Men Kill 25 Women in October

According to the news bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites, and agencies, men killed 25 women in October 2015; 15 women and girls were raped; forced five women and girls to prostitution; injured 29 women; sexually harassed six women and girls.
In the first 10 months of 2015 men killed 236 women, raped 112 women, forced 157 women to prostitution, wounded 319 women, harassed 179 women.
Men killed 25 women along with a baby and a man by their side in October.
22 percent of women were killed for seeking divorce/break up; not accepting her lover's proposal to make up or to engage in sexual intercourse. A man killed his wife, his 3-year-old grandchild and his daughter-in-law when the daughter-in-law reacted as the man harassed her.
One of the murdered women was issued a protection order three times.
64 percent of women were killed by their husbands or lovers, and 11 percent of women were killed by men whom they rejected their proposal to be together: 13 women were killed by their husbands, three by their lovers, three by men whom they rejected their proposal to be together, one by her friend's lover, one by her father, one by her son-in-law, one by her ex husband, one by her brother, and one by her father-in-law.
Fire arms were used in 55 percent of the murders: 12 women were killed by pistol, three by rifle, seven by knife, one by slit on throat, one by being choked, one by battered.
After the murders, three of the murderers committed suicide, one attempted suicide, three surrendered to law enforcers.
The cities where murders took place are Afyon, Ankara (2), Antalya, Antep (4), Ardahan (2), Artvin, Aydın, Bolu, Edirne, Eskişehir, Giresun, İstanbul (3), İzmir, Kırıkkale, Kocaeli (2), Mersin and Zonguldak.
Men raped 15 women and girls in October.
One of the raped women was mentally handicapped; 20 percent were not citizens of Turkey.
54 percent of the rapers were men who the victims knew: One woman was raped by her ex lover, one by a man from the same workplace, one by her employer, one by a man whom she met on social media, four by her male friends, five by men whom they don't know, one by a taxi driver, and one girl by shuttle driver.
33 percent of the rapes occurred in houses where they were taken: Five women were raped in the houses where they were taken, three on street, three in woods, one in vehicle, one in a familiar house, one in her own house, and one in a hotel room.
According to news reflected on media in October, rapers have been arrested in the 64 percent of the cases. 18 men have been arrested in total.
The age of rapers range between 16 and 41, and the age of raped women ranges between 12 and 43.
The cities where rape incidents took place are Antep, Bolu, Edirne, Elazığ, İstanbul (3), İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli (2), Konya, Samsun (2) ve Tekirdağ.
Forcing to prostitution
Men forced five women and girls to prostitution in Kocaeli and Adana in October.
Age of the five women forced to prostitution ranges between 16 and 23.
Four girls forced to prostitution were earlier raped by men who forced them to prostitution. Two men forced a woman to prostitution by threatening her with killing her children.
Men wounded 29 women in October.
Two of these women were subjected to violence for seeking divorce/break up.
Two heavily wounded women were issued a protection order against men who injured them.
* One man took his ex wife and her three friends hostage by gun * One man left an explosive written "wedding gift to my love" on it in front of his ex lover's house at the day of her wedding * A woman wounded by knife fell off balcony whilst trying to escape from her husband. She has gotten paralyzed. * Despite bar decision issued on him, the man who broke into by window of the home of his wife who filed for divorce tortured her. The wan has been released again. * A man escaped from prison and wounded his wife by gun. He fled saying "I will shoot three more people, then I will surrender". |
55 percent of women were subjected to violence by ex or current lovers: Nine women were wounded by their husbands, one by her husband by religious marriage, four by their ex husbands, one by ex lover, one by lover, two by their male relatives, one by her son-in-law, one by her boss, one by a man who raped his daughter, three by their neighbors, one by a man whom she turned down, two by their male friends, and one sex worker by her clients. In one male violence incident, relation between victim and attacker hasn't taken place in the news.
55 percent of women were subjected to violence by means that could lead to death: Five women were wounded by pistol, one by rifle, seven by knife; two were exposed to torture, one was sent explosive to her home by her ex lover. 13 women were battered.
The cities where wounding incidents took place in October are Adana (6), Aksaray (2), Antalya (2), Antep, Aydın, Erzurum, Isparta, İstanbul, İzmir (3), Kocaeli (2), Konya (3), Mersin, Nevşehir, Sakarya (2) and Uşak (2).
Adana, Erzincan, İzmir, Kırklareli, Kütahya, Samsun
Six cases of harassment towards women took place on media.
Five women and girls were physically exposed to sexual harassment; one male teacher recorded underpants of high school students via camera he set in his shoes.
Four of the harassments occurred on street, one at home, and one in a hotel.
66 percent of the harassers were unknown males to the women: Four women and girls were harassed by unknown men to them, one by a teacher, and one by lover of her mother.
In October, the age of harassers ranges between 33 and 76, and the age of harassed ranges between 15 and 24.
The cities where harassment cases took place in October are Adana, Erzincan, İzmir, Kırklareli, Kütahya and Samsun.
Distribution by regions
In total 80 male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and wounding cases took place on media in October.
Of all male violence news, 27.5 percent is from Marmara, 19 percent from Mediterranean, 15 percent from Central Anatolia, 15 percent from Aegean, 10 percent from Black Sea, 7.5 percent from Southeastern Anatolia, and 6 percent from Eastern Anatolia regions.
The entire male violence incidents which took place on media from Southeastern Anatolia (7.5 percent) took place in Gaziantep province. (ÇT/TK)
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