Men Kill 29 Women in September

According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, websites and agencies, men have killed 29 women, raped seven women and girls, forced 10 women to prostitution, inflicted violence on 24 women, molested 12 women and girls.
In the first nine months of 2015, men have killed 211 women, raped 97 women, forced 152 women to prostitution, injured 290 women, harassed 173 women.
Men killed 29 women in September, one of the killed was a transsexual worker.
In addition to that 29 murders, it was claimed that four women who died suspiciously committed suicide. It was alleged that a man killed his daughter as trying to kill a pig entering his garden. Perpetrators of a femicide still couldn't be determined. |
14.5 percent of women killed because they wanted to break up/divorce or rejected their lovers' proposal to make up. One woman was killed by husband of her daughter who wanted a divorce.
Two of women killers were police officers.
Two of the murdered women were Syrian refugees, and another Syrian woman is claimed to have committed suicide.
* Leyla Cengiz murdered as she was 18 years old was forced to get married with "bride exchange" way and had received pound report for being subjected to violence 15 days ago. She had filed complaints many times. * Gülizar Burak forced to get married in early ages was exposed to violence by her husband and his family for seven years, registered complaint numbers of times, killed by her husband at the age of 22. * A man went to the house of his ex-wife and four children to kill them but confused the doors and murdered neighbor's daughter. In his statement, "I looked through the window. I thought she was my daughter so I shot, but she wasn't," he said. * A man stabbed her wife, Nebahat Akkaş, to death in her neighbor's garden where she ran for. |
59 percent of women were killed by their former or present partners (husband, ex-husband, lover, ex-lover, fiancee, ex-fiancee): Seven women were murdered by their husbands, two by their husbands by religious marriage ceremony, five by their ex-husbands, two by their lovers, one by her ex-lover, two by their older brothers, three by their male relatives, one by her friend's ex-husband, one by her father, one by her bride, one by her husband's son, one by her neighbor, one by her client. Identity of a woman killer was not mentioned in the news.
69 percent of the murders were committed by firearms: 11 women were killed by gun, seven by hunting rifle, two by shotgun, eight by knife, one by being set fire with ethyl alcohol.
In September women killers' age ranged between 20 and 62, killed women and girls' age ranged between 14 and 52.
The cities where femicides took place are Adana (2), Ankara, Antalya (2), Bursa (2), Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, Düzce (2), Hatay, İstanbul (4), İzmir, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa (2), Mersin, Muğla, Ordu, Samsun (2), Sivas and Trabzon (2).
In September men raped seven women and girls, and forced 10 women to prostitution. Seven of the 10 women forced to prostitution were not citizens of Turkey. 57 percent of women were raped by men they know. Two of them were raped by men who introduce themselves as employers, one by someone who she knew from the workplace, one by a client of the hotel she worked at, three by men they don't know (one of those was a bus driver).
Two of the rape incidents happened in the workplaces, two on the street, one in a forestland, one in a hotel, one in the house where the woman was seized, and one in some place where she was seized.
Rape incidents took place in Adana, Aydın, Bolu, İstanbul (2), and İzmir (2).
Forced to prostitution cases happened in Antep (7) and Trabzon (3).
In September raped women's ages ranged between 21 and 28, rapists' ages ranged between 26 and 45.
Violence - Physical injury
Men injured 24 women in September.
12.5 percent of women were subjected to violence for not willing to divorce/break up or rejecting proposal to make up. One woman was injured by her ex-lover though she filed complaint numbers of times.
* A man wounding his wife with hammer and adze persisted to pound up his wife who jumped over the balcony to escape by bringing her back home.
* A man inflicting violence on his wife filed a missing person report. The woman was found fainted in a stable a day later.
* A man pounding up his daughter didn't open doors to police who came upon his wife's denounce and set fire on his house on the ground floor of the building.
* A man dragging his ex-lover on the middle of the street in Eskişehir threatened people trying to interfere with death.
* A Syrian man pounded up his wife in Urfa, police teams gave them a warning after they said "we made up."
58 percent of women were exposed to violence by their husbands: A woman was injured by her male relative, one was by her father, two by their husbands by religious marriage ceremony, two by their husbands, two their ex-lovers, four by their lovers, one by her brother. An attacker's affinity with the victim is not mentioned in the news.
37.5 percent of women were exposed to violence in ways that could lead to death: Four were battered by knife, two by rifle, one by gun, one by sharp objects; one woman was tortured, and 15 women were battered.
In September ages of the women subjected to violence ranged between 20 and 47, and ages of men inflicting violence ranged between 20 and 47.
In September the cities where the male violence was reflected in the press are Adana (2), Aksaray (4), Antalya, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir (2), Giresun, İstanbul (3), İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Kütahya, Manisa, Samsun, Urfa, Uşak, and Van.
Men abused at least 12 women and girls in September. 92 percent of harassers consisted of men they don't know: 11 women were harassed by men they don't know, and one was harassed by a bus driver assistant.
92 percent of harassment cases were lived on the streets: 11 women were abused on street, and one was harassed on a bus.
58 percent of women were subjected to exhibitionism, 25 percent were subjected to both verbal and physical harassment, 17 percent were exposed to physical harassment.
The cities where the harassment incidents took place are İstanbul (3), Kocaeli, Muğla (7) and Trabzon.
In August in total 82 male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and physical injury incidents took place.
23 percent of the incidents of violence by man happened in the Marmara, 22 percent in the Aegean, 17 percent in the Black Sea, 12 percent in the Central Anatolia, 12 percent in the Mediterranean regions. (ÇT/TK)