"People Will Evaluate the Meeting's Results”

A delegation from Taksim Solidarity has been received by PM Erdoğan last night in Ankara.
The government spokesperson Hüseyin Çelik made a declaration after the meeting, saying that they will wait for court’s final decision on the future of Gezi Park and go on a plebiscite no matter the outcome of the ongoing prosecution. He also pledged that the government will make necessary investigations on police violence and take necessary measures.
Halit Ergenç, a prominent actor who attended the meeting last night, mentioned Erdoğan’s remarks on the penalization of those who perpetrated violence and urged Gezi Parkers to go home.
“I don’t think the government will tolerate Gezi Park’s occupation for so long,” Çelik said on the same matter.
Tayfun Kahraman from Taksim Solidarity, on the other hand, reiterated PM Erdoğan’s remarks regarding the government’s inaction on the project in Gezi Park until the end of court process.
He said that they will return to Gezi Park to inform the crowds.
“The matter initially started as a respect to the park, living spaces. The sensitive people in the park will evaluate the process. Those who have a positive approach will evaluate the matter as such. And they will make their own decision.”
Kahraman also announced that they will have a commemoration ceremony tomorrow for those who lost their lives during the protests.
Eyüp Muhçu from Taksim Solidarity responded inquiries on the possible end of protests as follows:
“Public squares are space where a society expresses its democratic and peaceful demands freely.
“We can mention the assurance on the use of democratic rights instead of the interdiction of their democratic demands.”
Taksim Solidarity announced via social media that people will evaluate the results of their meeting with PM Erdoğan around an activity in Taksim tomorrow. (YY/BM)