Men Kill 20 Women in August

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According to news reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news sites and agencies, men killed 20 women; one girl and three men who attempted to prevent the murder or thought by the murderers to be boyfriends of the women; raped at least four women; forced at least 13 women to sex work; harassed at least 10 women; sexually abused 29 girls; injured 36 women.
In addition to these homicide and violence cases, four women were found suspiciously dead; one girl and two women allegedly committed suicide. The girl and one of the women who allegedly committed suicide were subjected to abuse and the perpetrators weren’t penalized.
Men killed at least 160 women and 8 children; raped 46 women; harassed 140 women; forced 351 women to sex work; sexually abused 260 girls and injured 280 women in the first eight months of 2018.
Men killed 20 women; one girl and three men who attempted to prevent the murder or thought by the murderers to be boyfriends of the women.
15 percent of the women murdered were refugee or immigrant (two were from Syria, three from Turkmenistan).
One murder occurred despite the women’s several complaints; one woman had gotten out of the women’s shelter three days before she was murdered.
20 percent of the women were killed for attempting to divorce or break up.
Three women were killed in public place; two were in front of their houses; 13 at their homes. 50 percent of the women were killed by their husbands.
10 women were murdered by their husbands; one by her male relative; two by their fathers; one by her neighbor; one by her client; two by their sons; one by her boyfriend; two by male strangers.
55 percent of the women were killed with firearms:
Nine women were killed with gun; two with rifle; three with knife; three by being choked; one by being slit in throat; one by being battered; one with pickaxe.
A perpetrator surrendered after the murders; six committed suicide; one attempted suicide.
The cities where murders occurred are: Adıyaman (2), Antalya (1), Antep (1), Batman (2), Bursa (2), Çorum (1), Denizli (1), İstanbul (4), Kırklareli (1), Maraş (1), Muş (1), Samsun (2), Tekirdağ (1).
Four rape incidents were covered by the media in Ausugt.
Two of the perpetrators were male strangers; one was her relative; one was taxi driver.
One woman raped was with disabilities.
Judicial process
One rapist who raped his cousin with disabilities was released; one rapist war arrested on some other charge; a taxi driver who raped the woman who got on his taxi was arrested; a rapist who is the perpetrator of 20 rape and abuse incidents was only detained after a crime he committed in August.
Sex work by force
At least 13 women were forced to sex work. 54 percent of the women (7 women) were not citizens of Turkey.
Judicial process
Only one of the 12 perpetrators who forced women to sex work was arrested. While six perpetrators were detained, judicial process about the five perpetrators wasn't reported in the media.
10 harassment incidents were covered by the media in August.
Eight of the harassers were male strangers, one was a craftsman, and the other was a man who knocked the woman’s door by introducing himself as a courier.
Six of the harassment incidents occurred in public places, one at an apartment’s entrance, one via telephone.
20 percent of the women were subjected to exhibitionism.
Judicial process
Only three of the harassers were arrested; one harasser filed a criminal complaint against the woman who filed a criminal complaint against him; three offenders were taken into custody (the ensuing judicial process was not reported in the news); in one harassment case, police officers who came to the scene of incident harassed the woman and no legal action was taken.
Regarding one harasser, it was only reported in the media that he "escaped." The judicial process of one harasser was not reported in the news.
Child abuse
In August, men sexually abused at least 29 girls. Four of the 29 girls were forced to sex work.
At least one girl got pregnant due to the sexual abuse.
One of the offenders had previous criminal record of sexual abuse. In one case, the father of the girl subjected to abuse was sentenced to 28 years in prison for abusing the child of the harassers. It was also reported that a 10-year-old girl was subjected to rape on the pretext of “revenge.”
In 52 percent of the sexual abuse cases, the degree/form of acquaintance between the offender and the child was not reported in the news. Of 14 offenders, one of them was the father of the girl, one of them an acquaintance of the parents, one of them a shopkeeper, one of them a hospital worker, two of them neighbors, two of them step-fathers, four of them male strangers. Four of the abusers were parents forcing the girl to marriage and an adult male, whom they planned to marry off with the girl.
Judicial process
20 of the 47 offenders were arrested; six of them were detained; one offender was only reported to be "caught"; the judicial processes of two offenders were not reported in the news.
Three offenders were battered by the people in the vicinity or the relatives of the children who were subjected to abuse.
Violence - physical injury
In August, men subjected at least 36 women and girls to violence/ physical injury. At least 14 of the women and girls were seriously injured.
25 percent of the women were subjected to violence because they demanded separation/divorce. One woman was seriously injured by the husband of her daughter, whom she wanted to divorce.
38 percent of the violence-physical injury incidents happened in public places. One of the incidents took place in a shared taxi.
55 percent of the women were subjected to violence by their partners and 14 percent of them by their ex-partners:
Two women were subjected to violence by their fathers; two of them by their sons-in-law; two of them by their husbands of religious marriage; one of them by her ex-boyfriend; five of them by their boyfriends; one of them by the burglar who broke into her house; one of them by her son; one of them by a male acquaintance and one of them by a male stranger. In one incident, the degree/form of acquaintance between the offender and the woman was not reported.
50 percent of the women (18 women) were battered; seven women were injured with a knife, four of them with a pistol, three of them with an object and two of them with a rifle. One woman was subjected to torture.
Two of the offenders committed suicide and one of them attempted to do so.
Judicial process