Swine Flu
Three More Swine Flu Cases in Turkey

The Ntvmsnbc.com news website has cited the Ministry of Health as announcing that three more cases of swine flu have been detected in Turkey.
All three cases are people who have travelled to Turkey from the USA, and so far no local cases of contagion have been identified.
On 1 June, the Ministry announced the diagnosis of a citizen of Turkey who had come to Turkey from California, USA. The person had complained of a temperature, a headache and muscle pains. Other family members are being given preventative medical treatment.
Late in the night of 1 June, two more people were found to be carrying the A/H1N1 influenza virus.
One of them was a passenger on a Delta Airlines flight taking off from New York at 4.30 pm on 30 May and landing in Istanbul (Flight number DL 072). The patient complained of a high temperature, muscle pains and pains in the joints.
The second was a passenger who had travelled on an Air France flight from New York to Istanbul via Paris and had arrived in Istanbul on 31 May (Flight number AFR 1590). This patient complained of muscle pain, a running nose and a sore throat.
Both had gone to health institutions themselves.
All three patients have been taken into quarantine, and their relatives and fellow passengers are being monitored.
The Ministry of Health has asked people on the relevant flights to contact 112 in order to be monitored on a daily basis.
115 deaths worldwide
So far, 115 people have died of swine flu around the world, according to the World Health Organisation. A total of 17,410 cases of swine flu have been found in 62 countries. (TK/AG)