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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Page 35
Modern Day Political Nomad and His Turkey Saga
Michael Dickinson, an artist who has been deported after facing prosecution for his caricatures on PM Erdoğan, moved to an occupation house in London.
13 February 2014
Figen Güneş
“Calling Fatih” is Punishable By Up to 5 Years in Prison
Advocate Tora Pekin told bianet that PM Erdoğan’s phone call intervention to Habertürk TV is punishable by 1 to 5 years of prison according to Turkish Penal Code Article 124/3.
13 February 2014
Ekin Karaca
Media Truth Commission Against “Yes, Sir" Journalism
bianet interviewed journalists Yavuz Baydar, Ertuğrul Mavioğlu and Amberin Zaman on the recent intervention of PM Erdoğan to Habertürk television by making a phone call during his trip to Morocco. All agreed that the government’s pressure on the press is overt now.
12 February 2014
Elif Akgül
Huge Hologram of PM Erdoğan
A giant hologram of PM Erdoğan delivered a speech in Izmir, causing massive satire on the social media.
31 January 2014
Bilal Erdoğan Rules This Week’s Humor Magazine Covers
The majority of Turkey’s prominent humor magazines allocated their covers to Bilal Erdoğan, PM Erdoğan’s son who has allegedly been summoned by prosecutors within corruption probe.
30 January 2014
PM Countersued in “Queer” Case
LGBT activist Levent Pişkin filed a complaint against PM Erdoğan who previously sued him over a tweet on queer-ness.
6 January 2014
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Three Ministers Resign, One Urges PM to Resign in Turkey
3 cabinet ministers declared their resignations this morning with resigner Environment and Urbanization Minister Erdoğan Bayraktar urging PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to resign as well.
25 December 2013
RedHack Hacks AKP Website
In retaliation with police detentions of 14 individuals on Friday, RedHack hacked the website of AKP’s Parliamentary Group Administration.
26 November 2013
Laz Activist Demands Return of Location Names
Adem Kuyumcu, founding member of Laz Culture Association, submitted an official request for the return of location names which were once converted from names in Laz language.
21 November 2013
Nilay Vardar
2 Day-Long Diyarbakır Meeting Aired For 142 Hours
According to statistics released by Media Monitoring Center, last weekend’s meeting between Erdoğan, Barzani, Perwer and Tatlıses has been reported in 1460 various news programs for 142 hours.
21 November 2013
PM Files Complaint Over “Queer” Tweet
PM Erdoğan reportedly filed a complaint against LGBT activist Levent Pişkin over his tweet “I am hunky-dory queer. I won’t learn queer-ness from you. I am expecting a statement from you”.
20 November 2013
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
4 Tips to Share A Mix-Gender Apartment in Turkey
Yol Yordam Theater Troupe released a mock video, giving 4 tips to university students on how to share a mix-gender apartment in Turkey in case governor’s officers raid their apartment.
8 November 2013
Students in Denizli Province Speak Up
Various students in the southwestern province of Denizli spoke up to bianet regarding PM Erdoğan’s remarks on student lifestyles.
6 November 2013
Nilay Vardar
Students Detained For Protesting PM
Police detained 5 Genç-Sen members for protesting PM’s remarks on student residence by attempting to flash a banner at a cafe nearby PM’s office in Istanbul.
5 November 2013
University Students Count Their “Gender-Mixed” Lifestyle
Various university students spoke up on PM's remark "Male and female students are sharing the same apartment".
4 November 2013
Beyza Kural
SGK President Raises Bar: 5 Children
“What our Prime Minister said about having 3 children is only the minimum. We will need more young working population in the years to come,” said SGK President Yadigar Gökalp Ilhan, raising the bar to 5 children.
21 August 2013
The Tightening Screws on Press Freedom in Turkey
Erdoğan’s AKP administration has had more than a decade to fix this imbalance in Turkey’s anti-terror legislation. Despite repeated attempts at reform in recent years, the desperate situation in relation to these provisions persists.
19 August 2013
Alev Yaman
Groundbreaking For Çamlıca Mosque Despite Ongoing Trial
Officials held a groundbreaking ceremony for Çamlıca Mosque in Istanbul that has been subjected to prosecution by Architects Chamber and City Planners Chamber because of its violation of essential urbanism principles and city planning.
