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Journalist Nadire Mater Stands Trial
In her testimony before İstanbul 22nd Criminal Court, journalist Nadire Mater who had participated in the “Editor-in-Chief on Watch” campaign launched in support of the Özgür Gündem daily said “Solidarity with Özgür Gündem is also an objection to the current situation”. The next hearing will be on December 9, at 2.15 p.m.
7 November 2016
First Day of Diyarbakır Municipality Trustee
Speaking to bianet, Chair of Culture and Art Department Cevahir Sadak has said police broke the doors, which again they had broken last week, and explained what happened during the first day of the appointed trustee.
2 November 2016
Restraining Order Demanded Over Aggressor Kicking Woman in Shorts Being Released
Chief prosecutor and the attorneys of Terzi, kicked on a bus by Çakıroğlu for wearing shorts on the day of the aid, have objected to Çakıroğlu being released after first hearing and demanded a restraining order against the aggressor using public transportation.
28 October 2016
Men Kill 20 Women in September
35% of the murders took place because women sought divorce, refused the offer of reconciliation or proposal to live together. 15% of the murders occurred in public places.
13 October 2016
Broadcast of İMC TV Shut Down
İMC TV’s regie room was sealed today during live broadcast. Channel staff protested the sealing with clappings and slogans “Free press cannot be silenced” on the live broadcast.
4 October 2016
Hayatın Sesi TV Sealed
Regie room of Hayatın Sesi TV has been sealed, its Youtube broadcast shut down. Continuing its broadcasting on social media, channel staff said “We are here and not going anywhere. These days will pass”.
4 October 2016
İstanbul LGBTİ Asked to Evacuate Its Office, Justification ‘Conservatism’
Landlord wants İstanbul LGBTİ to evacuate its office in Beyoğlu. Landlord’s justification is that he doesn’t approve of association’s activities. Association authorities have said, “We will not leave this office where we have been using since it was founded”.
30 September 2016
Prosecutor Lectures on Journalism in Trial of ‘Womanly State of the Mountain’
The hearing in the trial of Arzu Demir charged with the claims of “propagandizing for an [illegal] organization” and “praising the crime and the criminal” in her book titled “Womanly State of the Mountain”, will continue on November 8.
27 September 2016
Trans Woman Attacked, Forced to Leave İstanbul Neighborhood
Kıvılcım Arat, LGBTI activist, was forced to leave her home of five years due to continuous attacks from a group of young men living in her neighborhood.
23 September 2016
Men Kill 22 Women in August
According to data collected by bianet, 23% of women who were killed and 17% of women who were severely injured in August wanted a divorce. Attacks against trans women increased. With the closure of schools, cases of sexual assault against female children decreased.
8 September 2016
9 Özgür Gündem Editors-in-Chief on Watch Summoned to Testify
9 individuals who have participated in the “Editors-in-Chief on Watch” campaign including Nadire Mater, Tuğrul Eryılmaz and Hasan Cemal, have been summoned to give testimony.
1 September 2016
Men Kill 18 Women in July
11 of the murders have been committed despite a protection order. 11% of the women have been killed for seeking divorce and 16% murdered by their ex-husbands.
3 August 2016
Men Kill 22 Women in June
Men have raped 10 women and sexually abused 47 girls. There are teachers and vice principal among the abusers.
14 July 2016
Those Going to Hospital in Search Of Girls...
“Going to the hospital not to get treatment but to search for girls” … Moreover; a friend has told him about that … One can’t help but wonder; what kind of friends does he have?
12 July 2016
Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Erol Önderoğlu at Özgür Gündem Again
Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Erol Önderoğlu who got arrested for serving as Editor-in-Chief met at Özgür Gündem. It has been emphasized that solidarity will grow stronger with the arrests.
1 July 2016
Çilem Doğan to Be Released on Bail
The court has decided to release Çilem Doğan who had killed her husband inflicting violence on her on bail until the respective decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal was issued. Her attorney Topal noted; “May this decision be a hope for every woman who defends her right to life”.
