Romani, Yezidi, Armenian, Mhallami in Parliament for the First Time
The parliament will break grounds in this term. A Romani, three Armenians, two Yezidi and a Mhallami deputy have been elected for the first time.
From tent to the parliament
From Republican People’s Party (CHP) Özcan Purçu, the first Romani deputy of Turkey, was elected from İzmir province 1st region.
37-year-old Özcan Purçu was born and grew up in a tent in Romani neighborhood of Aydın province.
Three Armenian deputies
After 54 years, three Armenian deputies entered the parliament. Garo Paylan from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) from İstanbul 3rd region 2nd row, Selina Özuzun Doğan from CHP from 1st region 1st row and Markar Esayan from Justice and Development Party (AKP) from İstanbul 12th row were elected.
Two Yezidi deputies
Number of Yezidis had decreased to 500 in Turkey but after ISIS attacks, most of Yezidis emigrated from Iraq to Turkey. Yezidis will enter the parliament for the first time.
Former member of European Parliament, Feleknas Uca, was elected from HDP from Diyarbakır province 4th row and Head of European Yezidi Association, Ali Atalan, was elected from the same party from Batman province 1st row.
A Mhallami deputy
Mehmet Ali Aslan, the first Mhallami deputy, was elected from HDP from Mardin province 4th row.
Assyrian deputy for a second time
Assyrian deputy Erol Dora who was elected from Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) from Mardin province will be in the parliament for a second time; from HDP this time. (NV/BD)
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