Men Kill 30 Women in January

Headline Image: Kadın Yaşam Özgürlük (Woman Life Freedom)
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According to reports bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men have killed 30 women and two men near them; raped seven women and girls; forced 21 women to prostitution; inflicted violence on 30 women; sexually harassed 13 women and girls.
* We will release bianet 2015 male violence monitoring report and infographics soon.
Men killed 30 women and two mean near them in January.
26.6% of the women were killed for seeking divorce/break up.
13.3% of them were killed for not giving the money asked from them, 10% of them were killed out of jealousy. Other than these, pretexts such as learning that his daughter was harassed, ex-lover getting married, discussions about child care.
One woman was killed despite restraint order; one woman and her 18-year-old daughter were killed by their husband/father returning home after restraint order is over.
30% of the women were killed by their husbands; 16.6% by their ex-partners (ex-husband, ex-lover), 10% by their lovers; one woman by her friend’s husband; three women by their father, one was by a man who entered the house by introducing himself as an electrician; three by their ex-husband; two by ex-lover, one by her brother-in-law; nine by their husband; one by her husband; one by her fiancée; four by their son; three by their ex-lover.
56.6% of the homicides were committed by firearms: One was murdered by being thrown down the elevator shaft; one by hunter rifle; six by knife; four by being sliced in throat; one by being battered by an object; four by shotgun; 10 by pistol; two by rifle.
Seven of the murderers committed suicide, three of them surrendered.
Two men escaped from prison and killed their wives.
Age of the murderers ranged between 17 and 65, age of the women murdered ranged between 18 and 84.
The cities where femicides took place in January are as follows: Adana, Ankara (2), Antalya, Antep, Artvin, Aydın (2), Batman (2), Bursa (2), Çorum, Düzce, Elazığ, Isparta (2), İstanbul (2), İzmir (3), Kocaeli (2), Konya, Osmaniye, Samsun, Yozgat and Zonguldak.
Men raped at least seven women and girls.
57% of the rapists were men the victims knew. One girl was raped by her father; one by her employer; one by her neighbor; one by her lover; three by men they don’t know.
Seven rapists were arrested, and one man raping his lover by threat of knife has been released on condition of judicial control.
One of the women raped was disabled
Two of the rape incidents occurred at their homes; two by derelict buildings they were forcefully taken into; one at the house where victim seized; one at her work place; one in a street.
Two men usurped the victims after raping them.
Age of the rapists ranged between 20 and 37, age of the victims raped ranged between 13 and 34.
The cities where rape incidents took place are as follows: Ankara, Bolu, Erzincan, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Samsun.
Forcing to prostitution
21 women were forced to sex labor.
86% of the women were not citizens of Turkey. One of the three citizens of Turkey was forced to sex labor by her husband, one by her lover, one by her employer.
20 of the 21 incidents took place in Adana as one occurred in Giresun.
Violence – Injuring
Men inflicted violence on at least 30 women. Two women killed the men imposing violence on them. 20% of the women were subjected to violence for seeking divorce/break up, for turning down the man’s request to meet up or for being in a relationship with another man.
60% of the women were exposed to violence by their husbands. One woman was inflicted violence by her father, two by her ex-husband, one by her ex-lover, 18 by their husband, one by a man whom she rejected to meet up, five by her lover.
16.6% of the women were subjected to fatal violence. Men battered 25 women; injured one by knife, three by rifle, one by pistol.
Age of the men inflicting violence ranged between 19 and 62, age of the women exposed to violence ranged between 17 and 48.
The cities where male violence incidents took place are as follows: Adana, Afyon, Aksaray (7), Aydın, Denizli, İstanbul (3), İzmir (2), Kırşehir, Konya, Manisa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon (10).
Men harassed at least 13 women and girls in January.
30.7% percent of the harassed were under 18.
84.6% of the harassers were men the victims didn’t know: 11 women were harassed by men they don’t know, one by her husband, one by a man she met on social media.
61.5% of the harassment cases took place in street: eight of the incident happened in street, two in victims’ houses, one in a vehicle, one on social media.
61.5% of the women were exposed to physical harassment, 15% to digital harassment: eight women were exposed to physical harassment, two to digital harassment, one to verbal harassment. A man creeping in to a woman’s house stole laundries of the woman and her 15-year-old daughter and wrote swear on the wall by lipstick.
Six men have been arrested over sexual harassment in January.
The cities where harassment incidents took place are as follows: Ankara, Antalya, İstanbul, İzmir (5), Konya, Trabzon, Uşak, Zonguldak.
Distribution by regions
In total 100 male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual harassment, rape and injury cases appeared in media in January.
27% of the violence incidents took place in the Mediterranean region, 20% in the Black Sea region, 18% in the Aegean region, 17% in the Central Anatolia region, 12% in the Marmara region, 3% in the Southeastern Anatolia region, 2% in the Eastern Anatolia region, and 1% on social media. (ÇT/TK)