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Erdoğan Breaks His Silence after 3 Days and 22 Hours
The President Erdoğan said “Nobody should doubt that I’ll do my constitutional duty,” and added he invited Deniz Baykal since Baykal was the eldest Member of Parliament.
11 June 2015
Former Leader of CHP: “Erdoğan isn’t against the Coalition of Opposition Parties”
Deniz Baykal met the President Erdoğan and indicated that Erdoğan could admit all coalition possibilities.
10 June 2015
Demirtaş: “They Can’t Create a Chaotic Atmosphere”
HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş talked about bombing attacks in Diyarbakır: “If we weren’t mature, people wouldn’t live in this country. Everyone should be prudent and patient.”
10 June 2015
Erdoğan Meets Davutoğlu; Cabinet Resigns
After the general elections, The President Erdoğan precedently admits Davutoğlu and the cabinet’s resignation.
10 June 2015
Pavey to Demirtaş: "We Rocked Together"
Selahattin Demirtaş and Şafak Pavey came across each other in the airport. While Pavey congratulated Demirtaş, Demirtaş said, “Together we’ll do better.”
9 June 2015
First Objections against the Election Results
HDP made an objection against the election results in one province, AKP in one and MHP in seven provinces.
9 June 2015
Former President of Turkey: Without Panic, With Common Sense
11th President Abdullah Gül commented on election results:” We should asses the results without panic but with common sense. After all, we live in a multiparty system. Parties should try to form a government together. “
9 June 2015
Romani, Yezidi, Armenian, Mhallami in Parliament for the First Time
A Romani, three Armenians, two Yezidi and a Mıhallami will enter the parliament for the first time.
8 June 2015
Official Declaration over the General Elections from the Presidency
The President Erdoğan made an official declaration over the election results: “I believe all political parties will make a reliable and realistic assessment since no parties come to power alone.”
8 June 2015
Politicians Assess Election Results
Politicans assessed the 2015 general election results: Prime Minister Davutoğlu and Arınç from AKP, Önder from HDP, Karayalçın and Kılıçdaroğlu from CHP, Bahçeli from MHP.
7 June 2015
General Election Results in Turkey 4 Biggest Cities (Developing Story)
The distribution of 139 deputies in Turkey's 4 biggest cities on the general elections are as follows.
7 June 2015
HDP Passes the Election Threshold, AKP not Come to Power Alone
The distribution of votes according to Turkey's two prominent news agencies are as follows.
7 June 2015
Highlights From Turkey's General Elections
53,765,231 voters have gone to polls for voting for 25th term deputies of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in general elections. Voters and returning officers have been caught on camera.
7 June 2015
Ballots Closed, Election Results Announcement Officially Banned Until 9pm
Voting for Turkey’s 25th General Elections have ended 5 pm local time. It’s expected that 53,765,231 registered voters went to 172,685 ballots across Turkey.
7 June 2015
Basic Problems of Giresun Province: Unemployment and Deteriorating Economy
Giresun provincial deputy candidates of CHP and MHP agree that their parties’ votes are increasing because AKP is losing due to deteriorating economy.
5 June 2015
Ekin Karaca
The Latest Opinion Polls Announced by KONDA
Three days to the election, AKP takes 41%, CHP 27.8%, MHP 14.8% and HDP takes 12.6% of the votes according to KONDA. As a result, AKP has 261, CHP 145, MHP 76 and HDP has 68 deputies.
5 June 2015
What Do People Think about the Election in Trabzon Province?
Some of Trabzon people support Erdoğan by seeing him as “the spiritual leader” of AKP, some lean to other parties now that AKP’s not like before.
4 June 2015
Ekin Karaca
Election Manifest of AKP from the Year 2011:
Only 8 out of 36 promises have been carried out by AKP according to website Doğruluk Payı.
3 June 2015
Operation launched in Şırnak: 43 Detentions
An operation’s been launched against members of YDG-H. 43 detained 37 wanted.
3 June 2015
“Without Erdoğan, AKP Is Nothing in Rize”
Deputy candidates from AKP and CHP think great interest for AKP in rise results from “admiration for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.”
2 June 2015
Ekin Karaca
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Davutoğlu: Cumhuriyet Daily Threats Us
PM Davutoğlu spoke after the President’s threat against Can Dündar and alleged that daily itself threatened them.
2 June 2015
Mersin Province: AKP's Declining, HDP Should Pass the Threshold.
Voters from Mersin suppose CHP and MHP are on the rise while AKP is declining day by day. Voters think HDP should pass the election threshold.
1 June 2015
Ekin Karaca
PM Confirms MİT Trucks
PM Davutoğlu explained “Yes I honesty tell, those were the aids taken to Bayırbucak Turkmens.”
1 June 2015
Prosecutor Demands the Ban of MİT Trucks News
Public Prosecutor of İstanbul launched an investigation against Can Dündar, Chief Editor of Cumhuriyet due to MİT Trucks news and demanded related web content to be blocked off.
29 May 2015
“MİT Trucks” Investigation Launched against Cumhuriyet
An investigation’s been launched against Cumhuriyet Daily Newspaper published the photos of arms found in MİT Trucks.
29 May 2015
Syria Problem and Economic Downturn of Hatay; No Excitement for the Election
Before the general election which will be held on June 7, we talked to people in Hatay province. Problems are great: Syria and economic downturn.
29 May 2015
Ekin Karaca
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Artists Call the Government for a Safe Election
200 people, journalists, academicians, artists, poets and writers among them, called on the government: Provide a safe and peaceful election urgently without giving in the President’s unlawful and uneasy interventions.
26 May 2015
Yüksekova People Don’t Welcome the President and PM Davutoğlu
District organizations of HDP and DBP won’t welcome the President Erdoğan and PM Davutoğlu in Hakkari/Yüksekova. None of the local shops will be open but bakeries and pharmacies.
26 May 2015
Erdoğan to Journalists: “Paid Charlatans”
The President Erdoğan:”These men have never been honest. Now, they make allusion to me with their headlines. Do whatever you want, associate with anyone you want and let your paid charlatans write whatever they want.”
22 May 2015
What Do People Think About the Elections in Diyarbakır?
Partisan people of HDP and AKP, women and youngsters shared their feelings and expectations from forthcoming election in the streets of Diyarbakır.
22 May 2015
Beyza Kural
What Do Candidates Think in Diyarbakır About the Elections?
We talked to journalists and candidates from HDP, AKP and independent candidates from HÜDA-PAR; will there be an electoral realignment, how the President’s behavior and resolution process affect voters and how does election battle go?
21 May 2015
Beyza Kural
What Do People Think About the Elections in Mardin?
Before the general election will be held on June 7, we were in Mardin province on our Southeastern Anatolia tour with a group of journalists.
20 May 2015
Beyza Kural