Kurdish Question
Conference for Dialogue on Kurdish Issue in Istanbul

The Turkey Peace Parliament has organised a conference entitled "Dialogue for a Solution Conference" on Saturday, 6 June. It is going to be held at Istanbul University's Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus.
Lawyers, rights activists, journalists and academics will discuss the attempts at a peace process, methods to solve the Kurdish question and priorities.
The Turkey Peace Parliament (TPP) has expressed its optimism at comments by President Abdullah Gül, who had spoken of a "historical opportunity" for a solution, as well as at the extension of the PKK ceasefire.
However, currently members of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) are under arrest, and PKK members and soldiers have died in attacks.
The TPP has argued that this "risky period" can be turned into an opportunity. The conference is meant to pave the ground for a dialogue towards a solution.
The conference will be opened by TPP spokesperson Hakan Tahmaz and Ahmet Türk, co-chair of the DTP.
Opening Speeches (9.30 am to 10.00 am)
Hakan Tahmaz, Peace Parliament Spokesperson
Ahmet Türk, DTP co-chair
1st Session: Search for Peace and Peace Process (10.00 am to 12.00)
Moderator: Cengiz Güleç
Erol Katırcıoğlu (lecturer, writer)
Galip Ensarioğlu (president of Diyarbakır's Chamber of Industry and Trade)
Mete Çubukçu (journalist, writer)
Cevat Öneş (former deputy secretary of Turkey's secret service MIT)
Lunch Break: 12.00 to 1 pm
2nd Session: Methods for Solving the Kurdish Question (1.00 pm to 2.30 pm)
Moderator: Coşkun Üsterci
Kürşat Bümin (journalist, writer)
Melek Göregenli (lecturer)
Gençay Gürsoy (president of Turkey's Medical Association TTB)
Aysel Tuğluk (DTP Diyarbakır MP)
Break: 2.30 pm to 2.45 pm
3rd Session: Priorities for Peace (2.45 pm to 4.15pm)
Moderator: Metin Bakkalcı
Vahap Coşkun (lecturer)
Hatip Dicle (former DEP MP, long imprisoned)
Yücel Sayman (former president of the Istanbul Bar Association)
Meryem Koray (lecturer)
Break: 4.15 pm to 4.30 pm
4th Session: Programming for Peace (4.30 pm to 6.00 pm)
Moderator: Meral Danış Beştaş
Tahsin Yeşildere (president of the Association of Lecturers)
Hüsnü Ondül (former president of the Human Rights Association İHD)
Kadir Cangızbay (lecturer)
Şebnem Korur Fincancı (president of the Turkey Human Rights Foundation TİHV) (TK/AG)
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