Kurdish Question
72 NGOs in Diyarbakır Call for Peace

Following the death of six soldiers in a mine attack in Çukurca, in the southeastern province of Hakkari, on Thursday (28 May),
Diyarbakır NGOs held a press briefing in which they called for an end to fighting and the beginning of a dialogue.The text, which was read out by M. Emin Aktar, president of Diyarbakır's Bar Association, reads as follows:
"We are experiencing a renewed period of hope as far as the Kurdish question is concerned.
The period, which started when the Honourable President Abdullah Gül emphasised the importance of the issue and the necessity of a solution. Positive discussions began. This wind of peace brought some hope. All groups with responsibility and common sense need to contribute to this process of peace.
We must not forget that, as in the past, some people want to prevent an end to the conflict. We want to emphasise that an intensification of operations at just this time wil not contribute to the peace process and will make a continuation of the (PKK's unilateral) ceasefire difficult.
The PKK is also a group which has to contribute to this process. In this context, we find an extension of the ceasefire, which ends on 1 June, important.
State institutions, the goverment, and opposition parties must also now act together and take trust-inspiring, decisive steps.
We, the undersigned NGOs, note that we will monitor this process, will act with responsibility, and call on everyone else to act responsibly. We say, 'A language of peace and solution shall prevail. Arms should stay silent, people should talk. No more children of this country should die.'"
The declaration was signed by women's organisations, trade unions, professional associations, and human rights associations. (TK/AG)
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