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Kurdish question
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Kurdish Question
Explosion in Diyarbakır Province Kills 9 Soldiers
An explosion near Lice, Diyarbakır, killed nine soldiers in a military vehicle at 6.30 am this morning.
29 April 2009
Emine Özcan
Children's Holiday
State Disciplines Kurdish Children in Prison
This article was written by bianet's Erhan Üstündağ on the day of Children's Festival, 23 April. It shows that hundreds of children are confronted with a much harsher side of the state, facing years of imprisonment.
23 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
“Punishment for Peace Call Violates ECHR Case Law”
Two Kurdish politicians have been convicted for a call for peace in which they used the word “guerilla” for PKK members.
22 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Two Dead as Police Prevents Öcalan Birthday Celebrations
The police intervened when around 5,000 people tried to visit the village of imprisoned PKK leader Öcalan’s birth on his birthday. Two people died. More than 10,000 people took part in the funeral of one of them.
6 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
DTP Has Proven That It Represents Kurds
Assoc. Prof. Yeğen argues that neither Kurds nor Turks are happy with the AKP’s “embarrassed recognition” of the Kurdish question.
31 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kurds See Local Elections as Referendum
Altun of the Socialist Labour Movement spoke with bianet about her impressions at the Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakır. She said, “Most people are expecting peace.”
24 March 2009
Emine Özcan
Newroz in Turkey: Calls for a Solution to Kurdish Question
300,000 people celebrated Newroz in Kazlıçeşme, Istanbul. In Diyarbakır, estimates of the crowd range from 75,000 to one million.
23 March 2009
Radio Station Acquitted in Second Kurdish Song Case
The Adana Radio station Dünya has been acquitted for the second time, after playing a Kurdish song had landed it in court.
21 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Five-Day Newroz Celebrations in 66 Places
The Newroz programme of the DTP starts in Urfa on 20 March and ends in Kars on 24 March. Kurdish musicians and politicians will take the stage.
19 March 2009
Bawer Çakır
“Freedom for Leyla Zana” Campaign Launched
A group of rights activists has started a campaign against the 10-year prison sentence handed down to Kurdish politician Leyla Zana.
17 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
New Excavation in Silopi: Bones, Hair and Clothing Found
After the find of bones and flannel on 9 March in one well, the opening of another well has revealed bones, hair and clothing.
12 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Diyarbakır Police Prevents Release of Children
Two children arrested for “membership in an illegal organisation” after taking part in protests during PM Erdoğan’s visit are being tried in detention. Rights activists came to watch the trials.
26 February 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
One Acquittal for Kurdish Song, One More Court Case to Go
Broadcasting editor Arslan of Radio Dünya says that a case brought against the station for playing the folk song Mihemendo two years ago has ended in acquittal. But another case is still in court.
25 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Kurdish Politician Speaks Mother Tongue in Parliament, Live Broadcast Cut
Parliament Speaker Toptan ordered a cut in the live broadcasting from parliament when Türk, co-chair of the Kurdish DTP spoke Kurdish in a party meeting at parliament.
25 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
AKP and CHP Promise Change in Terrorism Law for Children
A delegation of human rights activists from Diyarbakır visited parliament yesterday, protesting against the fact that hundreds of children are being tried for alleged membership in a terrorist organisation.
19 February 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Cities Must Deal with Forced Migration
As political parties are vying for votes in the upcoming local elections, token gestures are being made towards the urban poor. However, the underlying reason, forced migration, is being ignored.
17 February 2009
Bawer Çakır
“Solve Kurdish Question with Redefinition of Citizenship”
Kurdish politician Ekinci argues that Turkey has not taken any concrete steps to solve the Kurdish issue since PKK leader Öcalan’s capture ten years ago. He calls for constitutional change.
17 February 2009
Bawer Çakır
Clashes on Anniversary of Öcalan’s Arrest
The tenth anniversary of the arrest of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan was marked by demonstrations in several cities in the southeast of Turkey. There were clashes between protesters and police.
16 February 2009
Prison Sentence for Pro-Kurdish MP
DTP MP Aysel Tuğluk is facing a prison sentence for saying that denouncing the PKK as terrorists would not solve the Kurdish question. The court has sent her file to parliament in order to lift her immunity.
5 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
One Child Dead, His Friends in Prison – Justice?
Currently dozens of children around Turkey are in prison. They are being kept in unacceptable conditions and may face steep prison sentences.
30 January 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
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Ergenekon Investigation Needs to Look at Kurdish Murders
Kurdish MP Sırrı Sakık holds arrested general Ersöz responsible for the rights violations in Kurdish areas and calls for a thorough investigation.
19 January 2009
Bawer Çakır
Fugitive Retired General Ersöz Arrested
Retired Brigadier General Levent Ersöz was yesterday arrested in Ankara when trying to undergo a prostate operation under a false name.
16 January 2009
Kurdish Question Key to Ergenekon Investigation
The pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) claims that the intricacies of the underground Ergenekon organisation can only be solved if the Kurdish Issue is reconsidered.
12 January 2009
Europe Asks Turkey To Keep Its Promises
The European Parliament passes a report on Turkey. Although pleased with the imperfect 301 revision, it insists that major changes such as starting a development plan for southeastern Turkey should be implemented immediately.
22 May 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
“End The War” Takes The DTP Members To Prison
Tiryaki and İrem from the Democratic Society Party are sent to prison for voicing the slogan “End The War” during the Mothers Day meeting and pointing out to the situation of the women in a war they did not decide.
20 May 2008
“Give Peace A Chance” In The Kurdish Problem
The 78’ers Initiative organizes a meeting in Kadıköy for those who want a democratic and thus peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem.
16 May 2008
Emine Özcan
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12 Dead in Battle in Southeast
In a battle in Sirnak 3 soldiers and 9 PKK militants died, while 5 soldiers were wounded. Military operations continue in seven provinces in Turkey.
2 April 2008
Emine Özcan
Journalist Vedat Kursun in Prison until 15 April
Vedat Kursun, the responsible editor of the Kurdish Azadiya Welat newspaper has been in police custody since 5 February, accused of “continuously spreading PKK propaganda.”
27 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
DTP Condemns Excessive Police Violence at Newroz
DTP MP Akin Birdal holds the Siirt governor and chief of police responsible for riots at Newroz celebrations, as well as the Minister of the Interior and the Prime Minister.
25 March 2008
Murat Çelikkan
Two Deaths at Newroz Celebrations
In some cities in the southeast of Turkey, the governors did not allow Newroz celebrations to take place. Two people died in Van and Hakkari. Hundreds of people were taken into police custody.
24 March 2008
Emine Özcan
Newroz: “Our Message is Peace!”
As preparations for a big Newroz celebration in Diyarbakir are nearing their end, some say “we have to go for peace.” However, others fear trouble and will stay away.
20 March 2008
Emine Özcan
Let Newroz and Nevruz bring Peace and Spring!
The Turkish Peace Parliament has called on the spring festival to be “an opportunity to face the past" and ÖDP MP Uras has called for "a beginning of a solution."
20 March 2008
Erhan Üstündağ