Kurdish Question
DTP MP Calls for Stop to Military Operations

Sırrı Sakık, MP for the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP), has evaluated statements by Prime Minister Erdoğan and opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal as positive.
He believes that a climate of dialogue has been created as far as the Kurdish question is concerned. He urgently calls for a continuation of this dialogue, which should not be marred by armed clashes.
Dialogue must be furthered
"The deadline of 1 June, which the PKK has given for its unilateral ceasefire, might be extended to a more reasonable date. Domestic and cross-border operations could be ended. If this happened, then a period of dialogue would be created. Dialogue is easier in a time without clashes. Everyone has to pull their hands back from the triggers. One of the messages coming from Kandil [i.e. the PKK] is that intellectuals be included in the dialogue. That too could be organised."
Signs of rapprochement
Together with party co-chair Ahmet Türk, Sakık met with Mesut Değer, deputy general secretary of the CHP, last week. Deputy PM Bülent Arınç has announced that Prime Minister Erdoğan has agreed to a meeting with Türk. Türk has also recently met with President Abdullah Gül.
Last week, Minister of the Interior Beşir Atalay said, "In all international conflicts, laying down arms is the most important step. There should be a democratic process. We can discuss all of our problems in an environment without arms."
Opposition leader Baykal has expressed his support for Kurdish broadcasts and public services in Kurdsih. On 27 May, he will visit the southeastern provinces of Mardin, Adıyaman and Urfa, where many Kurds live.
Sakık has commented on these recent developments:
More contact needed: A new language is being used, as can be seen from the discourses of the President, Baykal and the PM. We have to solve the problem by talking. We believe that the steps taken are positive. We need to have more contact. We have no problems with any political party.
Erdoğan's comments: Erdoğan said recently, "For years, people with different ethnic identities were forced to leave our country. This is actually the result of a fascist attitude." Sakık said, "This is a very positive step towards facing up to our past. From 1915 to today, not only Armenians and Greek Orthodox citizens, but also many others considered 'different' were expelled. Now is a time for peace. The PM said in Hakkari, 'Love the country or leave it' (a popular nationalist slogan). [...] He has seen that this kind of approach does not solve anything. We have found his recent evaluations positive and congratulate him."
Baykal's messages: The honourable Baykal is also sending positive messages, saying that we have to act delicately in order to find a solution. The CHP is starting to reconsider the Kurdish question, which is also very positive.
MHP must be included: We invite the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) to take part in this dialogue. The party labels anyone speaking of peace a traitor, but it must stop this approach. Why should I be a traitor for expressing my identity and speaking my mother tongue? If only the MHP could rid itself of its discourses and take a step towards peace. When the death penalty was abolished in Turkey, the MHP's signature was important. The party also contributed to the first half-hour Kurdish broadcasts being implemented on TRT state television.
Inclusive approach: Not only political parties, but 70 million people should be taking part in this process. We will try to include everyone, from the General Staff and the judiciary to NGOs in the process.
Urgent need for a Kurdish conference: The DTP suggested the Kurdish conference planned to take place in Iraq, but the necessary base was not created. We do not know at what stage preparations are, but there is an urgent need for such a conference. [...] I hope the process will be speeded up, as the Kurdish question is one of the main issues of the Middle East.
Focus on peace: Despite the negative experiences we have had since the local elections in March, we will insist on a peace process. Currently three deputy party chairs and around 300 party members are under arrest. (TK/AG)
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