Summer Comes, Sexism Season Takes Start

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In fact, in each year as of May, misogyny season takes start with the weather warming up.
Of course in the “struggle for sexism”, November 25 International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women, and March 8 World Women’s Day have a distinct place; he voices statements such as “At least three children”, “Equality of men and women is contrary to disposition” on women’s special days in the women meetings.
But summer months have a different place. Former Prime Minister, now President Erdoğan’s remarks on women always occur at the time as summer months.
“They suggest population planning, birth control, no Muslim family can be in such understanding”. (May 2016)
“Abortion is murder” / “Every abortion is an Uludere”. (May 2012)
“The woman refusing motherhood is half”. (June 2016)
“Does any mother or father caring about their values let their daughter sit on someone’s lap? I saw the situation from my office in Dolmabahçe of those coming from Kadıköy”. (June 2012)
“Is she a woman or a girl?” (June 2011)
July (s)
(While calling out to women students) “Don’t be so picky, get married”. (July 2014)
I don’t believe in the equality of women and men”. (July 2010)
(Comment on murder of Münevver Karabulut) “The one left by herself will run either to the drummer or to the shawmer (meaning she will make the wrong choice)” (July 2009)
Exclusive for Women’s Day
“I believe that women themselves would object to a mindset making women open to all kinds of exploitation and abuse under the cover of equality”. (March 7, 2016)
“Putting men and women to the same race is not defending women’s rights. Underlining woman’s motherness qualifications is not discrimination. Some say ‘Don’t call us mothers, we are woman’. I am a son who kisses the feet of his mother”. (March 6, 2015)
“Bringing woman and man to equal positions contradicts with the disposition but you can’t explain feminists that”. (October 24, 2014)
“I used to kiss my mother’s foot. She would pull them back and I would say don’t, they smell after heaven and she would cry. Feminists don’t get motherness”. (November 24, 2014)
“I kissed my mother’s foot. My mommy would not want me to, but I did”. (March 7, 2013)
“At least three children” (First demanded on March 7, 2008) (ÇT/DG)