20 June 2016
Arrest Demanded for Özgür Gündem’s Editors in Chief on Watch; Önderoğlu, Nesin, Korur Fincancı
Journalist and writer Ahmet Nesin, TİHV President Korur Fincancı and RSF Turkey Representative and bianet rapporteur Önderoğlu have been referred to the court demanding arrest for participating in the Editorship in Chief on Watch Campaign for Özgür Gündem daily.
20 June 2016
Police First Allow Then Attack Press Statement of Trans Pride Parade
Police prohibiting the 7th Trans Pride Parade have attacked the press statement which it had allowed earlier. After being exposed to gas, plastic bullets and custodies, Istanbul LGBTİ has stated; every LGBTI is alone a pride parade.
20 June 2016
Trans Pride Committee: We Don’t Recognize Prohibition
İstanbul Governorate has declared it is not going to permit the Pride Parades. While İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee has found the decision unlawful, Trans Pride Week Committee said they won't recognize the prohibition.
17 June 2016
Website Calling for Attacking Pride Parade Closed
The Facebook page created by group calling itself “Muslim Anatolian Youth” in order to call for an attack on the Pride Parade has been closed. LGBTIs will file criminal complaint.
14 June 2016
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7th Trans Pride Week Starts Memorializing Orlando Massacre
7th Trans Pride week started today. Trans said, “The offensive which was launched on Yezidi, Kurdish, Nusayri, Turkmen and Christian societies in the past now targets LGBTIs in the other end of the world”.
13 June 2016
Journalists in Antep Instructed to ‘Not Make Report of ISIS’
State authorities in Antep have told the journalists to “not make reports making Antep look bad”; WhatsApp group has been formed for news accreditation.
10 June 2016
Summer Comes, Sexism Season Takes Start
In each year as of May, misogyny season takes start with the weather warming up. Thanks to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, we’ve welcomed this summer too with the debates on birth control and “half woman”.
7 June 2016
Men Kill 15 Women in May
Men have sexually abused 25 girls in May. People like teachers, vice principals, Family and Social Policies Directorate officer, school bus driver, market owner near the school have taken place among the perpetrators.
3 June 2016
Ankara’s Rainbow Venues Mapped
KaosGL has mapped the venues where you won’t be subjected to discriminative, homophobic and transphobic attitudes, and that stick rainbows on the venues’ doors.
19 May 2016
Men Kill 17 Women in April
According to 51 harassment cases from 29 cities appearing in media in April, at least 155 women and girls have been subjected to harassment. 67% of the harassment reports are from education institutes.
6 May 2016
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Academic Özgen Sues President Over Insult
Prof. Dr. Neşe Özgen has sued President Erdoğan for damages over his insults against the academics.
22 April 2016
58% of Sexual Harassment Cases Take Place at Education Institutions
58% of the harassment reports appearing in media have taken place in school, study center, quran course, and juvenile rehabilitation centers in March. 41% of the harassers were teachers of the victims.
6 April 2016
VIDEO-NEWS: Those in İstiklal Street Tell on First Workday
After the suicide attack which left four people dead, we’ve spoken with the ones at the scene of commemoration, artisans in the shops, tourists, and the ones going to work.
21 March 2016
Refugee Policies Based on Social Gender Needed for Syrian Women
Freizer from UN, Çorabatır from Asylum and Immigration Research Center, and Ghanem from Syrian Women for Peace Initiative have expressed that UN 1325, CEDAW and İstanbul Convention pave the way for accepting refugee policy sensitive to social gender.
7 March 2016
Men Kill 23 Women in February
According to the bianet’s Male Violence Monitoring Report, 26% of the women have been murdered for wanting to divorce/break up, 8% for rejecting relationship offer. One out of every four murders have been committed on the street.
3 March 2016
Bedroom Polemics about LGBTI in Parliament Equality Commission
CHP and HDP have brought discrimination against LGBTI members into parliament’s agenda, AKP’s Doğan said the commission has been established to discuss “business values of men and women” and she will not talk about “private sexes of different groups in bedroom”.
17 February 2016