Call Against More Violence

The SDP and EMEP, both not represented in parliament, as well as the Union of Turkish Chambers of Mechanical Engineers (TMMOB), have called for a stop to violence.
SDP: Military battles are spreading into the cities
Filiz Kocali, chair of the Socialist Democracy Party (SDP), has warned of an increase in violence: "If the area of military operations is widened, and the number of soldiers and the amount of equipment involved is increased, then the conflict will become more violent. It will be unavoidable that there will be losses of life, be it in the Turkish Armed Forces or in the PKK."
She pointed out that the deaths have swept first of all the relatives of the dead, but the Turkish and Kurdish people in general into deep sorrow, worry and anger: "The military battles are spreading into the cities with the main stream media's inflammatory publications and the actions of fascist-nationalist elements;again innocent Kurdish citizens are being targeted with lynch attempts."
"At the moment, political and democratic organisations, first of all the Democratic Society Party (DTP), outside of the Kurdish provinces have become the targets of fascist attackers."
Kocali has held the government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) responsible and has evaluated the Prime Minister's call for "common sense" as insincere: "The consequences of the losses of life in the increasingly violent battles shold not be to spread the war across the border, but to take credible steps towards peace on both sides."
EMEP: Military operations will cause irretrievable losses
The Labour Party (EMEP) has also warned of the way that the mainstream discourse of "war against terrorism" and "readily giving one's life for one's country" was trying to spread the conflict to a society-wide conflict:
"The Turks and Kurds of this country are continuing to suffer the consequences of the inability to find a democratic solution to the Kurdish question. Whatever you call it, when young Turks and Kurds die in battle and fire falls into their homes, the pain is unbearable."
The EMEP has also criticised attacks on DTP party headquarter buildings in several cities, and the pressure put on the party's MPs. It also evaluated the inflammatory discourses of some parliamentary parties as having leading effects: "We are very worried about this."
"Military operations, including cross-border operations, will make the problem and the experienced pains worse, and will cause irretrievable losses. Peace needs to be given a chance in the Kurdish question."
TMMOB: PKK must stop terrorist acts
Emin Koramaz, president of the board of the TMMOB, stated that there were two ways to solve the Kurdish question.
"The first is in immediate stop of terrorist activities by the PKK and an acceptance of democratic processes by laying down arms unconditionally. The second is urgent steps for a democratisation of Turkey's political life."
In its press statement, the TMMOB emphasised democracy, equality and brotherhood. It said that a civil war and attempts by imperialist forces to use Turkey for its own scenarios could be avoided with democratisation. (GG/AG)
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Reactions to AKP Closure Request

Peace Initiative: Operations Not the Solution
IPS Communications Foundation and Press Now Organised Workshop in Antalya
Headscarves Not “In the Clear” Yet