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Tens of Thousands Protested Against Israel's Offensive in Gaza
Mass protests were organized by left and right groups all around Turkey, calling for support to Palestinian people against the Israeli offensive that left more than 500 dead in its tenth day. PM Erdogan criticized Israel for using excessive force.
5 January 2009
Kurdish Women Deputies of Turkey Move Against The Polygamy Law In Northern Iraq
The women deputies of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) take a stand against the polygamy law passed by the Northern Iraq Kurdish Parliament, although the Kurdish deputies in the northern Iraq claim that the new law makes life easier for the women.
16 December 2008
Emine Özcan
Youth Union Draws Attention To Police Killings In Turkey
The Youth Union protests the murder of the Greek youth by the police and draws attention to the high number of police killings in Turkey, pointing out to the hypocritical stance by the Prime Minister.
15 December 2008
Bawer Çakır
Turkish Activists In Solidarity With The Greek Activists
The leftist activists in Turkey held press releases in front of the Greek embassies in Istanbul and Izmir. The protestors also pointed out to the similar deaths at the hand of the security forces in Turkey.
12 December 2008
Bawer Çakır
Opposition Grows Against Berlusconi's Education Reforms
More than a million students and education workers marched against plans to cut financing to public schools and universities. As public support for the student movement and unions grow, the Italian government tries to ease the reaction. Italian students also demonstrated in Istanbul in front of Italian Consulate on Friday.
13 November 2008
Alberto Tetta
The EU Progress Report Points To Lack Of Reforms In Turkey
According to the European Union’s progress report about Turkey, the reforms stalled, the military interfered in the politics again and no steps were taken towards strengthening the civil control.
5 November 2008
Tolga Korkut
President Abdullah Gül Goes To Armenia
President Abdullah Gül has announced that he will be going to Erivan for the soccer match between Armenia and Turkey. Gül thinks that this step will contribute to a new atmosphere of friendship.
4 September 2008
‘No Border Camp’ To Discuss The Plight Of The Refugees
Activists get together to discuss the plight of the refugees who cross the Aegean Sea or the Greek-Turkish border to get to Europe. In last 14 years, 410 people have died in the Aegean Sea.
27 August 2008
Pippa Bacca’s Murder Is At The Court
Accused Mustafa Karataş for the murder of Pippa Bacca, the Italian artist and peace activist, will face life sentence without parole. Bicca was hitchhiking from Milan to Tel Aviv for peace in the Middle East.
18 August 2008
Aktar Says Turkey Could Work With The EU In The Georgian Conflict
According to the European Union expert Dr. Cengiz Aktar, Turkey missed a great opportunity to work together with the EU in the Georgian conflict, since the people in Ankara could not see Turkey’s advantageous position.
14 August 2008
Ece Yıldız
Ethnic Georgians of Turkey Protest The Russian Occupation
Turkish citizens of Georgian origin protested the occupation of Georgia by Russia at the Galatasaray Square in Istanbul. They announced that they were commemorating all the civilians died in this conflict.
14 August 2008
Global BAK Finds Both The US and Russia Hypocritical
Global Peace and Justice Coalition criticizes both superpowers, claiming they both do not remember what they have done in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya.
13 August 2008
Russia and Georgia Declare Ceasefire
Medvedev and Saakaşvilli agreed to pull their troops back to the positions before the war. However, the Russian tanks entered the town of Gori. Russia denies the allegation.
13 August 2008
Russia Ended The "Georgian Operation”
President of the Russian Federation Medvedev said they ended the operation to force Georgians to peace. Russians want Georgia to sign a nonaggression document.
12 August 2008
Georgian Army Attacks An Osettian Town
Georgian army attacked the town of Tskhivali under the control of the South Osettian militants fighting for independence. Russia called the UN Security Council to an emergency meeting.
