Swine Flu
First Case of Human-to-Human Contagion in Turkey

The Ministry of Health has announced the first contagion of the AH1N1 virus within Turkey.
In a written statement, the Ministry of Health has reported on the situation concerning swine flu, the AH1N1 virus in Turkey.
The Ntvmsnbc news website quotes the Ministry as listing 22 cases of confirmed AH1N1 in Turkey up to date. They were all cases of people coming to Turkey from abroad and having been infected abroad.
Of these cases, 14 were citizens of Turkey travelling back, while eight were people of other nationalities.
23rd case due to local contagion
Now the 23rd case has been reported, and the first case of contagion taking place within Turkey. One citizen of Turkey who had travelled back to Turkey from abroad has infected a relative.
The ministry has said that all necessary precautions have been taken. (NTVMSNBC/AG)