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Kurdish question
Page 12
Columnists Against Closure of DTP
Columnists Tinc, Akyol, Tamer and Kahraman all agree that the pro-Kurdish DTP should not be closed, but not because they support the party.
20 November 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
"Don't touch DTP, Allow PKK to Disarm"
The ÖDP organised a march in Istanbul on Sunday to call for coexistence and social peace.
20 November 2007
So, Prime Minister, What is the "Comprehensive Plan"?
Condoleezza Rice has talked about the Turkish government's "comprehensive plan" to solve the Kurdish question. Erdogan speaks of the PKK laying down arms, but does not commit to a concrete strategy.
20 November 2007
General Staff Denies Silencing Retired Officers
The General Staff has denied that retired generals have been told to stop talking.
19 November 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
"Erdogan Against Operations But Not For Peace"
According to TIHV president Önen, Erdogan is stuck between the army and the USA. His anti-operation stance is due to US influence.
19 November 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
MHP: DTP Immunity Should Be Lifted
Former CHP politician Karakas has called the MHP's attempt to lift the DTP politicians' immunity "anti-democratic".
16 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Oh Turks...Love, Protect and Trust Your Kurds!
Don't be angry at the Kurdish father who sells his children to the mountains, but at the leaders who have forced him into this situation. The Turkish Republic must stop being a state which has forgotten its humane sensitivities.
16 November 2007
Mustafa Sönmez
301 Defended, DTP Attacked
Ahmet Türk of the DTP has protested against calls to lift MPs' immunity. Meanwhile, Minister of Justice Sahin has announced changes in, but not the abolition of, Article 301: "Many EU countries have similar articles."
14 November 2007
Geylani: You Can't Stop Me From Speaking Kurdish
Independent Hakkari MP Hamit Geylani has protested against attempts to have his immunity lifted for speaking Kurdish during the election campaign.
14 November 2007
Gün TV: Kurdish Broadcasts Difficult
The Diyarbakir Gün TV channel has been broadcasting in Kurdish, but has faced many difficulties due to RTÜK stipulations.
14 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
“Eight Soldier Hostages Arrested as Deterrents”
Retired military judge Kardas criticises the condemnation of the eight soldiers for “not dying”. Journalist Akad sees the arrest of the soldiers after their release as an attempt at deterring further cases of surrender.
13 November 2007
Emine Özcan
252 Organisations Call for Peace
Organisations in the East and Southeast of Turkey have called on the PKK to put down arms and on the government to create favourable conditions for peace.
9 November 2007
Tolga Korkut
Multilingual Diyarbakir Municipality on Trial
After offering municipal services in three languages apart from Turkish, mayor Abdullah Demirbas from the Sur municipality in Diyarbakir was taken from office and his municipal council was dissolved. The trial against Demirbas and twenty others has started.
9 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
PKK Attack: 1 Soldier, 3 PKK Militants Dead
The PKK attacked a gendarmerie station in Tunceli. One sergeant and three PKK members were killed.
7 November 2007
Newspaper Dismisses Writer Speaking on Roj TV
Erdogan Aydin has been dismissed by Cumhuriyet newspaper after taking part in a programme concerning religious education on the Kurdish Roj TV channel.
6 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Tunc from EMEP Party at ECHR
EMEP Tunceli Province Chair Hüseyin Tunc has been sentenced for “praising a crime and criminals”. He will appeal at the ECHR.
2 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
DTP Congress: "Democratic Autonomy"
A "Democratic Society Congress" organised by the DTP in Diyarbakir from 26 to 28 October has called for "democratic autonomy" and has condemned military operations.
31 October 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Battles in Southeast: 4 Soldiers, 17 PKK Militants Dead
Military operations in the Southeast are continuing with thousands of soldiers and air support involved.
30 October 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Operations in Tunceli: 1 Soldier, 15 PKK Militants Dead
During operations in the province of Tunceli on Sunday, 15 PKK militants and one sergeant were killed.
29 October 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
War Mongering, Not Reporting
Ombudsman Baydar points to the increasing dominance of a discourse inciting to war and hate speech among the media. Journalists have to recall their responsibilities.
29 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
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Iraqi Kurds Flee From Bombed Villages
Five Kurdish villages in Northern Iraq have been deserted, say local Yuksekova newspaper
29 October 2007
EU Calls for Ceasefire and Political Steps
Condemning the PKK attacks, the EU has also called on Turkey to refrain from cross-border operations. Turkey and Iraq are called upon to seek lasting solution.
26 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
Fascist Lynching Attempts in Bursa
According to the IHD in Bursa, Kurdish citizens have become the targets of attacks since 12 soldiers in Hakkari were killed on Sunday. At least six people have been injured.
26 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
Hostage Soldiers Are Alive
The PKK has published photographs of the eight soldiers it took hostage at the weekend.
24 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
"We Don't Want to Give Birth to Martyrs"
The TKDF is trying to organise a big rally to condemn terrorism: "In war, it is always us women who suffer most. If we unite, the pain can have an end."
24 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
Motherhood Has No Ethnicity: The Tears Are The Same
Gürbüz, whose son has been tried and imprisoned for PKK membership, said that she feels the pain of the dead soldiers' mothers: "There should be no death, not in the army and not outside of it".
24 October 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
bianet'i sosyal medyada takip edin,
önce siz öğrenin.
bianet bültene abone olun
Call Against More Violence
Political parties of the left and the Union of Turkish Chambers of Mechanical Engineers have called on the PKK to lay down arms and on Turkey to take urgent steps towards democratisation.
23 October 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
12 Soldiers Killed in Hakkari Province
After the recent heavy losses in Sirnak, twelve soldiers were killed in Hakkari last night. Sixteen more are wounded, some of them seriously. More than ten soldiers are said to be missing.
21 October 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Assistant Professor Dr. Yegen Comments
Multiple Discourses on Kurdish Question Silenced
Sociologist Yegen has evaluated the current political climate as a silencing of alternative discourses on the Kurdish question. The arena has been left to the army and the PKK.
17 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
Talabani Gives PKK Ultimatum
Iraqi President Talabani warns the PKK that if activities do not stop, they will have to leave.
17 October 2007
Tolga Korkut
Parliament Authorises Government's Cross-Border Operations
An overwhelming majority approved a one-year authorisation of cross-border operations into Northern Iraq.
17 October 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü,A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Parliament to Vote on Operations into Iraq Today
Today, Turkish Parliament will debate and vote on an authorisation for the Turkish army to carry out cross-border operations into Northern Iraq. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the debate and vote will be open.
17 October 2007
Tolga Korkut