Men Kill 19 Women in April

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According to the news reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, men killed at least 19 women; raped 10; harassed 9; sexually abused 30 girls; inflicted violence on 16 women in April.
In the first quarter of 2017, men killed 101 women; raped 28; harassed 40; sexually abused 146 girls; inflicted violence on 106 women.
Men killed 19 women and two men who attempted to intervene in the act of violence. Two women were found dead under suspicious conditions.
58% of the women were murdered by their partners and ex-partners.
Six women were killed by their husbands; three by ex-boyfriends; one by ex-husband; two by male family members (together); three by male relatives; one by father; one by brother; one by son.
53% of the murders were committed with firearms. Seven women were killed with pistols; three with rifles; five with knives; one was strangled; one had her throat sliced; one with jimmy; one with cleaver.
16% of the murders occurred in public places in the glare of publicity including shopping mall, hotel lobby, in the middle of the street.
One of the murdered women was forced to get married at an early age. One of the woman murderers was a retired police commissary.
Two women were killed for attempting to break up or rejecting the proposal to recommence the relationship.
One of the women was assaulted with a gun and she filed a complaint. No precaution was taken and she was killed by the same man.
Following the murders, one of the men committed suicide, another one attempted suicide.
The cities in which the femicides took place were Adana (5), Afyon (1), Antalya (1), Aydın (1), Balıkesir (1), Bursa (2), İstanbul (3), Siirt (1), Tekirdağ (1), Urfa (1), Van (1), Yozgat (1).
10 rape incidents were reported in the media in April.
30% of the rapists were women's partners and 60% were male acquaintances.
One woman was raped by her boyfriend; one by fiancée; one by a man she knew from the neighborhood; one by employer; one by a man she met for job interview; two by male acquaintances; one by a man she met on social media; one by a male stranger.
60% of the rapes occurred in women's homes. In half of these incidents men broke into or secretly entered the homes.
Six of the rape incidents occurred in women's houses; two in wastelands to where the women were forcibly taken; one at workplace.
One of the raped woman was mentally challenged.
One of the rapists had entered prison due to sexual assault, and one rapist was a police officer.
One of the raped women committed suicide. The woman's family batter the rapist, killed another one. As family of the rapist who committed suicide were detained, no legal action was taken against the rapists. Eight rapists were arrested; one rapist was released on probation.One rapist is being searched; two were detained but the legal proceedings following the detention weren't covered by the media.
The cities in which the rape incidents took place are Adana (1), Adıyaman (1), Aydın (1), Denizli (1), İstanbul (1), Kayseri (1), Samsun (3), Tekirdağ (1).
Sex work by force
12 women were forced to sex work in Yalova, Kocaeli, Antalya and Kırklareli.
None of the women were citizen of Turkey. They were brought to Turkey with a job promise and their passports were seized.
Six of the women were citizens of Kyrgyzstan, two of Moldova, three of Uzbekistan, one of Ukraine.
One of the women was battered with an iron club for resisting sex work, she was left on a road in severe condition.
Men harassed at least 9 women in April.
22% of the harassers were ex-boyfriends of the women while 66% of the harassers were male strangers.
2 women were harassed by their ex-boyfriends, one by her chief at the workplace and six others by male strangers.
One third of the women were exposed to digital harassment
Two of the rape incidents took place on the street; two on public transportation; two on the social media and via telephone at the same time, one other on social media alone, one in a gas station and one other in a private vehicle.
16% of the raped women were with disability.
Eight women were harassed by male strangers; two by chiefs at workplaces; two by director of care centers.
One of the harassers was arrested; two others were taken into custody and later released. Three harassers were battered by male relatives of the women or others who witnessed the harassment.
The cities in which the harassments took place are Antalya (1), Burdur (1), Bursa (1), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (1), Sakarya (1).
Child abuse
At least 30 girls were sexually abused by 23 men in April.
40% of the girls were abused by their teachers or other employees at their schools.
9 girls were abused by their teachers, two others by the directors at their schools, one by a school employer, one by her father, one by her stepfather, one by her neighbour, one by a man she knew from the neighbourhood, one by the owner of a grocery store, two by men who wanted to marry them, one by her boyfriend and four others by male strangers. Identities of men who harassed the other five girls were not covered by the media.
One of the abused children was mentally challenged.
At least six girls were raped, three girls got pregnant due to sexual abuse.
Only 15 of the 23 perpetrators were arrested; three were released on probation. Legal proceedings about the five harassers weren't reported in the media.
Three of the harassment incidents came to light by girls telling their parents about the abuse, in another case by telling her friend, another by telling her school counselor and another was realized after the girl mentioned the abuse in her homework, and in two other cases after the girls gave birth.
In addition a teacher in pre-detention standing trial for having abused six of his students in İzmir has written a letter to one of his students from the prison and threatened her.
The cities in which sexual abuse incidents took place are Amasya (1), Ankara (2), Aydın (2), Burdur (1), Denizli (1), Diyarbakır (2), Edirne (2), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (3), Karaman (5), Kilis (1), Kocaeli (2), Konya (2), Kütahya (3) and Samsun (1).
Men inflicted violence on at least 16 women in April.
56% of the women were exposed to violence by their partners.
Two of the women were exposed to violence by their ex-husbands, one by her ex-boyfriend, one by her boyfriend, one by her husband's brother, one by a man nurturing enmity towards her husband, one by her hairdresser, one by her customer, and one other by a male stranger in a discussion at the ballot box. In two cases the identities of the perpetrators were not reported in the media.
50% of the women were battered, 50% were injured with knives and firearms.
Four women were injured with knives; two with fire arms; one with a rifle while eight women were battered and one woman was threatened.
44% of the violence-injury incidents took place in public places such as the hairdresser or in the middle of the street.
Two assailants got a restraining order; one other was released on probation. Legal proceedings about other assailants were not reported in the media.
The cities in which violence-injury incidents took place are Antalya (1), Aydın (1), Bursa (1), Erzurum (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Konya (1), Manisa (1), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Niğde (1), Sivas (1) and Trabzon (1). (ÇT/TK/DG)