Men Kill 29 Women in March
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According to reports that bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men have killed 29 women and 3 girls; raped 5 women; forced 38 to sex work; harassed 12; sexually abused 68 girls; injured 39 women.
In the first quarter of 2017, men killed 82 women; raped 18; harassed 31; sexually abused 116 girls and inflicted violence on 90 women.
Men killed 29 women and 3 girls in March.
10% of the women were murdered despite restraining orders and 7% despite complaints they filed shortly before the murders.
38% of the murdered women attempted to divorce or break up or rejected the murderers’ proposal to recommence a romantic relationship.
27.5% of the femicides took place in public places including workplace, in front of the house, park or on the street.
52% of the women were killed by their husbands or boyfriends, 24% by ex-husbands: One woman was killed by her brother, one by elder brother, seven by ex-husbands, seven by husbands of official marriage, four by husbands of religious marriage, one by client, two by sons, four by boyfriends, one by grandchild, one by a male stranger.
55% of the murders were committed with firearms: Seven women were killed with knives; one by being strangled; one by being cut in throat; two by being battered; four with pistols; seven with rifles.
Four of the murdered committed suicide after the murders and another one attempted suicide.
Of the murdered women, one was of Uzbek and another was of Afghan origin. The Uzbek citizen woman was doing sex work and was killed by a male client of her for attempting to leave the house.
The cities in which the murdered women lived are Adana (2), Afyon (1), Ağrı (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Antep (3), Balıkesir (1), Bursa (4), Hatay (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (3), Kastamonu (2), Manisa (1), Maraş (1), Muğla (2), Tokat (1).
Five rape incidents were reported in the media in March.
All of the rapists were men acquainted with the women. One of the raped women was a person with disability.
Two of the rape incidents took place in women’s apartments; one in workplace; one in a forestry area to where the woman was forcibly taken. Whereabouts of one rape incidents was not reported in the media.
Of the rapists one was the woman’s husband of religious marriage; one was husband of official marriage; one was boyfriend; one was friend; one was a male she met for job interview.
A man who raped his friend in the workplace and another man who raped his wife of religious marriage aged 18 were released, two men were arrested. The legal procedure about the man who raped his wife wasn’t covered in the media.
The cities in which the rape incidents took place are Ankara (1), Diyarbakır (1), Kayseri (2), Samsun (1).
Sex work by force
At least 38 women were forced to sex work in six cities.
37 of these 38 women were not Turkish citizens. They were led on with job promise or they were kept by having their passports seized.
Nine women who were captured during the operation were arrested, 15 others were released. The legal process about 18 women who forced women to sex work wasn’t reported in the media.
The cities in which the sex work by force took place are Adana (5), Muğla (5), Kastamonu (3), Urfa (3), İstanbul (21), Samsun (1).
Men harassed at least 12 women in March.
33% of the harassers exposed themselves.
16% of the raped women were with disability.
Five of the rape incidents took place on the street; two on public transportation; one in hospital; four in care center for people with disabilities.
66% of the harassers were male strangers: Eight women were harassed by male strangers; two by chiefs at workplaces; two by director of care centers.
One of the harassers was arrested; one was released; three were detained but the following proceedings were not covered by the media. A care center for people with disability’s director, who harassed four women two of whom were with disabilities, were first appointed to another place from Yozgat and then was suspended.
The cities in which the harassments took place are Ankara (1), Antep (1), Diyarbakır (1), Kocaeli (2), Konya (1), Niğde (1), Samsun (1), Yozgat (4).
Child abuse
At least 68 girls were sexually abused in March.
Four girls got pregnant due to sexual abuse. One of the abused children was with disability.
50 girls were abused by a man working at school; four by friends of closest men to them (friends of their fathers, elder brothers, boyfriends); two by men living in the same district; one by driver; one by a man who she recently met; six by male strangers. Identities of other four men were not covered by the media.
Four of the harassment incidents came to light by girls’ getting pregnant. Another one was realized after girl’s parents saw the messages the harasser sent.
12 men were arrested; four were released on probation; one was released after his testimony was taken. Legal proceedings about the seven harassers weren’t reported in the media.
The cities in which sexual abuse incidents took place are Adana (1), Aydın (2), Erzurum (2), Giresun (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (6), Kocaeli (1), Konya (2), Manisa (1), Mardin (50), Samsun (1).
Men inflicted violence on 39 women in March. Three of them were trans women.
26% of the violence-injury incidents took place in places such as workplace, café, in front of school, in the middle of the street, in press conference.
15% of the women were subjected to violence for attempting to divorce or break up. 8% of the women were subjected to violence by their sons-in-law for their daughters attempting to divorce.
Two women were subjected to violence despite restraining order.
56% of the women were subjected to violence with methods that could lead to death; 10 women were injured with firearms; seven with knives; two with cleavers; one with chainsaw; two with jimmy; one by being strangled.
Three assailants were released. Only four assailants were arrested; a man who stormed in a café and shot at his ex-girlfriend injuring also six other people in the café was first released, then arrested. Furthermore, a woman, who took the knife from her husband who was strangling her and wounded him, was arrested. Legal proceedings about the 23 assailants were not reported in the media.
The cities in which violence-injury incidents took place are Adana (9), Afyon (2), Amasya (1), Ankara (2), Antalya (2), Antep (1), Aydın (3), Bolu (1), Çorlu (1), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (1), Düzce (1), Erzurum (1), Giresun (1), İstanbul (1), Kayseri (2), Kocaeli (1), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Ordu (1), Trabzon (1), Urfa (3). (ÇT/TK)