The Latest Opinion Polls Announced by KONDA

Research Company KONDA announced the latest opinion polls three days before the election.
According to the data given by the company managed by CEO Tarhan Erdem and General Manager Bekir Ağırdır, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) passes the election threshold.
Justice and development Party (AKP) takes 41%, Republican People's Party (CHP) 27.8%, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) 14.8% and HDP takes 12.6% of the votes. Other parties take 3.8% of the votes.
Study was done between May 30 and 31, 2015. It included face to face dialogue with 3,543 people in 30 provinces, 126 districts, 202 towns and villages.
Participation in the election will be 88%. Votes of citizens abroad are not included.
KONDA also published the latest observation over the nine months of the political parties.
Number of the deputies according to the latest opinion polls
The latest numbers were calculated with an election simulation:
AKP will have 261, CHP 145, MHP 76 and HDP will have 68 deputies. In 2011, AKP had 326, CHP 135, MHP 53 and (Peace and Democracy Party) BDP (independent candidate) had 36 deputies. (HK/BD)
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