Men Kill 18 Women in July

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According to the reports bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, men have killed 18 women, injured 23 others, raped 11, harassed 9 others and sexually abused 7 girls.
In the first seven months of 2016, men have killed 153 women, raped 52 others, harassed 80, inflicted violence on 196 women and sexually abused 297 girls.
Men have killed 18 women and a man (the father of a murdered woman) in July.
The murderers of three women could not be identified yet. A trans woman has been found dead in a suspicious way. A woman who had been exposed to violence by her husband for a long time has committed suicide.
11% of the murders have been committed although a protection order had been issued earlier. 2 women have been killed for seeking divorce. 3 women have been killed by their ex-husbands whom they have divorced.
Excuses put forward for murders were; a woman coming back from visiting her family with one-day delay, a woman saying “you make no husband”, women turning down the friendship offer from men and the daughter talking to a man.
61% of the women have been killed by their ex- or current partners. 3 women have been killed by their ex-husbands, 6 others by their husbands, 1 woman by her brother, 1 other by a man who had a dispute with her husband, 1 by her fiancée and 1 by a man whom she has turned down. In one murder case, the acquittance degree between the murdered woman and her murderer has not been mentioned in the press.
55% of the murders have been committed by armed weapons. 5 women have been killed by gun, 5 others by riffle, 7 women have been stabbed and 1 other has been pounded up to death.
One of the murderers has committed suicide following the murder.
The ages of the murderers has varied between 24-70 and of murdered women between 25-54 in July.
The murders have been committed in the provinces of Adana (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Bayburt (1), Burdur (1), Bursa (1), Giresun (1), İzmir (1), Karaman (1), Kayseri (1), Kırıkkale (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Mardin (2), Mersin (1) and Van (1).
Violence - Injuring
Men have injured 23 women in July.
13% of the women have been have been exposed to violence by men though they have had suspension order issued or made complaints and applied for a protection order.
9% of the women exposed to violence wanted to break up or get divorced.
26% of the women have been exposed to violence in public places. In 9% of the cases, men have also inflicted violence on citizens and/or police officers who wanted to help and/or intervene.
There have been two violence cases against trans women in July. In one case, the assailant who was the janitor of the building has attacked the trans woman who was a resident of the same building several times and had been threatening to kill her for a year. In the other violence case, police saying “let the parties reconcile, today is a feast day”, have released the assailants who have raided the house of the trans woman with sticks.
Excuses put forward for violence acts of men who have attempted murder thus seriously injuring women were; a woman creating a social media account, splitting water on the floor, not giving the money she was asked for, talking to male friends and wanting to use public transportation with her dog.
56% of the women have been exposed to violence by their current or ex-partners: One woman by her elder brother, another one by the janitor, two others by their fathers, two by their ex-husbands, nine women by their husbands, one by her son, two by their lovers, one by an harasser man, and two by men they did not know. In two violence cases, the acquaintance degree of the man inflicting violence and the woman exposed to violence has not been reflected.
39% of the violence cases have occurred in a constellation which could also have ended up in death. 6 women have been stabbed, 3 others have been injured with firearms, 12 women have been pounded up and one woman has been beaten up with an object.
The ages of men inflicting violence has varied between 21-70 and women exposed to violence between 17-56.
Violence cases have occurred in the provinces of Afyon (1), Ağrı (1), Aksaray (1), Antalya (1), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Bolu (1), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (1), Erzurum (1), Giresun (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (2), Niğde (1), Samsun (3) and Urfa (1).
In one case, the rape victim was a mentally disabled woman and in another one case a house worker woman who was not a citizen of Turkey.
66% of the rapists were men already known by the women. One woman has been raped by her employer, another by a man she knew from work, one by her neighbour, one by a man she got to know through social media, two others by men they just met and three by men they did not know.
In two cases the relation of the rapists and their victims have not been signified.
In the 11 rape cases which have been reflected in the media, 6 rapists have been arrested, and 6 others have been released. The legal procedure regarding four rapists have not been reflected in the news.
The place of rape was in one case the house in which the woman was held, one in an entertainment venue, one in a tent, one in the house where the woman worked, two in the women’s own houses, two in the workplace, one in the woods and one on the street. The location of one case has not been reflected in the news.
Two of the women rape victims have also been robbed. One woman has been threatened with images from her rape.
The ages of the rapists has varied between 18-45 and the rape victims between 22-42.
The places of rape reflected in the media were in the provinces of Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Bolu (1), Burdur (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (1), Konya (1), Muğla (1), Nevşehir (1) and Zonguldak.
Men have sexually harassed 9 women. 2 harassers have been arrested and the legal process regarding the other harassers have not been reflected on the news.
66% of the harassers were men whom the women did not know. 1 woman has been harassed by her brother-in-law, one by men she knew/were friends with, 6 others by men they did not know. The locations of the harassments were in one case the beach, in another one the entrance of a building, in one case a shopping mall, once in a house, once in a supermarket, once on a interprovincial bus and once on the plane. In this last incident, the woman has also been pounded up when she raised her voice against the harasser.
Four women have been exposed to physical harassment and one other to exhibitionism. In three harassment cases, the women have been filmed from below their skirts or with beach wears in another case, a man has attached paper on women’s backs reading “let’s meet” and a phone number.
The incidents reflected in the media have occurred in Edirne (2), Isparta (1), İstanbul (2), Kırıkkale (1), Mersin (1), Samsun (1) and on a plane from Adana to Ankara.
Child abuse
In July, 7 cases of sexual abuse of children have been reflected in the media. One victim has been a child with a mental disability.
5 of the 7 men sexually abusing children have been arrested.
The incidents have occurred in one case on the yard of a mosque, in another case in the park, once on a interprovincial bus and once on the street. One man has kidnapped a girl whose family he had neutralised with a sleeping spray. The location of these two cases have not been mentioned in the media.
71% of the abusers were men the children did not know. 5 girls have been sexually abused by men they did not know, another by a man she met on social media, one by a man who had tricked her promising to reverse a spell.
The ages of the abuser have varied between 18-74 and the abused girls between 4-17.
The incidents reflected on the media have occurred in Adana (2), Afyon (1), Antalya (1), Bursa (1), Kütahya (1) and Muğla (1).
In July, 68 male violence, murder, murder attempt, harassment, sexual violence, rape and injuring cases have been reported in the media.
21% ot these cases were in the Mediterranean, 19% in the Aegean, 16% in Marmara, 16% Middle Anatolian, 15% in Black Sea, 7% in Southeastern Anatolian and 4% in Eastern Anatolian regions. (ÇT/DG)
In the Male Violence Monitoring Reports of bianet, we do not include all women murdered but only women murdered as a result of male violence. We do not count in violence cases with no gender relevance. We include murders whose assailants have not been identified yet, as well as suspicious deaths in the full text version of the monitoring report but we don't take these cases into account while calculating the figures we use in the headline. In addition, we don't include murders committed by individuals with heavy mental diseases. We subsume women forced into sex work under the category "rape". Until now, we have subsumed the cases of harassment of women and girls under the categories "rape" and "harassment". Yet due to the increase in cases of harassment of girls since February 2016, we have added the new category of "child sexual abuse" to bianet Male Violence Monitoring Reports as of June 1, 2016. This category includes only cases of sexual violence against girls. |