Erdoğan's Inauguration

The results of presidential election were announced in today’s issue of Official Gazette.
The decision Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s presidency is declared in Official Gazette:
“… having gained the majority of votes, it is decided on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s being 12th president of Turkey and regulation of certificate of the election by Supreme Electoral Council…”
On the account of the decision, the declaration of property of Erdoğan will be published in Official Gazette.
Hourly plan of the ceremony
1:30 pm (GMT+2): Erdoğan's departure form his apartment in Keçiören to the parliament for oath-taking. Presidential Guard Regiment will welcome him there. After Regiment’s greeting its battalion, Erdoğan will lead to General Assembly with accompany of Ayşenur Bahçekapılı, Deputy Chairperson of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM).
2:00 pm: After calling the roll in the General Assembly, text of call for extraordinary session will be read out. Speaker of Parliament Cemil Çiçek will invite Erdoğan to the hall of General Assembly. He will submit Erdoğan the certificate of the election which is prepared for the President.
2:10 pm: Erdoğan took presidential oath and then Symphony Orchestra performed Turkish National Anthem.
2:40 pm: 101 pieces of artilleries were shot in Ankara and Army Centers.
Erdoğan Family watched the oath-taking ceremony in the lodge which is reserved for President. Heads of the state and ambassadors didn't attend the ceremony.
3:00 pm: For oath-taking ceremony, the official state car will be sent from Çankaya Villa to TBMM. The presidential state car will enter TBMM with closed presidential seal. After Erdoğan takes oath, the presidential seal on the presidential state car will be opened. After oath-taking will leave TBMM building with a car with opened presidential seal.
3:30 pm: Erdoğan will depart to Anıtkabir. Assistant of President will accompany him. Erdoğan will lay a wreath at mausoleum of Atatürk and stand in homage. Then he will depart to Prime Minister Residence.
4:00 pm: He will arrive in the villa. Ceremony of type A will be realized for Erdoğan. Troops of Horse Guards will welcome him at the entrance gate of the villa. Erdoğan will greet sanjakg and honor guard battalion. Then he will depart to gateway protocol of Çankaya Villa.
4:30 pm: Official Welcoming Ceremony. Erdoğan and his wife will be welcomed by 11th President Abdullah Gül and his wife Hayrunnisa Gül at the gateway protocol.
5:15 pm: Gül and Erdoğan's procedure to the Grand Reception Hall for the inaguration ceremony. Speeches of Gül and Erdoğan after the national anthem and reading of their biographies.
6:00 pm: Reception. Farewell to Gül Family couple with a military ceremony.
6:15 pm: Erdoğan Family receives celebrations.
8:15 pm: Dinner with forein presidents and head of states.
10:00 pm: Erdoğan's assignment of Davutoğlu to Prime Minister.
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.