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Feminists Angrily React Against Ruling AKP's Anti-feminist Rhetoric
Islamist-feminist Hidayet Tuksal bursts against AKP spokesperson Firat's statement that "AKP women would not be slaves to the feminist ideology". Feminist activist Filiz Karakus is of the opinion that AKP leadership is worried of the feminist elements in their ranks.
6 May 2008
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
AKP Spokesperson:" Women Will Not Be Slaves To The Feminist Ideology"
Dengir Mir Fırat of AKP claimed that the feminist thinking creates a medium of clash between man and woman. He addressed AKP women “AKP’s women” and said that they would not be slaves to the feminist ideology.
6 May 2008
Journalists Do Not Believe in Press Freedom
Journalists do not draw a picture of a “contemporary” country, when it comes to the freedom of the press and the way the journalists are treated in Turkey.
3 May 2008
Emine Özcan
In Last Three Months, 186 People Are Tried For Their Thoughts
BİA Media Monitoring Report showed that in the first quarter of 2008, 186 people, 71 of whom are journalist, were tried for 92 cases and 12 new cases were opened for violating Article 301. The publication bans threaten the right to receive information.
3 May 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
DISK Takes The May Day Police Violence To ECHR and ILO
DISK president Çelebi tells that they will take the May Day prohibitions and the police violence, what they call “state terror”, to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).
2 May 2008
May Day Ends with Excessive Police Violence
Unions ended the May Day activity in Şişli following the excessive violence by the police forces. DİSK president Çelebi said that “Our friends ended up in the hospitals. They used all kinds of violence. Whole Turkey became Taksim.”
1 May 2008
Parliament Passes The Revised Article 301 With 250 Votes Against 65
The Turkish Parliament passes the revised 301 with the new expressions of “Turkish Nation” and “the State of the Turkish Republic” and lowers the upper limit for imprisonment to two years.
1 May 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Everybody Meets In Şişli And March To Taksim
Trade unions from DİSK, KESK and TÜRK-İŞ confederations, professional organizations and political formations will meet in Şişli and march to Taksim. Targeting the administration, Tombul from KESK says: “Do not resort to the shameful act of using violence against people”.
1 May 2008
Tolga Korkut
“It Is Not Illegal to Have 1 May Celebration In Taksim”
The DISK lawyer Okcan indicates that the court rulings disprove the governor Güler. “Taksim is open to the soccer celebrations, police marches, tulip festival and to the new year festivities, but closed to the workers. He is trying to lower the participation by scaring people away.”
30 April 2008
Tolga Korkut
Unions Urge For Taksim Square, Government Says A Wreath Is Enough
PM Erdoğan says yes to a May Day press statement and a wreath-laying ceremony in Istanbul's central Taksim Square, but no to a meeting. The unions propose to enter Taksim only from one side. Çelebi from Disk says they do not want this square closed to them.
30 April 2008
Far Right Storms a Kurdish Solidarity Night
Far right nationalists storm a Kurdish Festival. Police could not disperse the crowd. One dies. DTP deputy accuses the authorities.
29 April 2008
Erhan Üstündağ
Dink’s Murder Trial Will Be Opened to The Media
In the next hearing on July 7 Dink's murder suspect O.S. will be 18 and the trial open to the press. An informant-defendant, İğci who has refrained from testifying, will be assigned a lawyer to be heard in the next hearing the judge decided.
29 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Armenian and Turkish Intellectuals Debate "24 April 1915"
“What happened on April 24, 1915?”. Ara Sarafian of the Gomidas Institute, debates with Turkish colleagues Keskin, Aydın and Zarakolu. It's high time to face the past, intellectuals urge.
27 April 2008
Dink's Lawyers Demand Countrywide Prosecution
15 months later, with a hearing nearly every three months, the court has still not determined all the responsible parties in Hrant Dink’s murder trial. The lawyers do not think “a few young men planned the murder.”
27 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Inspectors Launch Inquiry on Newroz Incidents
Two chief inspectors appointed by the Ministry of Interior have resumed investigations on March 22 incidents in Siirt. Journalists requested to hand over pictures and videotapes in search of evidence.
