Men Kill 15 Women in May
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According to the reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites, and agencies, men have killed 15 women and 1 girl in May; raped 9 women, forced 6 women to sex work, sexually harassed 11 women, sexually abused 25 girls, inflicted violence on 31 women.
In the first five months of 2016, men killed at least 113 women; raped 31 women, harassed 62 women; sexually abused 243 girls; inflicted violence on 151 women.
In the first five months of 2015, men killed 120 women; raped 49 women; forced 103 women to sex labor; injured 168 women; harassed 127 women.
Men killed 15 women and 1 girl in May.
Despite the restraining order issued on a man, he murdered his ex-wife. Two women were killed for seeking divorce/turning down the proposal of making up.
A woman killed at the age of 19 was forced to get married at early age.
Among the men’s excuses for murder, there are arguments such as jealousy, woman’s turning down the proposal to make up, woman’s having a partner, woman’s not giving money.
60% of the women were killed by their ex or present partners: One woman was killed by her father; one by her husband of religious marriage; two by their ex-husbands, one by her ex-lover, four by their husbands, one by a man who works with her husband, one by her son, one by her lover, one by her lover’s wife and friends; one by her grandchild. A report didn’t cover murderer’s relation with the woman but stated that the man had shot the woman before.
47% of the murders were committed by firearms: Four women were murdered by pistol; four by knife; two by being slit in throat; one by being battered; one by being burned by gasoline.
Age of the women killed in May ranged between 19 and 67, and the age of the murderer men ranged between 21 and 55.
The cities where the murders took place are Adana, Ankara, Antep, Balıkesir, Bursa, Edirne, Eskişehir, Iğdır (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir, Muğla and Trabzon.
* In addition to these 15 femicides, three women have been suspiciously found. Besides, perpetrators of the three femicides taking place in 2015 and 2016 became clear this month.
Men raped nine women in May. One of the women exposed to rape was tourist.
Five of the rapists have been released by the court pending a trial, and five others have been arrested.
One-third of the rape incidents took place at a foundation home, two in vehicle, one in the emergency unit in a hospital, one in forestry, one in a farm. Whereabouts of one rape incident hasn’t taken place in media.
Two women were raped by men they don’t know, three by religion teacher at the foundation where they worked voluntarily, one by her neighbor, one by director at her workplace, one by hospital staff, one by men she knew at school.
The cities where rape incident took places are Aydın (2), Bitlis (3), Burdur (1), Hakkari (1), İstanbul (1) ve Kocaeli (1).
Men forced six women to sex labor in Adana and Antalya. One woman was forced to sex labor by her husband, three women of not citizen of Turkey by a man promising them job.
Men harassed 11 women in May.
There are figures such as Ministry of National Education staff, Family and Social Policies Directorate principal among the harassers. According to the reports appearing in media, none of the harassers were arrested.
One of those exposed to harassment was mentally handicapped.
Eight of the women were subjected to physical, two to verbal, one to both physical and verbal harassment.
Two of the women were harassed by their relatives, one by caregiver, one by her manager at the workplace, one by her neighbor, one by National Education staff, one by bus helper, one by her teacher, one by a man she knew, two by men they didn’t know.
One of the rape incidents occurred in vehicle, two at home, one in hospital, two in workplace, three in street. One of the whereabouts of the incident didn’t appear in the media.
The cities where the harassments took place are Adana, Adıyaman, Denizli, Eskişehir (2), Manisa, Muğla (3) and Samsun (2).
Child abuse
Men sexually abused 25 girls in May. Two of the girls subjected to harassment/rape were handicapped. There are figures such as teachers, vice principals, Family and Social Policies Directorate officer, school bus driver, market owner near the school among the perpetrators.
20% of the girls were subjected to rape, 72% of them were subjected to sexual harassment: 18 girls were exposed to sexual harassment, five to rape, two to exhibitionism.
Five girls were abused by their teachers, five by Family and Social Policies Trabzon Provincial Directorate officer, two by men they didn’t know, one by her elder brother, one by her cousin, one by vice principal of her school, one by male students, one by the market owner next to her school, one by cleaning worker, one by school bus driver, one by her lover, one by taxi driver, one by her stepfather. It wasn’t mentioned in the reports whether the three girls knew the harassers.
17 men harassing and raping children at early age have been arrested; three of them have been released by the court pending a trial.
A man showing his genital to little girls had stayed in prison for seven years over child abuse.
In the three harassment incidents one of which took place in school and two at home, it was understood that the victimized children were being exposed to harassment/rape for a long time.
The cities where the girls were exposed to sexual abuse are Afyon (1), Antalya (3), Aydın (1), Bingöl (1), Bursa (2), Diyarbakır (5), İstanbul (1), Muğla (1), Rize (1), Samsun (3), Siirt (1) and Trabzon (5).
Men imposed violence on 31 women in May.
22% of the women were exposed to violence for seeking divorce/break up. One trans woman and one atrans woman were exposed to homophobic attacks.
A 16-year-old girl was stabbed by her “husband”.
A man burned by spilling oil on his wife who told him to give up drugs.
An arrested man slashed his wife with razor at the courthouse where he was brought for divorce case.
A young woman was beaten on the allegation that she had a lover, and beaten with iron club, locked in toilet. A woman battered by her husband was seized in her husband’s vehicle.
65% of the women were subjected to violence which could lead to death: One woman was wounded resulting by her fiancée saying “If we are going to die, we will die together” driving the car to cliff, two women were injured by axe, seven by knife, one by razor, one by iron club, three by shotgun, three by pistol. One woman was thrown down the car half naked, 11 women were battered.
55% of the women suffered violence from their partners and ex-partners: two women suffered violence from their elder brothers, one from her relative’s husband, one from her bride, one from her ex-husband, one from her daughter’s ex-husband, one from a thief breaking into her apartment, one from a man receiving service from her, 12 from their husbands, three from their fiancées, one from her son, one from a private security officer, one from her lover, three from men they knew, one from a man she didn’t know.
The age of the women subjected to violence ranged between 16 and 67, and the age of the men imposing violence ranged between 19 and 56.
The cities where male violence incidents took place are Adana (3), Aksaray (2), Ankara (1), Aydın (3), Bartın (2), Bolu (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (2), Karabük (2), Kocaeli (1), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (4), Samsun (1), Trabzon (1) and Urfa (1).
Distribution by the regions
In total 97 male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and injury cases appeared in media in May.
21.5% of these took place in the Aegean; 19.5% in the Black Sea; 17.5% in the Marmara; 16.5% in the Mediterranean; 10% in the Southeast Anatolia; 7% in the Central Anatolia; 7% in the East Anatolia regions.
In the bianet male violence monitoring report, we don't cover all women killings but only those losing their lives as a result of male violence. We don't include violence cases that are not social gender based. Even though we cover the homicides whose perpetrators are yet to be identified, and suspicious deaths in the full text of the male violence monitoring report, we don't include these cases in the edition which we take to the headline. Besides, we don't include the homicides committed by individuals with severe psychological diseases in the tally. We include women forced to sex labor against their will in the category of rape. Up till now, we were including the sexual violence cases against women and girls in the categories of "rape" and "harassment". Because of the increase in the harassment reports against girls as of February 2016, we added the category of "child abuse" in the bianet male violence monitoring report as of June 1, 2016. This category involves only the sexual violence cases committed against girls. |