7 August 2013
Nilay Vardar
“I Signed the Letter Because I Agreed With Its Message”
Pianist Fazıl Say, signer of a letter in The Times by 30 intellectuals regarding Gezi Resistance, made a statement backing his decision to sign the letter - a declaration that AKP Vice Chairperson Hüseyin Çelik claimed to be “arrogant”.
26 July 2013
Journalist Bekir Coşkun Ordered to Pay 2,000 Euros
Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Bekir Coşkun has been ordered to pay roughly 2,000 euros as non-pecuniary damages to PM Erdoğan for defamation due to his article entitled “The Big State Thing...”.
19 July 2013
Elif Akgül
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Journalist Ahmet Altan Receives 11 Months of Prison
Journalist Ahmet Altan received 11 months and 20 days of prison for insulting PM Erdoğan in his article “State Complicity and Morality”. While the sentence was commuted to a fine of 2,800 euros, Altan’s advocate found the verdict against European Convention on Human Rights.
18 July 2013
Ekin Karaca
FEMEN Protests in Istanbul
FEMEN protested PM Erdoğan with a banner saying “Erdoğan: From Istanbul to Kabul” at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen Airport.
5 July 2013
"People Will Evaluate the Meeting's Results”
A delegation from Taksim Solidarity has been received by PM Erdoğan last night in Ankara. The government spokesperson Hüseyin Çelik made a declaration after the meeting, saying that they will wait for court’s final decision on the future of Gezi Park and go on a plebiscite no matter the outcome of the ongoing prosecution. He also pledged that the government will make necessary investigations on police violence and take necessary measures.
14 June 2013
PM Erdoğan Arrives in Istanbul
Scores of people welcomed PM Erdoğan in Istanbul last night with anti-Gezi slogans including “Istanbul is here, where are the looters?”, “Hurray for Selim the Grim” and “Yield the way, let’s crush Taksim”.
7 June 2013
PM Erdoğan Not in Turkey For 4 Days
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is leaving on a trip to Tunisia, Morocco and Algiers - countries that overthrew their leaders after massive rebellions. For the upcoming 4 days, PM is expected to hold talks on regional and international events.
3 June 2013
"Selim the Grim is the Symbol of Alevi Annihilation"
Erdoğan Aydın, a historian and researcher on Turkey’s Alevis, told bianet that Ottoman Sultan Selim the Grim marked the symbol of the annihilation of Alevis - a group that constituted half of Anatolian population in the 16th century.
29 May 2013
Nilay Vardar
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önce siz öğrenin.
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“Lightbulb Tayyip” Slogan Sued Again
17 individuals including 15 high school students in the northwestern province of Bursa have been sued over shouting the slogan “Lightbulb Tayyip” to protest the exam system.
28 May 2013
Deputy Submits Official Inquiry to PM on May Day
CHP deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu submitted an official inquiry to PM Erdoğan, asking him a series of questions including police violence, Istanbul transport shut down and pepper gas rates.
2 May 2013
PM Erdoğan: "A Positive Move"
Referring to Abdullah Öcalan's Newroz statement on the withdrawal of PKK guerrillas from Turkey, PM Erdoğan said he saw it as a positive move.
22 March 2013
PM Erdogan's Remarks on Imrali Process Are Concerning, IPI Says
International Press Institute released a statement yesterday, expressing its concerns over PM Erdogan's critical remarks on the publishing of Imrali peace process talks outlines by Milliyet newspaper.
6 March 2013
CHP Responds PM's Remarks on Angry Mobs
"PM Erdogan claimed that Turkey's two main opposition parties attempted to provocate the Kurdish deputy wind up crisis. He should instead focus on resolving the ongoing crisis with all his administrative powers," CHP Interim Chairperson Umut Oran told bianet.
21 February 2013
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
METU Students Face Investigation on December Protests
Middle East Technical University President Office said that it launched investigations on more than 20 students for their involvement in the December protests after Ankara General Attorney prosecuted over 45 METU students.
18 February 2013
Beyza Kural