Demirtaş: “They Can’t Create a Chaotic Atmosphere”

HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş said all attacks were carried out against Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) but HDP was seen all to blame.
"We are the ones who are killed but also we are the ones who are blamed by the government. If you can’t rule a country, let it go. We’ll find someone who will do it.
“We are not an armed terrorist organization. People know who has the guns. Everyone should be prudent and patient.
“We let down their provocations but it cost us dear. Every day we hold a funeral but the president and the prime minister are still silent. This country will go on with or without Justice and Development Party (AKP).
”We aren’t like lambs to the slaughter”
Demirtaş said everyone should respect the public choice referring the election results and stressed that HDP would take a firm stand.
“Now HDP is targeted across the country.
“People made a choice. Everyone should respect it. Pity on them who discuss our legitimacy.
“Let them attack if they want. HDP will take a firm stand. We aren’t like lambs to the slaughter.
“Even a borrowed vote is precious"
“We feel indebted for all peoples of Turkey. Malevolent people can't create a chaotic atmosphere.
“If we weren’t mature, people wouldn’t live in this country.
“HDP took 13,2% of the votes. Even a borrowed vote is precious. However, we didn’t pass the election threshold with borrowed votes. Our party has strong party alignments.
"Come side by side with HDP"
“Some people say they won’t come side by side with HDP. It is a glory to come side by side with us. We honor people who give us a back.” (YY/BD)
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