a man who has introduced himself as a police officer and entered her apartment, 1 other by her brother-in-law and 1 girl by her cousin who has raped her.
In 41% of the cases, the murder weapon was firearms and in 45% of the murders it was knives. 6 women have been killed by gun, 3 others by rifle, 10 by stabbing, 2 strangled, and 1 other by pounding up.
The murders have been committed in Ankara (2), Antalya (2), Antep (2), Elazığ (1), Iğdır (1), İstanbul (3), İzmir (2), Kocaeli (2), Manisa (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (2), Sakarya (1), Van (1) and Yalova (1).
Men have raped 10 women in June.
According to the news on media, only 3 out of 11 rapists involved in 10 rape cases have been arrested. 2 rape victim women have killed the rapist men and both women have been arrested.
20% of the women raped were not citizens of Turkey.
3 of the rapists already had a criminal history of rape.
1 of the women has been raped by her ex-lover, 1 other by driver of a minibus she got on, 1 women by a police officer in the police department which she visited to file a complaint, 1 women by a friend of her lover, 2 women by men they had just met, 1 by a friend and 2 by men they did not know.
4 of the women have been raped in apartments where held by force, 2 others in their own houses, 1 in a hospital, 1 woman in the parking lot and 1 on the street. The location of a rape case has not been announced on the media.
The ages of the rapists vary between 19-60 and the rape victims between 18-42.
Forced into sex-work
Men have forced 24 women to sex work in Antalya and Muğla provinces. 79% of these women were not citizens of Turkey.
Child sexual abuse
Men have abused/raped 47 girls in June.
72% of these girls have been raped by their teachers. 76,5% of them have been sexually abused in their schools.
Only 12 men have been arrested who were involved in 16 rape cases of 47 victims. 2 of these men have been released on condition of judicial control. 12 men have been released automatically. Investigation has been launched into 3 men and the the judicial process concerning 4 others has not been reported on the media.
13% of the girls, were raped and 4% were exposed to digital harassment.
34 girls have been sexually abused by their teachers, 1 other by the vice principal of her school, 2 girls by the founders of their schools, 1 other by her ex-boyfriend, 1 girl by a friend of her sibling, 1 girl by her boyfriend, 1 other by a man she knew and 6 others by men they did not know.
36 girls have been sexually abused in their school, 2 others on social media, 1 girl in an apartment where she had been held, 1 other in a minibus, 1 in the woods and 1 other on the street. The location of 4 other sexual abuse cases has not been revealed on the media.
The ages of the sexual abusers vary betwenn 16-60 and the ages of the victims between 10-17.
The locations of the sexual abuse cases were dana (13), Antalya (1), Aydın (2), Bilecik (1), Denizli (1), İzmir (19), Kastamonu, Manisa (2), Sakarya (1), Samsun (2) and Uşak (2).
Men have sexually harassed 9 women in June.
3 of the cases have occurred on the street, 1 case in the workplace, 1 other in a shopping store and 1 in public transportation.
66% of the women have been sexually harassed by men they did not know. 6 women were harassed by men they did not know, 1 woman by the principal of the high school she was working for, 1 other by her teaching assistant and 1 woman by a co-worker.
6 of the harassment cases were physical, 2 cases were verbal and 1 other was peeping.
The ages of the harassers vary between 28-43 and the harassed women between 20-42.
The cases have occurred in Adana (1), Bolu (1), Giresun (1), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Manisa (1) and Niğde (1).
Violence - Injuring
Men have inflicted violence on 32 women in June.
12,5% of the women were exposed to violence for wanting to divorce/break up or turning down the men’s proposal of marriage/relationship/ reconciliation.
A man convicted to 20 years in prison for attempting to kill his wife earlier has broken out of prison and continued threatening her.
A man against whom restraining order had been issued 27 times before, has injured his wife by pouring down boiling tee on her and been released.
Another man has tortured his wife despite the restraining order against him.
2 women have killed the men who had systematically been inflicting violence on them.
81% of the women were exposed to violence by their ex- or current partners. 1 woman by her father, 1 other by her husband through religious marriage, 15 by their husbands, 5 by their lovers, 1 by her ex-lover, 1 by her ex-son-in-law, 1 by her brother, 1 by their sons, 1 by the driver and his father whom they were involved in a crash with.
37,5% of the women have been exposed to violence which could have also ended up with death. 8 of these women were injured by knife, 15 were pounded up, 1 was tortured, 1 was poured boiling tee on, 1 other with a gun and 1 with a riffle. 1 man has burned the car of his girlfrşend who refused his marriage proposal. 3 men have threatened women (in 2 cases with a knife) and 1 man has burned the house where his wife was in.
The ages of the men imposing violence varies between 22-57 and the ages of the women between 22-52.
The locations where the cases occurred were Adana (1), Aksaray (4), Ankara (1), Antalya (4), Aydın (1), Bitlis (1), Bursa (1), Elazığ (1), Erzincan (1), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (2), Kocaeli (4), Malatya (1), Mersin (1), Osmaniye (1), Sakarya (1), Sinop (1) and Trabzon (5).
Distribution by the regions
In June,144 male violence, femicide, murder attempt, harassment, sexual abuse, rape and injuring cases have appeared in the press.
40% of these were in the Aegean, 21% in Mediterranean, 15% in Marmara, 8,5 in Middle Anatolia, 8,5 in Black Sea, 5% in East Anatolia and 1,5% in Southeast Anatolia regions. (ÇT/DG)
In the Male Violence Monitoring Reports of bianet, we do not include all women murdered but only women murdered as a result of male violence. We do not count in violence cases with no gender relevance. We include murders whose assailants have not been identified yet, as well as suspicious deaths in the full text version of the monitoring report but we don't take these cases into account while calculating the figures we use in the headline. In addition, we don't include murders committed by individuals with heavy mental diseases. We subsume women forced into sex work under the category "rape". Until now, we have subsumed the cases of harassment of women and girls under the categories "rape" and "harassment". Yet due to the increase in cases of harassment of girls since February 2016, we have added the new category of "child sexual abuse" to bianet Male Violence Monitoring Reports as of June 1, 2016. This category includes only cases of sexual violence against girls. |