"Stop The Operations To Help German Climbers"
According to the report by Deutsche Welle Turkish Service, the Federation of Kurdish Associations in Germany (Yek-Kom) and the Kurdish National Congress (KNK) announced that to help free the three German mountain climbers, Turkey should stop the operations in the region, even if it was to be a temporary measure.
The report adds that the organizations criticize the kidnapping of the German climbers and are doing everything for their release.
The Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) demanded from Germany to force Turkey to stop its military operations in the region in the beginning of this week.
Earlier, the PKK had demanded that “Germany discontinue its wrong policies”, but had not explained what it had meant by this. Later it clarified its position by arguing that Germany was unjustly accusing, arresting and subjecting to bans the institutions and individuals representing Kurds who were immigrating to Germany.
Germany’s foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier had said Germany would not give in to blackmail.
53-year-old Helmut Johann, 49-year-old Martin Georpe and 33-year-old Lars Holper Reime were kidnapped while they were climbing to Ağrı (Mount Ararat) with a group of 13 people accompanied by a guide at 3 thousand 200 meter around 22:00. (TK/EZÖ/TB)