Hayatın Sesi TV Sealed

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Regie room of Hayatın Sesi TV has been sealed by the police officers coming to the building.
Removed from TÜRKSAT satellite on September 28, Hayatın Sesi TV was continuing its broadcast on its Youtube channel.
Arriving at the Hayatın Sesi TV office as Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK) delegation was there for a visit in the afternoon hours, finance and police officers sealed the regie room and shut down the Youtube broadcast.
Hayatın Sesi TV Broadcast Coordinator member and producer of the program “Ekmek ve Gül” Sevda Karaca told bianet:
“What they are doing at the moment is to close the section in which we coordinate the broadcast. They sealed only the regie room, not the entire building since we share it with Evrensel daily.
“Solidarity visits continue. We are here and not going anywhere.
“These days teach us how difficult it is to practice journalism in this country. These days will pass, we will remember these days but the things we’ve learned will not be useful at all to the ones who try to shut us down”.
TV and radio channels are being shut down
Base of the decision is the decree no. 668 enacted right after the declaration of the OHAL.
Causing the shutting down of three news agencies, 16 TV and 23 radio channels, the decree enables new shutting downs by Minister approval.
Over 10 TV and radio channels were removed from TÜRKSAT, the national satellite, and that their broadcastings were shut down on September 28.
Yön Radio’s broadcasting was cut off on September 29 and İMC TV’s broadcasting was shut down on September 30. Access to the websites of Özgür Radio, İMC TV and Hayatın Sesi were blocked.
Med Nûçe TV’s broadcast through France-based Eutelsat satellite was shut down on October 3. (ÇT/TK)
This publication has been produced within the partnership with Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso for the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), co-funded by the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IPS Communication Foundation and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.