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WHO Declares Swine Flu Pandemic
The H1N1 virus becomes the world's first pandemic in 41 years. There are more than 27,000 cases worldwide. So far, 141 people have died.
11 June 2009
Eli Haligua,Ayça Onuralmış
Turkish Socialists Express Solidarity With Cypriot Counterparts
YKP met with Turkish socialist party members in Istanbul. Demilitarization of the island and an end to Turkish occupation is common ground for socialists on both sides.
8 June 2009
How Can Media Conflicts Be Prevented?
bianet is participating in a forum organised by Deutsche Welle to discuss global media and its challenges.
5 June 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Three More Swine Flu Cases in Turkey
Three more cases of Swine Flu have been diagnosed in Turkey. They are all people who have travelled from the USA.
2 June 2009
Two New Cases of Swine Flu in Turkey
The Ministry of Health has announced that two citizens of Turkey travelling from the USA have been diagnosed with the virus.
1 June 2009
Emine Özcan
2 Swine Flu Patients Released on Recovery
Doctors have said that the two quarantined swine flu patients have recovered and carry no risk of contagion.
23 May 2009
6th Gathering in Istanbul for Freedom of Expression
Human rights organisations and activists are gathering in Istanbul to discuss freedom of expression. This is the sixth time that such a gathering is taking place.
21 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
"Palestinians' Hope in Obama in Regression"
Middle East expert Kar notes that the US president refrained from voicing the fundamental demands of Palestinians in his meeting with Israel's PM.
19 May 2009
Swine Flu Arrives in Turkey: 6 Tourists in Quarantine
A US tourist and his mother identified as carrying the H1N1 virus. Other family members have also been quarantined.
17 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Sweden Shouldn't Extradite Musa Doğan to Turkey"
Leftist organizations call upon Swedish authorities to release Doğan, a political refugee who was condemned to life in Turkey and have serious health problems following the hunger strikes in 2000.
6 May 2009
Dashnak Party Withdraws from Armenian Government
The Dashnak Party has withdrawn from government in protest at Turkish-Armenian rapprochement.
28 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
Grandchildren of Former Enemies in Gallipoli Unite in Grief
On 25 April, thousands of people from New Zealand, Australia and Turkey participated in a commemorative ceremony at Gallipolli.
27 April 2009
Erdoğan Contradicts Message of “Alliance of Civilisations” at Home
As co-sponsor of the Alliance of Civilisations, Erdoğan is aiming to solve tensions between Muslims and the West with a liberal media and policies on youth, education and migration. However, his government is going in the other direction.
8 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
How Did Turkish Newspapers Receive Obama?
The Evrensel, Birgün and Günlük newspapers criticised Obama’s messages as insincere. Hürriyet, Milliyet and Radikal quoted his message of a new phase in Turkish-American relations. Star and Taraf published his message to the Muslim world.
7 April 2009
Emine Özcan
Protests as Obama Leaves Turkey
Shortly before US President Obama left Turkey, activists protested in central Istanbul, saying, “Obama, your hands are bloody too, get out of our country.”
7 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Students Charmed As Obama Leaves Turkey
US president meets with religious leaders and attends a Q&A meeting with college students before leaving for Iraq. He voices change on combating global warming and increased efforts for resolving conflicts via dialogue.
7 April 2009
“Obama Wants Soldiers for Afghanistan, Not Peace”
Mater from the Global Peace and Justice Coalition believes that NATO should be disbanded. He adds, “Obama is sending 17,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. He is not bringing peace.”
7 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Obama Avoids Concrete Comments on Armenian Issue and the PKK
US president meets president Gül and addresses the parliament. He avoids making concrete statements on recognizing Armenian genocide claims and support on fighting Kurdish rebels; praises Turkey-US relations as a model of alliance.
6 April 2009
Thousands of People Say "Enough" to 60 Years of Nato
There were protests against NATO in Ankara, Istanbul and Eskişehir. Around 2,500 people gathered for a protest in Kadıköy, Istanbul.
5 April 2009
Emine Özcan
What Would You Tell Obama?
After the G20 and NATO summits, the US President is now in Turkey. We would like Obama to close down military bases, pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and fight against global climate change.
5 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
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Obama to Meet Opposition Leaders Separately
Parliamentary Speaker Toptan has announced that US President Obama will meet opposition leaders separately. DTP leader Türk and CHP leader Baykal had agreed to a group meeting of opposition leaders, but MHP leader Bahçeli has criticised such an arrangement as “unethical”.
2 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
Two Years On, Bacca Murder Case Continues
The case involving Italian peace activist Pippa Bacca's rape and murder is postponed once again. The police declared that CCTV recordings are terminated. The court demanded phone records of the suspect. Next hearing is on April 22.
26 March 2009
Hopes for Peace Amid Gül's Visit to Iraq
President Gül meets with his counterpart Talabani as well as the head of Kurdish regional government, Barzani. Calls for improved relations between two countries and an end to armed conflict between Turkey and Kurdish rebels.
24 March 2009
"Women Should Take Water Rights to Agenda"
South African rights-activist Setshedi, explains women's experience in the struggle against the commercialization of water, at the Alternative Water Forum in ıstanbul.
23 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Kuntar: Palestinians Want Solidarity, Not Ottoman Empire
Samir al Kuntar, the most popular representative of the Palestine-Lebanese resistance, says Palestinians want solidarity, not a recreation of the Ottoman Empire, from Turkey.
20 March 2009
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Cease Support to AKP to Avoid Privatization of Water
Senior adviser to the president of the UN General Assembly, Maude Barlow criticizes the World Water Forum as corporations dominate it. "Right to water is a human right" says Barlow and urges for public control over water management.
19 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
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“World Water Forum is All About Commercialising Water”
Water rights activist Öngür says that the World Water Forum’s primary aim is to commercialise water. Of the 30 or so members from Turkey joining the forum, 27 are construction companies, he points out.
17 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
“Government Needs to Rethink Water Policies”
The Istanbul Water Tribunal has demanded that the government fufill its obligations under national and international agreements and legislation. All projects should be evaluated in terms of environmental effects.
16 March 2009
Bawer Çakır
Anti-NATO Fair in Kadıköy
The Global Peace and Justice Coalition is marking the 60th anniversary of NATO with a protest fair in Kadıköy, Istanbul on 13 and 14 March. There will be debates, music and games.
12 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
“Obama Trying to Make Turkey US Outpost”
Associate Professor Çalışkan believes that Obama’s impending visit is aimed at getting Turkey to support the US withdrawal from Iraq.
10 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Racist State Report Withdrawn from Publication
A report by the State Auditing Commission (DDK) on shipyards has been found to contain racist descriptions of Greeks, such as “lazy” and “a genetic hostility towards Turks”. When reported, parts of the reports were taken off the website.
5 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Two Women MP's Apply to ECHR to Condemn Berlusconi's Sexism
Two women politicians apply to the ECHR regarding Italy's PM Berlusconi's insulting remarks about women. bianet talks to Anna Paola Concia about their stance, their expectations from the case and situation of civil rights in the country.
5 March 2009
Alberto Tetta