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Kurdish question
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Kurdish question
Minister Atalay: "We Will Speak to Anyone for a Solution"
The Minister of the Interior said that the government was open to dialogue with all political parties, NGOs, academics and the media.
29 July 2009
Tolga Korkut
Extrajudicial Killings and JİTEM
Informant Aygan Names More JİTEM Employees
PKK member-turned JİTEM employee Aygan has revealed three more names of people he claims worked for the clandestine JİTEM organisation in Diyarbakır.
29 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Freedom of expression
1 Year 3 Months Imprisonment for Leyla Zana
A Diyarbakır court has sentenced politician Zana for "organisational propaganda".
28 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Kurdish Question
Yaşar Kemal Speaks out on Kurdish Question
In an interview series with the Radikal newspaper, novelist Kemal spoke about a solution to the Kurdish question.
27 July 2009
"Soldiers Raided Village, Burnt Down Houses, Took Our Relatives"
Relatives of 14 missing persons thought to be buried on military ground in Derecik in Hakkari have spoken about their experiences.
23 July 2009
Erkan Çapraz
"Öcalan Can Stop Fighting, But Expectations Must Be Realistic"
Bilgen of the Peace Parliament evaluated Öcalan's "road map" as an important starting point but warned of exaggerated hopes.
22 July 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdish question
"Stop Military Operations and Solve Kurdish Question"
Parties of the left and NGOs have called for a democratic and peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.
16 July 2009
Bawer Çakır
Operations against DTP
Detention of 29 DTP Members in Tunceli
A prosecutor from Malatya has ordered the detention of 30 DTP members, all but one of whom are still being questioned.
23 June 2009
Bawer Çakır
Democratic Society Congress
Kurds, Yezidis and Alevis Unite in Demand for Civilian Constitution
At the Third Democratic Society Congress in Diyarbakır, delegates called for peace and constitutional change.
15 June 2009
Press Freedom
Günlük Newspaper Owner and Journalist Face Trial
The court has demanded around 9,270 Euros in fines or will proceed with trial.
12 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Dialogue for Solution Conference
"CHP May Be Key to Solution of Kurdish Question"
Professor Keyman spoke at a conference on the Kurdish question.
12 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Conference for Dialogue on Kurdish Question
MP Tuğluk: State Dialogue with Öcalan Could Lead to Quick Solution
Speaking at a conference, DTP MP Tuğluk argued that a state representative talking to imprisoned PKK leader Öcalan could lead to fast progress.
8 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Call for Peace
Şırnak Province Calls on PKK and Government to Create Peace
The Bar Association and the Medical Association of Şırnak want an unlimited ceasefire and government steps towards peace.
4 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdish Question
Women Called for Peace in Diyarbakır
On Sunday, thousands of women called for peace in Diyarbakır. Participants Yurdalan and Baykal told bianet their impressions.
4 June 2009
Bawer Çakır
Kurdish Question
Conference for Dialogue on Kurdish Issue in Istanbul
On 6 June, the Peace Parliament is organising a conference to be attended by lawyers, journalists, academics and politicians. The conference will focus on dialogue in the Kurdish question.
2 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdish Question
PKK Extends Ceasefire until 15 July, But...
The unilateral ceasefire of the PKK, which had excluded "legitimate defence", has been extended for another 1.5 months. However, it is not clear what will happen after that.
1 June 2009
Kurdish Question
PKK Warns: Intensified Fighting if No Change in Government Attitude
As the unilateral ceasefire of the PKK has come to an end, no concrete plans for a peace process have emerged yet.
1 June 2009
Kurdish Question
72 NGOs in Diyarbakır Call for Peace
Women's organisations, professional associations, trade unions and human rights activists in Diyarbakır have come together to appeal for peace.
28 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdish Question
President Gül Warns of Delays in Solving Kurdish Question
The President called the Kurdish question "Turkey's most pressing problem" and warned of any further delays.
28 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Saturday Mothers
Fourteen Years of Unanswered Questions
Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the first protest against unsolved disappearances in Turkey.
27 May 2009
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Kurdish Question
DTP MP Calls for Stop to Military Operations
DTP MP Sakık said that the current climate of dialogue and the possibility of an extension of a PKK ceasefire meant that the Turkish army should also stop operations.
26 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
State Wants Kurdish-Speaking Employees, But Tries Kurdish Mayor
Demirbaş, mayor of a municipality in Diyarbakır, is hopeful about changes in state attitude on public services in Kurdish.
25 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
State Wants Kurdish-Speaking Employees, But Tries Kurdish Mayor
Demirbaş, mayor of a municipality in Diyarbakır, is hopeful about changes in state attitude on public services in Kurdish.
25 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdish question
Demonstration in Istanbul: "Silence Guns, Not DTP"
Around 10,000 protesters in Çağlayan, Istanbul, gathered to call for an urgent, peaceful solution to the Kurdish question rather than operations against the DTP.
25 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
Province Human Rights Board Report
Children's Situation in Diyarbakır Prison is "Desperate"
A province human rights delegation has called for drastic improvements in conditions for children in prison in Diyarbakır.
19 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
DTP MPs Face Prosecution Despite Immunity
Six members of the pro-Kurdish DTP face trials because of speeches they made, despite having parliamentarian immunity.
19 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
bianet'i sosyal medyada takip edin,
önce siz öğrenin.
bianet bültene abone olun
Analysıs by Mesut Yeğen
“Indirect Negotiations with PKK Seem to Have Begun”
According to Ass. Prof. Yeğen, utterances by Minister of the Interior Atalay and PKK leader Karayılan are sending similar messages.
14 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdısh Polıtıcıan Ahmet Türk
“Monumental Opportunity” for Solution to Kurdish Question
The co-chair of the DTP said, “The public wants an end to violence. We are ready to meet the government on the path towards a solution.”
13 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurdısh Questıon
President Gül’s Speech “Has Created Hope in Diyarbakır”
Lawyer Danış Beştaş has called Gül’s comments on the Kurdish question “positive”. In Prague, Gül had called the Kurdish question "Turkey’s priority".
13 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
Sociologist İsmail Beşikçi on Mardin massacre
“Many Reasons for The Massacre, Yet Root Cause is Denial of Kurds"
Dr. Beşikçi argues that the massacre of 44 people in a village in Mardin cannot be blamed only on feudalism, the village guard system, ignorance or underdevelopment.
8 May 2009
Ismail Beşikçi
Operation against DTP
5,000 People on 2-Day Hunger Strike in Protest of DTP Arrests
On Sunday, DTP politicians, members and supporters began a two-day hunger strike in Diyarbakır.
4 May 2009
Emine Özcan
Kurdish Question and Children
Prison Sentences for 23 Children in Adana
The Human Rights Association has protested against the prison sentences handed down to children who took part in Newroz celebrations.
30 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