22 April 2008
Important Issues Still Unresolved in Malatya Massacre
“We have not been able to get a hold of those, who planned and provoked the incident, and their organization,” stated joint attorney Tahir Elci. “Maybe we will have more information after the questioning of Emre Gunaydin.”
17 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
North And South Cyprus Get Used To Coming Closer
Last night everyone knew that Arasta was the place to be. For one moment, for one day, Arasta became the great connector. People set aside fears, prejudices, cynicism and just enjoyed the evening.
4 April 2008
Rana Zincir Celal
Two Acquittals under Article 301 for Nokta Interview
Nokta magazine journalist Sik and security expert Sariibrahimoglu have been acquitted after facing a trial under Article 301 for an interview on the military.
3 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Fine for Student Threatening Publisher
Just after Hrant Dink’s murder, high school student Sahin threatened publisher Abay, who had made a statement relating to the murder, with death. He has been given a fine.
3 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Organisations Condemn Internet Censorship
Turkish PEN, the Turkish Writers’ Trade Union, the Association of People of Letters and the Turkish Publishers’ Union have condemned the blocked access to Youtube and other websites in Turkey.
3 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
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Dink Case May Help in Ergenekon Operation
Dink family lawyer Fethiye Cetin believes that the Dink murder trial may help to find those involved in the Ergenekon organisation who are still in official positions.
2 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
12 Dead in Battle in Southeast
In a battle in Sirnak 3 soldiers and 9 PKK militants died, while 5 soldiers were wounded. Military operations continue in seven provinces in Turkey.
2 April 2008
Emine Özcan
Dink Lawyers Call for Colonel’s Trial in Istanbul
After it has emerged that Trabzon Gendarmerie Commander Colonel Öz ignored intelligence of murder plans, lawyers have called for his prosecution in Istanbul.
31 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Conscientious Objector Savda in Police Custody
After reading a press statement for the Solidarity Initiative for Ismail Saygi, conscientious objector Savda was himself taken into custody. The IHD has called on parliament to recognise the right to conscientious objection.
28 March 2008
Emine Özcan
Supreme Court Denies Journalist Mater was Insulted
The Supreme Court of Appeals has rejected a compensation claim by journalist Mater for being made a public target and being insulted by journalist Cölasan. Mater will appeal to the ECHR.
28 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Vedat Kursun in Prison until 15 April
Vedat Kursun, the responsible editor of the Kurdish Azadiya Welat newspaper has been in police custody since 5 February, accused of “continuously spreading PKK propaganda.”
27 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
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Access to Another Website Banned
After Wordpress and Youtube.com, the Indymedia-Istanbul website has now been closed with a court decision. Turkey continues to close down whole sites because of individual contributions.
27 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
A Diyarbakir “Outing”: “What are Gays Doing at Newroz?”
A group of gay and lesbian Kurds in Diyarbakir decided that this year’s Newroz would not only be a call for political freedom, but also an honest declaration of their sexual identity.
25 March 2008
Murat Özpamuk
DTP Condemns Excessive Police Violence at Newroz
DTP MP Akin Birdal holds the Siirt governor and chief of police responsible for riots at Newroz celebrations, as well as the Minister of the Interior and the Prime Minister.
25 March 2008
Murat Çelikkan
Two Deaths at Newroz Celebrations
In some cities in the southeast of Turkey, the governors did not allow Newroz celebrations to take place. Two people died in Van and Hakkari. Hundreds of people were taken into police custody.
24 March 2008
Emine Özcan
Trabzon Gendarmerie Knew of Dink Murder Plans!
The two gendarmerie officers on trial in Trabzon have stated that they had informed their superiors of the planned Dink murder. The superiors are said to have faked documents to hide their previous knowledge.
24 March 2008
Erol Ö
Newroz: “Our Message is Peace!”
As preparations for a big Newroz celebration in Diyarbakir are nearing their end, some say “we have to go for peace.” However, others fear trouble and will stay away.
20 March 2008
Emine Özcan