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Kurdish question
Page 11
IHD Activists Call for “Peace” in Many Languages
On Wednesday, the peace commission of the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Association staged a protest for peace and a solution to the Kurdish question in Taksim.
6 March 2008
Emine Özcan
Anti-War Voices Getting Louder
Parties and organisations of the left have condemned the operations and are calling for peace.
3 March 2008
Erhan Üstündağ
Displaced Children Regain Confidence
Children forcibly displaced by the armed conflict in the southeast of Turkey have found a ray of hope with the Basak Foundation.
28 February 2008
Gökçe Gündüç
254 Deaths Since Ground Operations Started
In the last six days, so the General Staff, 24 soldiers and 230 PKK militants have been killed. Iraqis are fleeing their villages. Turkish human rights activists are starting a peace vigil.
28 February 2008
Tolga Korkut
20 Thousand Hail The March Against Cross Border Operations
A march against cross-border operations in Northern Iraq, organised by the pro-Kurdish DTP, was sent off by some 20 thousand people in Diyarbakir. Convoy joining from Istanbul was held up after constant searches.
6 February 2008
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Eight Hostage Soldiers Released from Custody
At the first hearing of the eight soldiers taken hostage and then released by the PKK, the court decided to release them all pending trial. After more than two months, the soldiers are reunited with their families.
4 February 2008
Tolga Korkut
Kurdish MP: We Condemn Violence, Yet It Isn't Valued
Gültan Kisanak a DTP deputy said: "We are not considering forming an investigative commission about the bombing. During our visit to the governor we could not get any information."
9 January 2008
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Interview with Ertugrul Kürkcü II
Turks Need Peace Journalism, Kurds Too...
If Turks could criticise Turks, and Kurds could criticise Kurds, this would be a good distribution of roles. An independent Kurdish media must be as critical as I am of the Turkish mainstream media.
4 January 2008
Roni Yıldırım
Interview with Ertugrul Kürkcü I
Kurdish Issue: A New Concept Based on Class Divisions
The USA has finally made its choice for Turkey and against the Kurds. Whether the Kurds on the two sides like it or not, US-Turkey relations are being pulled in that direction.
3 January 2008
Roni Yıldırım
"Cross-Border Operations Damage Turkey's Economy"
Acar of the Erbil Businesspeople's Association says: "Violence is affecting economic relations, this is to Turkey's detriment. There are people on both sides feeding from violence."
3 January 2008
Erhan Üstündağ
Peace Parliament: Solve Kurdish Question in 2008
The Peace Parliament called on the government to allow different identities to develop: “The Kurdish question should be solved within Turkey, not across the borders.”
1 January 2008
Gökçe Gündüç
Erdogan: Peace and Affluence for 2008
In his last speech of 2007, Prime Minister Erdogan mainly spoke of the Kurdish question and violence. “We are aiming at a democratic, laicist and social legal state for 2008.”
1 January 2008
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Claims of Fourth Operation in Northern Iraq
Based on reports by the Reuters News Agency, Turkish news websites have stated that the Turkish Armed Forces carried out a fourth operation in Northern Iraq.
26 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Operations: 20 Million Dollars and 1,800 Displaced People
The Hürriyet newspaper estimates that the four-hour operation cost Turkey around 20 million dollars. The UNHCR reports that around 1,800 people have been displaced as a result of the operations.
19 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü,A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
DTP Chair Demirtas Arrested by Military Court
Nurettin Demirtas, co-chair of the pro-Kurdish DTP, was arrested at the airport in Ankara on his return from Germany. The DTP has condemned the arrest.
19 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Ergil: Operations "Necessary" But Not On Their Own
According to Prof. Dr. Ergil, the PKK will be weakened, but not destroyed by the attacks. A more comprehensive package addressing the Kurdish question is necessary.
18 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Singer Tunc's Trial Postponed by Five Months
The four-year trial of singer Ferhat Tunc, who criticised the imprisonment of Leyla Zana in the "Gündem" newspaper, has still not ended.
16 December 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkish Armed Forces Attack Sites in Northern Iraq
The General Staff has announced that PKK targets on Kandil mountain have been bombed, and that attacks were not aimed at people living in Northern Iraq. Reuters says that 10 villages were hit, homes and schools ruined.
16 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü,A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
"Good Guys" Released in Semdinli Trial
A military court in Van has released the three suspects, two of them soldiers, in the Semdinli bombing trial. They will be tried without detention. Joint attorneys walked out of the hearing.
16 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü,A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Büyükanit Calls Human Rights "Psychological Operation"
Speaking of the DTP, Chief of General Staff Büyükanit said, "terrorism has entered parliament." Türk of the DTP said the MPs had been elected in order to take part in democratic politics.
12 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
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Case Against Besikci and "Esmer" Dropped
The court case against sociologist Besikci, "Esmer" magazine owner Kaya and editor Izmir has been dropped because of lapse of time.
10 December 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
DTP: Support the Turks in Western Thrace and the Kurds in Turkey
The DTP has reacted to Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan's visit of solidarity to the Turks in Western Thrace: "Do not fear Kurds in Turkey".
10 December 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
"You Can Negotiate with Terrorists - I Have!"
Speaking at an international conference in Venice, former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari emphasised the importance of including all relevant players in peace negotiations.
7 December 2007
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
"Newroz" and "Kawa" Reason for Imprisonment?
A trade union representative in Kilis, southeastern Turkey, is on trial for using the letter "w" in two newspaper articles.
4 December 2007
Tolga Korkut
Prison Sentence Demanded for DTP Politicians
A Diyarbakir prosecutor is demanding prison sentences for MP Aysel Tulguk and province party chair Hilmi Aydogdu for a speech they made on Peace Day.
4 December 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Pacifists, Take Candles and Come to Galatasaray
The Peace Parliament has called on opponents of operations to gather in front of Galatasaray Highschool this evening.
4 December 2007
Tolga Korkut
bianet'i sosyal medyada takip edin,
önce siz öğrenin.
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Gül Silent on Plans for PKK
In an interview with journalists on the way to France, Gül said, "Democracy isolates terrorism and terrorists."
28 November 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Rally in Diyarbakir: Call for "Dignified Life"
A rally was organised by the DTP in Diyarbakir yesterday. Tens of thousands gathered on the Station Square in Diyarbakir to protest against operations and call for rights.
26 November 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Women Call for Peace
122 women, many of them well-known singers, actresses, writers, academics and journalists have gathered under the slogan "We have promised peace" and published their call for peace on the internet and in newspapers.
23 November 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
Activist Keskin Sentenced for Saying “Kurdistan”
Human rights activist Eren Keskin has faced two trials for the use of “Kurdistan”. In one proceedings were dropped, in the second one she was sentenced.
21 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
"Anti-Terrorism Propaganda" at School
In Diyarbakir the police organised a conference "against terrorism" at a school. Education Trade Union Egitim-Sen warns that children and their families are being put on lists.
21 November 2007
Erhan Üstündağ
Peace Parliament Calls for Discourse of Peace
At its second assembly, the Turkish Peace Parliament condemned the attempts to close the DTP and vowed to support the hostage soldiers.
21 November 2007
Tolga Korkut