8 August 2008
Turkish Armed Forces Hit PKK Targets In Northern Iraq
The General Staff announced that yesterday (July 29) a large cave with 30-40 Kurdish Workers Party members was hit in Kandil region in Northern Iraq. A Kurdish village Bokristan is evacuated. The water project in the village is destroyed.
29 July 2008
Kidnapped German Climbers Are Free
The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that the three German mountain climbers who were kidnapped by the Kurdish Workers Party ten days ago were released.
21 July 2008
"Stop The Operations To Help German Climbers"
The Federation of Kurdish Associations in Germany and the Kurdish National Congress criticizes kidnapping of the three German climbers by the Kurdish Workers Party. They ask Turkey to stop its operations so that the climbers will be freed.
17 July 2008
Court Arrests One In The US Consulate Attack
Court arrested Dursun Patan in connection with the US Consulate attack for “being a member in a terrorist organization.”
14 July 2008
Kurdish Workers Party Is Not Releasing German Climbers
Kurdish Workers Party is not releasing the three German mountain climbers it kidnapped a few days ago. It wants Germany to end its hostile policies against Kurdish people and them. It also wants Turkey to stop its operations.
11 July 2008
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Turkey Will Sign The Kyoto Protocol
Turkey announces that it will sign Kyoto and therefore will reduce its gas emissions from 1.3% down to the required 0.5%.
4 June 2008
“Tilila”: A Shelter For Women To Recover Freedom
Tilila, one of the first shelters for women victims of violence, highlights the contradictions persisting in the Moroccan judicial system.
2 June 2008
Kenza Sefrouı
Strikes In Egypt: Female Workers
Factories in Egypt are now a battle front for the workers' rights movement that began in December 2006. Most of these events were led or initiated by women. They say “We don't want anything of the sort [feminist demands], we just want to have a good salary and a decent life for both of us, women and men.”
2 June 2008
Eman S. Morsı
Violence Against Women In Algeria: An Unending Ordeal
Ten-year conflict between armed Islamists and the civil army continue victimizing Algerian women in extreme ways. The violence of Islamists started in 1992, when Algerians discovered the use of punitive raids against women.
2 June 2008
Women Are Sad, Worried and Angry After Bacca
The Feminist Kollektif (Feminist Collective) sat in front of the Galatasaray High School in protest of the murder of Pippa Bacca. “We are sad, we are worried and we are angry,” said the women during the protest.
17 April 2008
“Error of Procedure” in Terrorism List
The Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) has overturned the 2002 decision of the European Council to put the PKK on its terrorism list because of an “error of procedure.”
4 April 2008
Erhan Üstündağ
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Thousands affected by Article 301
As the European Parliament rapporteur criticises the lack of reform in the area of freedom of expression, Minister of Justice Sahin has said that 1,189 people were put on trial in the first quarter of 2007.
31 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Efforts to Break Down Barriers in Cyprus
As it has been decided to remove the buffer zone in Nicosia, a UN team has found no land mines or unexploded ammunition in the area.
28 March 2008
Tolga Korkut
Cheney in Turkey: No Soldier Demands for Afghanistan
As part of his Middle East tour, US Vice President Dick Cheney visited Ankara and Istanbul on Monday.
25 March 2008
Erhan Üstündağ
Conference on “the Right to Water”
Various Turkish and international organisations have invited to a conference entitled “Water: Under the Yoke of Capitalism” which takes place this weekend in Istanbul.
19 March 2008
Anti-War Activist Condemns Bush after Fifth Year in Iraq
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan has marked the five-year anniversary of the US occupation of Iraq with an article on her campaign website. She calls George Bush a "traitor", and his entourage "vampires" for pushing millions of people into grief.
17 March 2008
Cindy Sheehan
Women in Their 20s: Voices from the Mediterranean
Women journalists from Turkey, Algeria, Italy, the Lebanon, Spain, Egypt, France, Morocco and Palestine will consider the “Mediterranean Woman in her 20s” in 45 articles.
13 March 2008