Assignment of New University Presidents, Deans: 14 Women, 60 Men

Turkey’s High Education Institution (YÖK) assigned new deans and university presidents among which only 14 are women.
The board decided to assign 6 new presidents to 6 private universities. It also assigned deans to 30 public universities and 39 private universities.
Only one female university president
According a statement released by YÖK, only one president turned out to be a woman.
“YÖK has decided to approve new university president candidates suggest by university administrative boards in 6 private universities. The following are the universities and their candidates: Fatih Sultan Mehmet - Prof. Dr. Musa Duman, Maltepe - Prof. Dr. Şahin Karasar, Mevlana - Prof. Dr. Tankut Yalçınöz, Murat Hüdavendigar - Prof. Dr. Mesut Aydıner, Okan – Ayşe Şule Kut, Şifa - Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ateş.”
Only 6 female deans among 30
It also turned out that only 6 new deans assigned to public universities were women.
The statement also cited that it approved new university dean candidates suggest by university administrative boards in 38 private universities.
Among those who were assigned to a private higher school was Prof. Dr. Okan Tuna from Beykoz Lojistik MYO. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.