Men Kill 24 Women in February

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According to the reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites and agencies, men have killed 24 women; raped 7; harassed 11; sexually abused 21 girls, injured 28 women in February 2017.
Men killed 53 women and girls; raped 13 women; harassed 17; sexually abused 48 girls; inflicted violence on 51 women since the beginning of 2017.
Men killed 24 women and girls in February.
In addition to the murder of the above-mentioned 24 women, a man sent to prison for attempting to kill his wife, continued to threaten to kill his wife in letters he sent from prison.
2 women were found dead in their apartments. Their murderers are not known yet. 4 other women have committed or allegedly committed suicide. One of these women was married at a very young age and was being exposed to systematic violence. Another of these women was receiving death threats for attempting to divorce.
29% of the women were murdered for attempting to divorce.
One of the women murdered was a Syrian refugee.
12.5% of the murders were committed openly in the middle of the street. 8% of the murders were committed in front of the homes or workplaces of the women.
2 women were murdered despite restraining orders and another woman despite having filed a complaint in the police department right before the murder.
58% of the women were killed by their husbands: 1 woman was killed by her elder brother; 2 others by their fathers; 2 women by their ex-boy friends, 1 by a burglar; 13 women by their husbands; 1 other by her husband of religious marriage; 1 by the brother of her husband; 1 by her boyfriend and 1 by the husband of her niece attempting to divorce.
50% of the women were murdered with a fire arms. 7 women were killed with knives; 1 by being strangled; 1 by being beaten; 2 others by bowstrings, 8 with pistols; 4 with rifles and 1 girl with poison.
Following the murders, 5 of the perpetrators committed suicide and 5 others attempted suicide.
The cities in which femicides occurred were Ağrı (1), Aksaray (1), Antalya (3), Balıkesir (2), Bursa (1), Diyarbakır (1), Eskişehir (1), Hakkari (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (2), Kayseri (1), Manisa (2), Maraş (1), Mersin (1), Yozgat (1).
7 rape cases were reported in the media in February.
2 of the women raped, had disabilities.
1 of the rapists had already been convicted of sexual assault.
1 of the women was raped by a colleague she had met for a business meeting; 1 by her employer; 1 by a man she knew from school; 1 by a man she met on social media; 1 by a plumber in her house and 1 by stranger men.
1 of the rape incidents occurred in an apartment in which the woman was detained; 1 in an underpass; 1 in the restroom of shopping mall; 2 in their apartments; 1 in her workplace and 1 in a school.
Following these incidents, 8 men were arrested; 1 rapist was released after testifying and 1 rapist was released on probation. A school principal and the vice principal were suspended due to a rape incident which occurred in their school.
The cities in which the rape cases reported in the media occurred were Bursa (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1) and Muğla (1).
At least 11 women were harassed in February.
82% of the women were harassed by men they did not know: 9 women were harassed by stranger men; 1 by the son of her employer and 1 by her colleague.
4 of the harassment cases occurred on the street; 1 in the apartment which the harassers broke into; 2 in the houses of the women and 1 in a hospital.
1 of the harassers had already been convicted of sexual assault.
2 women who stabbed the harassers as self defence were taken into custody while only 2 men were arrested in 11 harassment cases.
The cities in which the harassment cases occurred were Bartın (2), Elazığ (1), İstanbul (1), Kocaeli (5) and Samsun (2).
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 21 girls including 1 with disabilities in February.
19% of the girls became pregnant due to abuse.
4 abuse cases were brought to light by girls telling other teachers about the abuse.
7 abusers were arrested; 3 others were released on probation; the legal procedure of other abusers were not reported in the media.
4 of the girls were abused by their teachers; 1 by the driver of the orphanage; 2 by their relatives; 1 by her stepfather; 1 by a caregiver; 1 by a man she knew; 1 by a man who wanted to marry her and 8 others by stranger men. Identity of 1 abuser was not reported in the media.
The cities in which the abuse incidents occurred were Adana (1), Aydın (3), İstanbul (3), İzmir (2), Kırklareli (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (3), Malatya (1), Manisa (3), Mardin (1), Samsun (1) and Yozgat (1).
Men injured/inflicted violence on at least 28 women in February.
11% of the women were subjected to violence for attempting to divorce; 11% despite a restraining order.
21% of the violence-injury cases occurred in public places such as in a hospital or on the street.
One of the victims of violence was a trans woman.
61% of the women were subjected to violence by their partners and ex-partners: 1 woman was subjected to violence by her family; 1 by her son-in-law; 2 by their ex-boyfriends; 13 by husbands; 1 by her son; 1 by her boy friend; 1 by a taxi driver. two by sons; one by a bus driver assistant. In 7 cases, the identity of the assaulter was not reported on the media.
46% of women were injured with knives or firearms: 11 with knives and 2 with pistols. 15 women were beaten.
The cities in which violence-injury cases occurred were Adana (1), Aksaray (2), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Bursa (2), Denizli (1), Eskişehir (4), İstanbul (3), Karabük (1), Karaman (1), Kayseri (1), mersin (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (5), Trabzon (1) and Urfa (1).
Distribution by regions
In February the largest number of murders took place in İstanbul province, followed by Antalya.
33% of the murder incidents took place in Marmara Region, 17.5% in Aegean Region, 13% in Black Sea Region, 17.5% in Central Anatolia Region, 4% in Southeastern Anatolia Region, 4% in Eastern Anatolia Region and 9% in Mediterranean Region. (ÇT/DG)