Men Kill 23 Women, 2 Girls in October

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According to reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites and agencies, men have killed 23 women and two girls; raped four women; forced 17 women to sex work; harassed 13 women; sexually harassed 32 girls; wounded 27 girls.
50% of the perpetrators were husbands/lovers of women who sought break up.
28% of women were killed for seeking divorce/break up or turning down offer for reconciliation. One woman was killed by husband of her daughter who was seeking divorce; another woman was heavily injured by husband of her daughter who was seeking divorce.
Consequences of impunity appeared in the October tally: A sergeant major, who was earlier discharged of duty for sexually harassing children, entered October 2016 as a grocer that sexually harassed six children. A teacher who sexually harassed nine girls faced only an administrative investigation in October.
Men killed at least 220 women; raped 65; harassed 104, inflicted violence on 282 and sexually harassed 352 girls in the first 10 months of 2016.
Men killed 23 women and two girls in October.
28% of women have been killed for seeking divorce/break up or turning down offer for reconciliation. One woman was killed by her husband with whom she sought divorce. 16% of women’s killers were convicted of sexual and physical violence crimes. One man left the prison on leave of absence for one day and killed his wife; another man escaped from prison and killed his wife.
12% of femicides took place on the street. Two women were killed despite protection orders.
68% of the women were killed by their partners or ex-partners. One woman was killed by her elder brother, two by their son-in-law, one by her husband of religious ceremony, nine by their husbands, four by their ex-husbands, two by their ex-lovers, two by their neighbors, one by her son, one by her lover, one by the father of a man with whom she was forced to marry.
52% of the homicides were committed with firearms: Hunting rifles were used in two femicides, knife in seven, sharp object in one, shotgun in two, pistol in nine. Four women were killed by being strangled.
The cities in which femicides took place in October were Antalya (2), Aydın (2), Balıkesir (2), Çorum (1), Erzincan (1), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Malatya (1), Manisa (1), Maraş (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (1), Ordu (1), Osmaniye (1), Tokat (1), Trabzon (1), Urfa (2) and Van (1).
Four rape incidents took place in media in October.
One woman was raped by her lover with whom she wanted to break up, one by her husband on whom she filed a divorce case, one by her husband’s friend, one by a man whom she knew.
Two men were arrested, one was released, the judicial process about the other didn’t take place in media.
The cities in which rape incidents took place were Afyon (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (1) and Zonguldak (1).
Forcing to sex work
17 women and girls were forced to sex work in Adana
13 harassment cases were covered by media in October.
85% of the harassers were men the women didn’t know: 11 women were harassed by men they didn’t know, one by her neighbor, one by her coworker.
Nine women were exposed to physical harassment, one to verbal harassment, one to harassment and threat, two to exhibitionism.
One of the harassment cases occurred in an apartment, two at houses of the women, two at grocery store, one on a bus, four on the street, two at university dorm, one at the house of the harasser.
Five harassers were arrested, two were released after their testimony was taken, police didn’t commence any legal proceedings for a man who harassed two women, and in six harassment cases judicial process about the harassers didn’t take place in media.
The cities in which harassment cases took place were Aksaray (1), Aydın (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Kırklareli (1), Kocaeli (1), Manisa (1), Samsun (1) and Trabzon (2).
Child abuse
32 girls were sexually abused in October. 10 girls were sexually abused in schools, a girl having impaired hearing was raped at school picnic.
31% of the children were abused by their teachers, 9% by other students at the school: 10 girls were sexually abused by their teachers, three by the others students at the schools, six by grocers, three by their relatives, one by her father, one by her father’s friend, one by a man whom she met on social media, six by men they didn’t know. Identity of one person sexually abusing a girl didn’t appear in media.
16% of the girls were raped, 16% were forced to sex work, 3% were exposed to exhibitionism. The other cases were covered as “sexual abuse” in media and no further detail was provided.
According to the reports covered by media in October, 14 men were arrested, three men were released after receiving their testimonies, detention warrants were issued for two men but they couldn’t be found yet. About a harasser teacher only an administrative investigation was launched, and a harasser police faced penalty of just being relieved of duty. Legal process about harassers of 15 girls weren’t covered by media.
The cities in which sexual abuse took place were Antep (9), Aydın (1), Bursa (1), Dersim (1), Hatay (1), İzmir (2), Kocaeli (6), Muğla (1), Osmaniye (3), Sakarya (1), Tekirdağ (5) and Zonguldak (1).
Men inflicted violence on 27 women in October. One man pounded 2.5-year-old daughter of his lover with whom he got angry.
70% of the violence incidents took place by means that could lead to death: Two women were injured with hunting rifle, six by knife, two by shotgun, two by pistol. One woman was burned to death by being poured down oil. One man drove the car on four women driving. One woman was thrown into a construction hole after being heavily pounded. Eight women were pounded.
A woman who was exposed to violence had complained against her husband for seven times and obtained protection order twice. One woman was pounded despite restraining order.
11% of the women were exposed to violence for seeking divorce/break up. One woman was injured with a hunting rifle by her daughter’s husband with whom she sought divorce.
18% of the violence cases took place in public places.
55% of the women were imposed violence by their partners or ex-partners: 12 women were exposed to violence/injury by their husbands, one by her ex-husband, two by their lovers, one by her ex-lover, one by her son-in-law, one by her ex-son-in-law, one by her employer, one by her client, one by her son, five by men they didn’t know,
The cities in which violence/injury cases took place were Adana (2), Afyon (1), Aksaray (3), Ankara (1), Antalya (3), Aydın (1), Bartın (1), Batman (2), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (1), Kayseri (1), Kırıkkale (1), Malatya (1), Muğla (2) and Tekirdağ (1).
Distribution by regions
In total 118 male violence, femicide, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and injury cases were covered by media in October.
26% of male violence cases happened in the Marmara Region, 26% in the Mediterranean Region, 16% in the Aegean Region, 11% in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, 8% in the Black Sea Region, 7.6% in the Central Anatolia Region and 4% in the Eastern Anatolia Region. (ÇT/TK)