Deputy Submits Official Inquiry to PM on May Day

CHP deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu submitted an official inquiry to PM Erdoğan, asking him six questions including police violence, Istanbul transport shut down and pepper gas rates.
Tanrıkulu's questions to Erdoğan were as follows:
* Is it compatible with human rights and freedoms to intervene demonstrators that lead many injured and cause an unrest on May Day celebrations?
* What is the exact number of people who were injured by yesterday's police interventions with pepper gas and cannoned water? Will the authorities launch an official investigation on those policemen who used excessive force?
* Are there any casualties due to heavy police intervention? Will the authorities launch an official investigation on those policemen who used excessive force?
* Did the authorities launch any official investigations on previous gas bomb victims Metin Lokumcu, Çayan Birben, Hüseyin Demir, İbrahim Sevindik, İshak Kalvo ve Hacı Zengin who were either using their democratic rights to demonstrate or were just passers-by and died due to asthma? If yes, what are the results?
* What is the reason behind the shutting down of Istanbul's entire transport system leading to Taksim Square? Will the affected healthcare professionals and patients be compensated?
* What is the economic cost of pepper gas exercised by police to Turkish state? (EKN/BM)