Women Exposed to Violence Kill 2 Men, Injure 4 Others in January
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According to the report of İstanbul Feminist Collective (İFK), women have killed two men and injured four others who have exposed violence on/harassed them.
İFK has noted; “There are women, who have protected themselves with the first available weapons they have grabbed, with ‘knives’ against men who have been imposing systematic violence on them, harassing or attempting to harass them and thus ‘attacking’ their lives. The actions of the women are neither systematic nor planned”.
The report also reminded of Jacqueline Sauvage who had killed her husband inflicting violence on her for 47 years and had been granted an exceptional remission decision.
It has also been pointed out to the harassment incidents occurred in Dokuz Eylül University Faculty for Literature and noted; “How could the molester professor not be discharged from his position although investigation had been launched upon 10 different women filing complaints to the dean’s office?”. (ÇT/DG)