“It Is Not Illegal to Have 1 May Celebration In Taksim”
Reminding that the involved parties can determine an appropriate route and organize the celebration together, Okcan said “it is the governor who paralyzes İstanbul. Last year he had a virtual curfew.”
Okcan’s replies about Güler’s claims are as folows:
Not “illegal”: It has been determined on many occasions through court rulings that the law that regulates the meetings and demonstrations is unconstitutional. For example the May Day meeting of 2004 at Saraçhane was not at one of the places set aside for demonstrations. Approximately 40000 people marched to Yenikapı. The office of the public prosecutor dropped the suit by recourse to the constitution. It is written in the constitution that “Everyone has the right to organize a meeting and a demonstration not involving guns and violence without having to get permission beforehand.” Supreme Court of Appeals issued many acquittals in cases related to this law.
“There were similar claims last year as well; nobody attempted at violence except the police”: The governorship told last year as well that there would be blood and provocation. There were close to a thousand detentions, but not even a single pocket knife was found. There was no confrontation in spite of the intense violence by the police.
“Taksim is open to everyone, except the workers”: The governor says that the public order will be disturbed. Just last night (April 27) the Galatasaray fans celebrated their soccer game win. According to the law, there cannot be night time demonstrations. During the police week, the police officers marched from Mecidiyeköy to Taksim. The situation is not any different with the New Year celebrations or Tulip festivals. Already there are all kinds of demonstrations in Taksim and this is the way it should be. But when it is the workers, it is an entirely different reaction.
“Traditional demonstration can be done”: According to the law, it does not cover the meetings, ceremonies and festivities that are traditional or connected to some custom. May Day is a worldwide tradition. One should be able to go to it as if going to a New Year celebration.
“The Governor makes the police tense, too”: They bring many police officers from outside of İstanbul. It is risky to form a mixed body with officers who do not know the conditions of İstanbul. These remarks cause tension among the police as well.
“It is the major squares everywhere in the world”: The governor says “this does not exist anywhere”. May Day is celebrated in major squares everywhere and it is not only May Day, either. In Athens the Social Forum and the demonstration against the social security reform, in Rome every activity against Iraq, in Paris the demonstration against the hiring contract were all done in major squares.
“The administration is being arbitrary in the case of May Day”: In Beyazıt and Aksaray, many demonstrations take place. The police does not interfere in any of them. During the Nato summit in 2004, the demonstrators wished to march from Aksaray. The governorship opened up Kadıköy to them, even though it was not designated as such. The administration is being arbitrary in the case of May Day. (TK/GG)
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