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Republic Day Reception Canceled
Turkey’s official Republic Day Reception has been canceled after a mine incident is still trapping at least 15 workers underground.
29 October 2014
Diyarbakır Municipality FC Adopts A Kurdish Name
The soccer club of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality changed its name to Amedspor, referring to the Kurdish name of Diyarbakır province.
29 October 2014
PKK Denies Allegations on 3 Dead Soldiers
PKK authorities released a statement that denied their involvement in the death of 3 Turkish Army soldiers in Yüksekova district on October 25. “We didn’t give any order,” the statement said.
28 October 2014
Police Intervenes in Validebağ Grove, Detains Advocate
Police forcefully detained 5 individuals including advocate Can Atalay during protests to stop a demolition of a grove in Istanbul. 2 filed complaints against municipality workers for assault.
23 October 2014
Ayça Söylemez
In Remembrance of Our Intern Killed in Kobane
Hakan Çelik (25), a former bianet intern in 2013 was killed in defense of Kobane during fight against ISIS. bianet will always remember him with his hard work, smile and warm character.
23 October 2014
Killed in Kobane, Nejat Ağırnaslı Remembered in Istanbul
A commemoration march has been organized for Suphi Nejat Ağırnaslı, a sociologist who fought against ISIS and was killed in action in Kobane.
21 October 2014
Mert Onur,Evren Gönül
Turkey’s Wise People Decide to Meet Öcalan
24 members of Turkey’s People, a delegation to for the resolution of Kurdish issue, took a decision to initiate a meeting with PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.
17 October 2014
Nilay Vardar
Second-Division Soccer Club Invited to Join “Football is More”
Altınordu, a soccer team in Turkey’s second division, has been invited to join the network of “Football is More” - a foundation aims to support and encourage disadvantaged people worldwide by using the power of football.
16 October 2014
Detained in Beyazıt, German Girl to Be Deported
Detained by the police during anti-ISIS protests in Istanbul University, a 15-year old teenager girl from Germany is sent to a shelter prior to deportation.
15 October 2014
Beyza Kural
“Government Only Shared One-Page of Resolution Process”
People’s Democratic Party Group Interim Chairman Idris Baluken said the government only shared one-page document with them regarding the roadmap in Turkey’s resolution process with Kurds.
13 October 2014
Anti-ISIS Students Attacked Again on Campus
Around 25 students have been detained after the clashes between an allegedly pro-ISIS group and those who protest ISIS presence in Kobane. The former group reportedly attacked the latter with batons and machetes on Istanbul University campus.
13 October 2014
Beyza Kural
Who Will Teach Christian Religion Classes in Turkey?
Garo Paylan, an administrative at Turkey’s Armenian schools, commented on Education Minister’s introduction of Christian religion classes in minority schools: it is positive but has no place in practice.
10 October 2014
Yüce Yöney
İzmir Governor’s Office Denies Army: No Flag Burning
İzmir Governor’s Office denied Turkish Army’s allegations on the burning of Turkish flag in Kadifekale Military Graveyard. A statement on the allegedy flag burning was removed from the military authorities’ website.
9 October 2014
Parliament Passes Motion on Military Action Abroad
Turkey’s parliament passed a motion allowing the military action in abroad with 298 votes against 98.
3 October 2014
Party Co-Chair Model Rejected By Court in Diyarbakır
A court ruled halted the execution of co-chair model in 7 districts of the southeastern province of Diyarbakır. According to that, the administrative deeds of co-chairs might be considered as invalid.
2 October 2014
Constitutional Court Cancels Omnibus Bills Articles
Turkey’s Constitutional Court cancelled the article of an omnibus bill allowing the Telecommunication Authorities to shut down websites within 4 hours and store traffic data.
2 October 2014
Gov't Motion on Military Action Abroad Faces Confrontation
A government motion to be voted tomorrow that would allow the Turkish Army to “make a military invention in Syria and Iraq if necessary” is confronted by various political parties including HDP, SYKP and ÖDP.
1 October 2014
Governor Dismissed For Saying Idiot, Columnist Convicted
While a prosecutor dismissed former governor for calling an individual “idiot”, a newspaper columnist was convicted of insult for reporting on the issue in Turkey.
1 October 2014
Istanbul Now Has “Botanic Buses”
Departing with the idea of “creating more green space”, Istanbul’s Public Transport Authorities launched a line with a “botanic bus” - a vehicle with various plants on its top.
1 October 2014
Police Cracks Down Karşı Online Newspaper
Karşı, an online daily newspaper, released a statement, saying that police raided their office to demand the removal of article on December 25 Second Row of Corruption Probe Operations.
30 September 2014
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Internet Traffic Data Gathering Ability Brought to Constitutional Court
Two cyber rights advocates brought a recent amendment on Turkey’s Telecommunication Authorities’ ability to gather data regarding internet traffic.
30 September 2014
Assignment of New University Presidents, Deans: 14 Women, 60 Men
Turkey’s High Education Institution assigned new deans and university presidents among which only 14 are women.
29 September 2014
Turkey is Building 207 Prisons, 103 Courthouses
Justice Ministry has announced that they will build 207 new prisons and 103 courthouses with the next 5 years.
26 September 2014
DIHA Reporter Faces “DHKP/C Trial”
DIHA reporter Nuri Akman was ordered to stand trial for charges related to “being an illegal organization member” and “propaganda” along with 18 students from İnönü University. The first hearing is set to December 18.
25 September 2014
Kürdi Der Awaiting Response For Kurdish-Teaching Schools
Kürdi Der Chairman Selahattin Gültekin said they have been awaiting a response regarding the reopening of Kurdish-teaching schools despite Education Minister’s statement.
24 September 2014
Yüce Yöney
“Limiting Freedoms to One Field is Not Ethical”
Abdullah Karahan from Eğitim-Sen Union criticized the recent allowing of students to wear headscarves in schools, reminding the compulsory religious classes and closure of Kurdish-language teaching schools.
23 September 2014
Yüce Yöney
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12 Eylül: Eşek Heykeli Diktik
Alçı, çimento ve ince demirden çok güzel bir eşek heykeli yaptılar. Bir sabah erkenden hep beraber Fethi Bey’in evinin tam önüne diktik.
13 Eylül 2014
Ahmet Büke
Permission Sought to Investigate Turkey’s Military Chief
The Supreme Court of Appeals submitted a permission request to investigate Necdet Özel - Turkey’s military chief for “attempting to manipulate the judiciary and making political comments”.
12 September 2014
Davutoğlu Declares the New Cabinet
Having met wit 12th President Erdoğan in Çankaya Villa, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu declared the new cabinet.
29 August 2014
Erdoğan’s Assets Published on Official Gazette
Turkey’s Official Gazette published the assets of President Erdoğan and his wife Emine Erdoğan. According to this, Erdoğan is expecting a 500.000 lira payment from his son Burak Erdoğan.
29 August 2014
Erdoğan's Inauguration
As the results of presidential elections were announced in Official Gazette (Official Journal of Republic of Turkey), Erdoğan took the presidential oath and in the evening he will assign to AKP (Justice and Development Party) Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu to duty of forming the government.
28 August 2014
Erdoğan Takes Oath As 12th President
Having received his official election results, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was sworn in as president this afternoon.
28 August 2014